Chapter 15: The King and his Knights

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(Y/N) has just arrived in the city where his internship is taking place. (Y/N) didn't tell the others, but the city he's in is close to Hosu city so he could keep an eye on Iida. He got off his train and entered the train station. As he walked outside, he immediately heard the cawing of a crow. He looked up and extended his arm. An older crow landed and (Y/N) started petting it's head.

Crow: Caw! (Y/N)! Follow behind me! Caw!

The crow flew off his arm and (Y/N) followed behind. After about ten minutes of following behind, he could see the agency. It was in the shape of a medieval castle and had a gate in front that had a "Knight's of the Roundtable" sign on it. The bird flew past the gate and started cawing. After a minute of cawing, the gate opened and (Y/N) walked up to the massive wooden door. He knocked and entered. Upon immediate entry, he took in the inside of the agency. The very front room was shaped like a throne room with two doorways on the sides. There was a golden throne in the back of the room with a massive table in the middle with at least twenty chairs around it. It took him a second to realize that there was nobody in the room despite someone letting him inside.

(Y/N): Hello! Is anyone here?! I'm (L/N) (Y/N)! I'm here for the internship!

???: Just a minute, boy!

From one of the doorways came a man in his mid thirties to forties. He wore a suite of silver armor with a broadsword on his back that was as wide as his chest. He had short, black hair, bright blue eyes, and stubble on his chin. (Y/N) bowed to the man.

(Y/N): It's been a long time, Master Taichi.

Iwata: That's Master Iwata, to you, boy. Don't tell me we have to go over respect again?

(Y/N): No, Master Iwata. It's unnecessary. Thank you for letting me interview here.

Iwata: It's not me you should be thanking. It wasn't even my idea to let you interview here.

(Y/N): Really?! Then who sent in the request?

???: I did.

From the same room Iwata came from, came a man in his mid to late twenties with amber hair, and violet eyes. He wore golden armor and had a sword in its sheath on his back. Unlike everyone else in the hero agency, he wasn't Japanese, but looked more English. (Y/N) bowed to him as well.

Arthur: My name is Arthur. But you probably know me as "The King Hero: King Arthur."

(Y/N): It's an honor to meet you, sir!

Arthur: And to you too. I watched the sports festival this year, congratulations on first place.

(Y/N): Thank you, sir.

Arthur: When I heard that you were Taichi's student, I sent in a request to have you interview here.

(Y/N): He told you?

Arthur: No, but I could hear him cheering you on from the other room.

Iwata: Silence.

Arthur: You shoulda heard him. "Kick that blonde kids ass, (Y/N)!"

Iwata: I said silence.

Arthur: Anyway, now that introductions are out of the way, get your hero costume on. I'll take you out on patrol.

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

(Time Skip)

We find (Y/N) and Arthur walking down the streets of the large city they're protecting. Arthur is now wearing a golden helmet along with his armor and (Y/N) has his bag of weapons. Arthur waves at onlooking citizens as they walk.

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