Chapter 16: The Duel Within the Mist

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It's now five o'clock. Iwata was surprisingly cooperative in agreeing to a sparring match against (Y/N). Arthur led him through the door where him and Iwata first came from when he arrived earlier. Inside was a room with a mat on the ground with Iwata standing on it. Iwata was no longer wearing armor, but a demon slayer uniform. Over his uniform was a black vest. There were three people leaning up with backs against the wall. The first was Amano who now had his helmet off so now you could see his short and spiky blonde hair and green eyes. He looked to be around the same age as Arthur, mid to late twenties. Next was Mizushima who was also unmasked, showing her pretty face, platinum-blonde hair tied in twin tails and grey eyes, also a similar age to Arthur. The next was a man who was standing a few feet away from the two so they didn't inhale the smoke from his cigarette. He looked like he was in his early to mid thirties, messy raven hair, and deep blue eyes with a scar going over his left one. (Y/N) was able to put together that this was Kaneko Yūma. His armor was closer to grey then silver and like the others, he had a sword on his back. He noticed the two coming in, put out his cigarette, tossed it in a nearby trash can, and walked over to the two.

Kaneko: So you're the kid from the sports fest? I would have met you when you got here but I was getting in some sleep. I'm sure Arthur told you I go out on patrol at night. It's nice to meet ya.

He said while extending a hand. (Y/N) took it and shook.

(Y/N): It's an honor to meet you, sir.

Kaneko: Don't sweat it.

(Y/N) then looked around the room and noticed someone wasn't there.

(Y/N): Hey, where's Hidden Knight?

Kaneko: She's probably here now but you don't see her. She's usually hidden in her office all day so she sends her consciousness to stuff like this. I'll let you get to your match, good luck out there, kid.

(Y/N) put his bag down and walked to the mat with just his sword.

Arthur: Alright, I'll judge this match. Since this is just sparring, don't try too hard. Though, I'm sure you're not gonna listen to me, Taichi.

Iwata: I'll make this as difficult for my student as I see fit. One of you get him a vest.

Amano: I already sent a copy to get one for 'em.

(Y/N): Why a vest?

Iwata: It's so you don't die. We'll both be using real swords and Mist Breathing doesn't have any low attacks so if either of us get hit, we'll be fine. They're cut, pierce, bullet, and fire proof.

He said as another Amano walked into the room and handed (Y/N) a vest before disappearing.

(Y/N): Thank you.

He said as he put it on.

Iwata: As a rule, I want you to only use Mist Breathing. I want to see if you've surpassed me as a Mist Breather.

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

Mizushima: Boo! I wanna see more moves then just your mist moves we've seen a billion times!

Iwata: If you wanna see more, then fight him yourself.

Arthur: If that's the only rule in place, then you may begin!

(Y/N) quickly dashed forward while drawing his blade. A light mist followed behind him.

(Y/N): Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!

(Y/N): Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!

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