Techno and Dream for once

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Don't skip this chapter I-

So I havent really done any Dream and Techno related stuffz so that's this chapter.

Btw if I don't reply to your comment it doesn't mean I don't care about it, it's probably more that I don't see it or I just don't have the time to respond to it.

Also don't worry, this is my last 'stay up late' night.

Techno loved being near his boyfriends, but Grian was usually busy with Hermitcraft, so Dream and him where left alone a lot.

One day, the duo where sitting on the couch and reading, Dream in his tablet scrolling through Wattpad, and Techno reading some book about war.

It was late, around ten, and they where just reading for a little while until they went to bed.

Techno flipped through The Art of War, feeling the leather of the couch dip down as he leaned against the back of it.

He hadn't got much sleep the previous night and had just streamed in the dream SMP for 7 or 8 hours.


The pages rustled and he could hear Dream chuckling, probably reading a comedic story. The whole room felt warm and Techno found himself struggling to keep his eyes open.

It'd been a long day.

He marked his page in his book, just in case.

He continued down his page, but struggled to focus, almost drifting off.

Techno felt his arm droop as he slowly fell asleep on the couch. He was tired, and was sure Dream would understand.


Dream was sitting down, getting pretty tired. He'd retire to bed with Techno in fifteen-thirty minutes.

He kept scrolling down his story, which was honestly just a bunch of jokes he planned on using, when he noticed the noise of faint snoring from his side.

Smiling, Dream realized his boyfriend must've fallen asleep.

He lifted the sleeping pig hybrid up bridal-style, carrying him to they're shared bedroom.

Placing him down softly, Dream took of his mask and kissed Techno's forehead gently.


So I wanted to do some fluff.

Grian fluff next?

Y or N?

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