Chapter 33: Away From it All

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Lower Zero: *Sigh* I was never good at improv.

Suddenly, Mandalay's voice could be heard from within (Y/N) own head.

Mandalay: Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! Everyone in Class A and Class B! You are granted permission to engage in combat!

(Y/N): Shit's hitting the fan fast, I need to deal with her fast then regroup with the others.

Lower Zero turned her other hand into an ax and swung them both down at (Y/N)'s arms. He rolled out of the way and pointed his sword at Lower Zero.

(Y/N): I have no time for this. Breath of Thunder Fifth Form: Heat Lightning!

He jabbed his sword forward and a bolt of lightning shot forward and shocked Lower Zero. He immediately went into his thunder clap and flash stance.

(Y/N): Breath of Thunder First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!

He shot forward and slashed at her neck, but was surprised when all he hit was the tree she was standing in front of.

Lower Zero: Did you really think that was all that was needed to take care of me? I can turn my body into literally any material! Your thunder cant shock rubber!

The demon had disappeared before (Y/N) turned around.

(Y/N): Damn, where'd they go? Breath of Beast Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness.

He spread out his arms, trying to feel any disturbance in the air. Nothing within thirty meters. Suddenly, he felt a biting feeling in his left forearm. He ripped it back before it could get too deep and watched the blood drip down.

(Y/N): Shit... I can't smell them because of this damn smoke. What to do, what to do? I don't want to use that move, who knows if it will actually work, plus it'll destroy my eyes. I only got one option, it'll probably give me a few seconds at most... man I wish I had two swords right now. Breath of Beast Tenth Form: Whirling Fangs!

He spun his sword in front of him rapidly. The fan-like movement pushed the gas forward a few feet. Within his small area of fresh air, he ripped off the mask and smelled the air. Behind him, from the gas, a being in the shape of the Lower Zero, flew forward and began reforming back into her normal form. Just before it grazed him, he backflipped up and above his foe and called out his attack.

(Y/N): Breath of Wind Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon!

He slashed at its neck but the blade was met with her neck turning into hard steel. A large chunk of the blade broke off when it collided with the steel. When (Y/N) dropped back to the ground he put his face in his left arm as he ran over to his mask. Before he made it, it was crushed under the foot of the Lower Zero demon. When (Y/N) looked up, the steel on her neck was gone. (Y/N) got back up and got into a high stance.

Lower Zero: You don't have long... No quirkless person can cut steel! Especially not with that puny sword!

(Y/N): Please Grandpa Tanjiro, please tell me that this actually works! Breath of Sun Second Form Adva-!

Suddenly, the sound of a slice was heard. Lower Zero's mocking laugh stopped and her eyes went bloodshot. Her neck started bleeding and her head fell off.

Lower Zero: Huh?

She said just before her head hit the ground.

Lower Zero: No no no no no no no no no no no no! This isn't how it was supposed to go! I was supposed to take you back and join the upper ranks! You bastard! How'd you do that?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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