Five Brothers AU part 2 (Oneshot)

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Im pretty sure you already know the AU so let's just dive straight in!

It had been two months since Grian had sent them a letter.

Two months.

He understood that graduating college had been important, but two months of complete silence?

He could at least keep up the letters.

Wilbur had thought things would turn around when Grian had come home that summer...

-----------------------Flashback pog---------------------

"Grian!" Tommy shouted, running over to the door to cling onto the elder.

The avian hybrid stumbled back a few places, laughing as he unhooked the troublesome blonde.

"Heya, Tommy. Wilbur." Grian greeted, nodding respectfully at the fifteen-year-old. The latter returned the nod. "Phil and Tech?" Grian inquired.

"Still training. They'll be back in about five." Wilbur informed him.

"Well, I'll tell you two first then." Grian smirked, eyes lighting up. The duo looked up at the strawberry-blonde. "I'm graduating early."

Wilbur blanked for a second, leaving the smaller to gasp in excitement and cheer.

Grian was graduating early? As in, this year? That could change everything. It could change his entire future, Phil's behavior.

Wilburs mouth broke into a grin.

"This year?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yeah Will." Grian nodded. "This year."

The brunette let out a noise of excitement, rocking on his heels just slightly.

"I am going to be gone for a bit longer than normal after this summer, though, because graduation and server invitations and such. But it should only take a week or so."

The teenager nodded vigorously, watching the elder as he listened intently. Grian, graduating.

And so he had believed him.


Two months was not a week, Wilbur knew at least that much. And Tommy did to, so it seemed.

"Wilbur, when is Grian going to write to us?" The blonde asked once, breaking the silence they had been in as they walked home from school.

Wilbur's walking pattern had faltered at that, unsure how to respond to his little brother.

"I don't know, Tommy." Wilbur finally sighed, gaze averting Tommy's.

"But, he said he'd graduated-" The latter almost whimpered, cutting himself off.

Wilbur felt like crying.

"I know, I know. But we've gotta give him some time, yeah?" The brunette tried to encourage gently, though he would've been surprised if Tommy had gone along with it. "How about we watch the news once we get home, yeah?"

The younger had always liked watching the news. It gave him a better look on things, apparently. And Wilbur would be lying if he said he didn't like listening to it.

The winged blonde perked up a little at this, bobbing his head.

Atleast they had eachother. Wilbur didn't know what he'd do without Tommy. He wouldn't have lived as long as he was, he knew that.


Wilbur was busying himself with the 300-word essay that was due later that week while Toy watched the news in the background. The brunette wasn't to familiar with the affect of Life on the youth, but he would make it work.

He was about One-hundred and eighty-seven words in when he was brought out of his focus by a certain loud blonde.

"Hey, Wilbur, wasn't Grian's friends called Sam and Taurtis?"

Wilbur's eyes snapped up to the screen.

'Murderer and torturer Samgladiator finally caught, wanted for death of Taurtis and kidnapping and torturing of four others. One still missing. If you've seen Grian-'

The elder of the duo quickly switched the TV off, frantically searching for his phone.

"Wilby? What- what was it saying? Is something- is something wrong?" The younger asked worriedly, gaze switching between Wilbur and the phone in his hand.

"Hello? Yes, this is Wilbur Minecraft. I'm Grian Minecraft's brother, I may have some information that you might find useful. Yeah, uh-huh." The brunette spoke, ignoring the younger. "He's the eldest out of four, last we heard he was graduating college a year earlier with Sam and Taurtis, they were all viewing servers together. They couldn't have been there more than a month, tops."


"Yeah, uh-huh. I understand. Thank you. Yes, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you." The fifteen-year-old finished, hanging up and turning off the phone.


"Tommy, I think Grian might be gone for a while."


Three weeks later, Wilbur had been called into the Head's (principal's) office.

"What is it?" Wilbur asked, standing in the doorway, looking slightly jumpy.

"It's about your brother, the eldest. Your needed at the admin cent-"

He had Wilbur at 'the eldest'. He was out to pick up Tommy before he'd even finished his sentence.

Making a quick swing by Tommy's Middle School, Wilbur gave him a quick rundown.

"The adults think Grian might be home soon, and they need our help with getting him home, okay?" Wilbur somewhat informed him.

Tommy followed by him silently, eyes averting his elder brother.

"I know he's been kidnapped, you know." Tommy spoke softly, almost whispering.

Wilbur jerked slightly.

"I uh- some kids in my class watched the news and recognized my last name." The usually loud blonde admitted.

The brunettes lips made a small 'o' as he nodded in understanding.

"Does Phil know?"

"About what?" The older asked tediously.

"About Grian... Y'know."

"He knows about that, yes." Wilbur nodded slowly.

"Does he know that we're going to the admin center, or that there's been an update in the case?" Tommy pushed.

Wilbur shook his head.

"I didn't think so." Tommy took in a shaky breath. "Might be for the best."

The brunette smiled tiredly in a silent agreement.

Wilbur just wanted his brother back.

969 words pog-

Anyway, it's like 12am, expect another chapter lol.

Also to answer your questions yes there is a discord server and yes I'm not okay.

Thanks for reading!

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