Chapter 25: Escape Plan

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Let's go back in time for a little bit. Back to when (Y/N) was watching the matches in the monitor room. During the match of Principal Nezu vs Ashido and Kaminari, the group watching with him was Midoriya, Iida, Asui, Yaoyorozu, and Recovery Girl who was manning the screens. As it was announced that Kaminari and Ashido lost due to running out of time, (Y/N) was asked a question.

Yaoyorozu: (L/N), have you thought of a strategy yet?

(Y/N): Hm? Kind of. With there being four of them, my best bet for just passing is to pick off one of them and rush to the escape zone. The hard part is deciding which one. If I had to choose, It'd probably be Nakajima.

Iida: But what about the others? What if they all decide to come at you at once?

(Y/N): That's the thing. They won't. One of the most consistent things within the upper ranks is that most of them are better in one on one fights. The only ones that synchronize really well together are twin brothers. If these four want to beat me, their best strategy would be to whittle down my strength little by little until and save the strongest fighter for the end. Koizumi is the smartest of them and probably has some kind of strategy like that planned out. Though, he knows more than me about my opponents.

Midoriya: "Knows more?"

(Y/N): That's my biggest problem with fighting them, their quirks. I know all of their quirks and how they work except for one, Oshiro's quirk is a mystery to me. All I know is that she's seemingly able to fly with her quirk. If I had to rank how confident I am in taking them on, it'd be Koizumi I'm the most confident in fighting, then Nakajima, then Oshiro, and I'm least confident fighting Rengoku.

Asui: Why Rengoku? Wouldn't you be more worried about the one you know the least about?

(Y/N): Assuming they try the strategy of whittling my strength down, Rengoku is the one they'd definitely leave for the end. She hits like a truck, takes hits like one, and is overall the best built overall out of the upper ranks. If I tried for Rengoku, I most likely won't be able to get the cuffs on her without taking serious damage.

Midoriya: Then what about Koizumi? You said you were most confident in fighting him.

(Y/N): Koizumi's a smart cookie. If I tried cuffing him, he could very easily separate his hands from his body and spread them out using his quirk. I don't think I'm gonna bother going for him.

Yaoyorozu: So that leaves Nakajima.

(Y/N): Nakajima is the best close quarters fighter out of the bunch. The hard part about fighting her is her incredible reaction time and just being a very slippery fighter. My best bet normally would be to incapacitate her by using my faster moves in Insect Breathing. Insect requires the use of poisons and drugs, but that's where her quirk comes in. We've just been calling her quirk "Serpent." She can transform different parts of her body into snakes such as her arms and those snakes are venomous. She can change what kind of substance is within the fangs of her snakes by ingesting whatever liquid or having it injected into her, giving her an immunity to all forms of liquid poisons and drugs. Which means my best chance of knocking her out is using thunder breathing. As long as I get one of them, I'm gonna try to avoid combat from everyone else.

(Flashback End)

Nakajima's snake arm quickly extended forward, trying to bite (Y/N). He jumped over the snake, and grabbed his sword. As soon as he landed, he shot forward in a Thunderclap and Flash. Just before he slashed her, Nakajima slammed her knee into (Y/N)'s stomach, bringing him to one knee. She brought her snake arm back and went to bite him, but just before she bit, (Y/N) jumped up while spinning in a kind of uppercut movement.

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