The Watchers Die Today

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 Requested by _Mulu_! Sorry this took me ages oh my gosh xd.

Grian ran.

He never wanted to get involved with the watchers in the first place, but he was finally in a good server, and was even in a relationship! He really didn't want to go back, and he had never intended to.

That was until they decided; "Hey, let's watch MCC. You know, that player event we never watch!"

Watchers where unreasonable.

So that's why Grian was running.

"Diamond~ come back here! Don't try to run from us!" Crown called. Grian propelled himself off the cliff, into the air. without really thinking where he was going, he rushed over to the nearest hub portal. Which was very far away, sadly.

Grian always knew his clumsiness would come back to get him, but this had to be the worst way it could. While he flew through the air, he looked back quickly to see how far behind they were. Upon seeing that they were much closer than he first thought, he immediately flew into a cliff wall.
"Are you kidding me...?" Grian muttered as the two watchers landed in front of him. He then promptly passed out.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING!" Dream shouted at a rather scared Xisamu (sorry Xisuma).
"We mean he went missing last night. We believe that the watchers took him back. Mainly because Ren found a book saying that Grian was gone and it was signed by the watchers." Xisuma explained.
"I need to go kill some watchers," Techno said, getting his sword out.
"Count me in to." Dream said, following Techno through the hub portal.

Grian woke up in his old room, scared and upset.
He never wanted this to happen. If they'd just ignored MCC like usual, then everything would be fine. At least they didn't know that Dream and Techno were coming for him.


They were coming for him, right?

"Technoblade and Dream entered The Watchers realm at approximately 2:36 am, Western Time." Xisuma informed the Prime Admin.
"And they had passes?"
"Given to them by the silvers," Xisuma confirmed.
"Very well. I see nothing wrong with this."
"Yes, my prime." 

Technoblade rushed through the door of yet another castle, Dream following tactfully behind. 
"This one?" Dream asked.
"I don't know. Maybe." Technoblade said, ready to stab more of these infernal beings. "I'll search every castle here if that's what it takes to get Grian."

Apparently, they needn't to go that far, as they met Crown at the entrance. 
"What are you doing here!?" Crown had shouted in surprise.
"You stole our boyfriend." Techno said. "About this high?" he added putting his hands very close together. 
"Techno!" Dream nudged. Braid had appeared at Crowns said, glowering.

(help I cant write fight scenes for the life off me)

Crown threw Dream into the nearest wall. The PvP master quickly got back on his feet, helping Techno fend off the other one. 
"YOU GO AHEAD!" Techno shouted. "DIE!"

Dream ran down the hallway as Techno fought the two watchers off. He checked every room he ran by until he was near the end of the corridor where he found Grian.
"Grian!" Dream shouted.
"D- Dream?" Grian mumbled. His head still hurt.
"Yeah, its me. Techno's out in the hall fighting the bigger wing people." Dream said, helping Grian stand.


aight cliffhanger.

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