Chapter 32: Heroes and Villains

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After switching into more casual outfits, all of the students pitched in make that night's dish: curry. The fire users went to start up the grills, others started peeling vegetables, and with everyone working together, it only took about thirty minutes to make a delicious curry that both of the classes enjoyed. Everyone slept well that night with full bellies. The next day was training that ended up being largely similar to the previous day, even with (Y/N) training with the same group as the day previous. Pixie-Bob announced that that night would be a test of courage with the two classes pitted against each other. After another evening of students working together to make food, night fell and it was time for the test of courage. Pixie-Bob gathered the two classes away from the main building.

Pixie-Bob: Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes! Next...

Ashido:... It's time for the test of courage!

Kirishima + Sato + Sero + Kaminari: We're gonna test it!

Aizawa: Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now.

Ashido: You've got to be kidding me!

Aizawa: Sorry.

He then wrapped his scarf around the five of the extra lesson group.

Aizawa: Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time.

Kaminari: Give me a break!

Kirishima: Let us be tested!

They shouted while being dragged away by their teacher.

Pixie-Bob: Okay, so Class B will be the first scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you.

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark.

Pixie-Bob: Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your Quirks.

Tiger: The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!

Jiro: Stop it. That's filthy.

Iida: I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete against each other, giving us more options for our Quirks in the process! As expected of U.A.!

Pixie-Bob held up a bunch of white slips of paper with numbers on them.

Pixie-Bob: Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!

For the first time since school started, Class 1-A had an even amount of people for an event. (Y/N) was on team eight with Midoriya. After twelve minutes and four teams went in, team Uraraka and Asui went into the forest. After waiting a minute, (Y/N) smelled a few things in the air. Pixie-Bob also picked up on something. It took a second for others to smell it, but there was a burning smell. There was also a weird smell coming from the forest. But the smell that caught (Y/N)'s attention was a scent that made him instinctively reach for his sword. Unfortunately, he didn't have one on him. Some people noticed some black smoke in the air with a blue light coming from another part of the forest. Suddenly, an invisible force picked up Pixie-Bob and pulled her into a separate part of the forest. When the group looked over, they saw two people, one with scale-like skin with something wrapped in tape on his back and a person with a giant object covered with cloth currently being pressed onto Pixie-Bob's head. (Y/N) looked at the villains and to where others were in the forest.

Mineta: Why... Why are their villains here?!

Midoriya started running at the villains.

Midoriya: Pixie-Bob!

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