Chapter 30: Kanzaki Sakiko and (L/N) (Y/N)

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After three days of travel, the boys found their way to Fujikasane Mountain. It was night as they climbed up the path leading up the mountain. During the climb, they noticed the blooming wisteria flowers all around.

(Y/N): This mountain is beautiful...

Shirai: I know, I heard that this stuff blooms year round.

(Y/N): Amazing... Hey, I think I see the gate up there.

He said, pointing at the large red gate. The boys ran up and found that they were in the right spot. Past the gate was an open area with stone ground. Standing within the area were probably about twenty kids that's age ranged between twelve and fifteen. In front of the crowd was Kagaya standing in another gate that was in front of a path leading up the mountain.

(Y/N): I'll be right back.

Shirai didn't even look at (Y/N) as he was looking elsewhere. (Y/N) ran through the crowd and up to Kagaya.

(Y/N): Master Kagaya! I made it!

Kagaya: So you have. Welcome back. I was sure you would after Ryūnosuke said he would only need a year. Is Katsurō with you as well?

(Y/N): Yeah, he's right over... Where'd he go?

He said, looking at the spot he left Shirai.

Kagaya: I see him, over there.

(Y/N) looked to where he was pointing and he saw Shirai talking to an unfamiliar girl. She was slightly shorter than Shirai, had black hair that was about shoulder length, orange eyes, a black backpack on her back, and a sword on her hip. She looked about the same age as the boys.

(Y/N): Who's that?

Kagaya: She's the one I recommended for Final Selection.

(Y/N): Recommended?

Kagaya: Everyone of the kids here trained under a different master. You are only allowed to enter the Final Selection if your master recommends it. To recommend a student, the master must have their crow report to me the names of the ones that they want to take the final selection. I'm allowed to recommend a student as well and she's been training with me since you left the Corps. I know that she has what it takes to survive.

(Y/N): What's her name?

Kagaya: She's Kanzaki Sakiko. You should go say hi. I can see Shirai's already making friends with her.

He said, giving (Y/N) a little push on his back. He walked over and Shirai and Kanzaki took notice of the boy.

Kanzaki: You, I saw you talking with Master Ubuyashiki. Who do you think you are?

(Y/N): Uh... I'm (L/N) (Y/N)?

Kanzaki: (L/N) (Y/N), huh? I've heard about you. Master Ubuyashiki said that you're the last Sun Breather, so he's got high expectations of you. You better not die here.

Shirai: Of course he wouldn't, we're too strong to die in a place like this.

Kanzaki: Is that right? People like you enter this place every year and they're the first ones to get eaten. So don't act all high and mighty.

Shirai: Oh yeah? Well I bet that I'll survive and make it out of the Final Selection grounds before you do.

Kanzaki: Oh yeah, punk? Well, you-

(Y/N): Can you two please stop fighting!

(Y/N) stepped between the two and pushed them apart.

(Y/N): We all want to survive this Final Selection, so why are we fighting before it's even begun? We should be working together to help each other survive. When we all make it out, we'll be working at the same job, relying on each other when our backs are against the wall. So let's start over.

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