Chapter 11: A Short Chapter Where (Y/N) Kinda Just Does Nothing

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Right now was the beginning of the eighth and final battle of the first round in the tournament. Just thinking about this matchup would make you want to look away. It was Uraraka vs Bakugo. Both of them walked up to the stage and stood facing each other. After their names were announced, Uraraka took a deep breath in and gave a determined glare. The thing that would benefit her the most would be if she could touch Bakugo to use her floating quirk.

(Y/N): Shion...

Uzui: Yeah?

(Y/N):... Tell Izumi to look away.

She just nodded and went back to her seat.

Present Mic: Eighth match, start!

Uraraka immediately started running low at Bakugo. When she got close, Bakugo swung his right arm at Uraraka, causing an explosion to hit her head on. Class 1-A looked on in terror at the lack of mercy that Bakugo was showing his classmate. From the smoke, you could see a U.A. gym jacket coming at Bakugo that he slammed to the ground. What he didn't realize was that that jacket didn't have a person inside. The real Uraraka came from the smoke cloud behind Bakugo and went to touch him. But before she could, Bakugo set off another explosion on Uraraka, sending her away. Bakugo swiped away the smoke and sent another explosion at her. She was able to move out of the way and behind him and went to touch him again but he set off another explosion on her, even stronger than any of the ones set off before. He sent off more and more explosions but she would get right back up and keep trying to get him.

Present Mic: Uraraka keeps attacking without rest, but... this is...

The crowd continued to look on in horror as they continued this song and dance. The explosions had more and more power in each blast but Uraraka wouldn't quit. It got to the point that pro heroes from the crowd we're yelling at Bakugo to just throw her out of the ring.

Present Mic: There's booing from part of the crowd... But honestly I feel the sa--

Before he could finish the sentence, Aizawa elbowed him, even though he himself was in tons of casts. He took the microphone from Present Mic.

Aizawa: Was that a pro saying he was playing around? How many years have you been a pro? If you're saying that with a straight face, there's no point in you watching anymore, so go home! Go home and look into changing careers! Bakugo is being careful because he's acknowledged the strength of his opponent who has made it this far. It's because he's doing everything he can do to win that he can't go easy on her or let his guard down.

Some of the smoke cleared showing that Uraraka was still standing. It was at this point (Y/N) noticed what was high above the arena, plenty of debris and rubble from the arena. Uraraka put her hands together to release her quirk and the rubble all fell at once. As Bakugo was looking up at the rubble, Uraraka charged straight at him. Bakugo aimed his arm upwards to destroy the rocks and let out his most powerful explosion yet. The sheer force of it blew Uraraka back and the wind hit the crowd. Everyone looked in shock as that one explosion destroyed every rock. Uraraka, tired out from everything that had come at her so far, got back up once again. Both Uraraka and Bakugo started running at each other but Uraraka's legs gave out and she fell over. Bakugo stopped but Uraraka started crawling at her opponent. She stopped in the middle of the arena and Midnight ran over to check on her. Bakugo won.

(Time Skip)

Uraraka was carried away to Recovery Girl so she could get healed up as Cementoss rebuilt the arena. After he was done, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had their arm wrestling match with Kirishima coming out on top. The next rounds matchups were Midoriya vs Todoroki, Iida vs Shiozaki, (Y/N) vs Tokoyami, and Kirishima vs Bakugo. The next match would prove to be a very interesting matchup. Either one of these fighters could end it in one attack. They both went to the stage and stood facing each other.

Present Mic: Start!

Todoroki immediately shot a blast of ice at Midoriya but he countered by using his flicking move which shattered the ice before touching him. Todoroki set up an ice wall that was as big as him behind himself to keep himself from being blown back by the flick. The flick broke his middle finger on his right hand. Todoroki shot another ice blast at his adversary but he used his flick again, this time breaking his index finger on the same hand. Todoroki continued sending ice his way and Midoriya broke his ring finger. More ice came and Midoriya broke his pinky. As Midoriya was finally dealing with the recoil from his own attack, Todoroki made a ice bridge and ran at Midoriya. Midoriya flicked his already broken middle finger at Todoroki and destroyed the ice bridge. Todoroki jumped and slammed his fist where Midoriya was, but he was able to dodge in time. As Midoriya was in the air, Todoroki froze his foot and set up another ice wall behind himself. This time, Midoriya used his whole arm, which shattered the ice on his foot and the ice behind Todoroki. The power behind the attack was so powerful, it caused a powerful gust of wind, stronger than anything that has been thrown out before, to blow on the whole stadium.

(Y/N): The hell is up with this guy's power?! How strong is he?!

As the dust settled, you could see that Midoriya's entire left arm was broken. Todoroki had set himself up in a cage of ice so he wouldn't be pushed out of the arena. He left the cage and you could see that his arm and part of his body on his ice side was frozen on different parts. He sent more ice at his opponent but he was unexpectedly blown back by Midoriya using his already broken right index finger. Todoroki was able to catch himself with more ice and he stood back up. Midoriya started yelling something but (Y/N) couldn't hear them. Todoroki charged at his opponent but something was off, his movements were much slower then before. He jumped and Midoriya punched him in the stomach with his right arm.

Present Mic: A solid hit!

As he was being punched, Todoroki froze Midoriya's broken left arm. He then flew back and Midoriya's fingers were in even worse shape. Todoroki got up and threw more ice out but it was much slower than before. Midoriya shot his opponent through some ice and recoiled. The two continued attacking each other with Midoriya putting his fingers in much worse states then ever. Midoriya used his thumb to flick his opponent, putting it in a similar state to the rest of his fingers. The broken boy ran at his opponent and headbutted him in the chest. Todoroki's right side froze up more and more as the battle continued. Midoriya punched Todoroki's chest which sent him flying back. After he landed, Midoriya yelled some more things that (Y/N) couldn't hear.

(Y/N): The hell is he saying? Let me try... "It's your power, isn't it?" What?

After (Y/N) finished reading Midoriya's lips, Todoroki burst into flames.

(Y/N): So this is what that m-


(Y/N) was cut off by the number two hero shouting his son's name from the crowd. Back to the battle, Midoriya jumped at Todoroki who was now using both his powers at the same time. Before they could land a hit on each other that would probably kill one of them, Cementoss created five walls that were destroyed instantly by both of them using their powers at full strength. The air pressure was so strong that it blew Midnight away and everyone lost balance. When the smoke cleared, the only one left standing in the ring was Todoroki. Midoriya was blown outside of the ring and fell over, unconscious.

Midnight: M-Midoriya was blown out of bounds... Todoroki advances to the third round!

Chapter 11 End

Hello again. Thanks for reading today's chapter. I had a fun time trying to figure out what to call this chapter and the next one. Don't worry, the next chapter will actually have something special happening with the main character as I'll probably be wrapping up the tournament soon. It also won't be as short as this one. That's about it from me so, as always, good vibes to you all. Peace.

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