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"Are you sure they liked me?" I asked Dave taking a seat on his white hotel bed. He gave me the same look he gave me the other four times I asked that, and nodded.

"Yes, Danielle. They liked you." Dave chuckled before putting an arm around me. I melted into his just wanting to stay near him forever. It wasn't like hugging just a boy you like, it was like you were hugging a person who you needed with you forever. I don't know how to explain it really.....but I'm just hoping you understand.

"Oh, and by the way. Tonight, I'm gonna go have dinner with my friend Annie. She wants to meet you, Dave. And I think you should come, please?" I asked giving him a pleading look. I knew it didn't sound to appealing to him but I really wanted him to get to know Annie. She's been dying to meet him for days now.

"Alright. I'll go, but you're gonna have to make it up to me when we get back." Dave said playfully tapping my nose with his finger. I pushed his hand away, softly. I didn't like it when people surprised me like that, it was kind of a reflex thing. I didn't know how to help it.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Dave apologized holding my hand with his. I shook my head feeling some kind of guilt, he shouldn't be apologizing. I don't know why I do that, at all. I mean, honestly. It was stupid and selfish.

"Don't apologize. Please, don't. Anyways, can we get going now?" I asked pulling my purse down from the table. Dave furrowed his eyebrows and looked to the clock, "it's 4:30? When did you plan on going?"

"Eheh- five." I said with guilt. His eyes widened, with annoyance but soon he masked it with a smile, "and you were gonna tell me when?" He chuckled folding his hands together. I scratched the back of my neck feeling bad for not telling him. And making him go when I knew he didn't want to. I was the worst.

"I'm really sorry. I'll do anything when we get back, okay?" I said pulling his hands into mine and holding them to my face sadly. He tucked some hair behind my ear and grinned at me. Just looking at me, with the cutest smile ever. I loved when he just stopped what he was doing or saying to look at me. It made you feel fuzzy.

"Okay. Let's go, Dani." Dave said holding the door for me. I walked out feeling a bit better about this whole thing. I guess he really was different from Kenny. He would've yelled at me right away and refused to let me go. But, Dave was so laid back and calm about it. It was different from anything I'd ever experienced, and I loved it so far.

"Alright, Dave. Be good, she's typically hard to impress." I brought up before dragging him outside to catch a taxi real quick. God, he must hate me.


"Okay, Annie. This is Dave. Dave, this is Annie." She looked him up and down with a blank look on her face and put on a quick smile. Dave gave me a confused look, but focused his eyes back on her.

"Hi." He said putting his hand up trying to be friendly. I just hoped Annie wouldn't pull her bitch moves right away. She always does. Annie looked to me once more and then to Dave. A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she looked back down to her water cup.

"Charmed." She said with a neutral tone. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Daves arm signaling for him to sit down, and he did. Annie didn't approve, that I could tell already. I didn't know why, at all. But, she always had a problem with something. It gets on my nerves.

"So, Annie. What did you do today?" I asked bringing up another topic. I'm sure Dave wasn't too fond of her either, they both just looked at each other with death stares.

"I went and played golf with Andy and Jen. Then, I came home and watched Bewitched. Typical huh?" Annie said with a genuine smile on her face. As I looked to my right, I saw Dave putting his hand over his mouth which had a growing smile on it. He was trying to hide his laugh, and doing quite terrible at it. This only drove Annie to scoff.

"Is there a problem, lover boy?" She snapped quickly catching his attention. He let out a quiet laugh and shook his head still hiding the smile, "no! No, not at all. Annie." Dave cooly waved it off. God, they were already getting on each other? They'd just met and they already hate one another.

"Okay, David." Annie replied with a smart like smile. I held my forehead with agony as I watched the bicker back and forth. This was gonna be one long fucking night. The entire time I just sat while the two tried not to laugh and the others stories. Insults after insults after insults. It was like taking care of siblings.

"Golf is for old people!"

"I'm surprised your not smoking right now."

"You act like a grandma."

"You act like a teenager."

Back and forth. I almost couldn't believe my ears. Neither one of them were acting like adults right now. I guess me being the youngest is ironic, huh?


"She hated me. She literally hated me." Dave said for the seventeenth time in the car. I looked over to him once again and sighed. I couldn't stand hearing him talk about Annie anymore.

"She hates everyone! She hates me sometimes." I said with serious face. He threw his hands up with annoyance and tried to relax. I couldn't handle them together anymore, they're never seeing each other again. Ever.

"Right. Whatever...." Dave bit at his nails softly looking to his feet. I tried to put an arm around him but seeing him looking like he wanted to be alone. I didn't. I decided to leave him be. I couldn't believe Annie would do something like that, she'd only just met him. But yet again my life couldn't be anymore fucked up.

"Why are you so silent?" I asked a clearly annoyed Dave sitting on the bed watching SNL. He shook his head not bothering to give me an answer. I scoffed before trying to take a seat next to him. I didn't understand what his problem was, honestly. Everything seemed to be falling to pieces again...

"Can you say one word? Just one?" I asked again. I wanted to help him, and see what the actual matter was but he wouldn't budge. I was about to give up. If anything, he was annoying me much more than I was him.

"One word." He mumbled with a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes before snatching my purse off of the counter. I wasn't dealing with him tonight, he was acting like a little kid. He wasn't being an adult about this. One little mishap with my friend and I get all the blame. Fuck that.

"Where ya going?" He asked with a confused tone finally deciding to talk. I didn't answer but slammed the door shut and walked down the stairs ready to just get out of there. I didn't like how he was being, so I left. There's no harm in that. If I'm being honest, I hope there actually was harm. I hope he would just realize what he did and apologize. But I could only ask for so much. No I didn't have any money with me, so I had to walk my way downtown to my apartment. I honestly didn't think we were gonna work out..... we jumped right into dating and now it's pushing on both of us a little too much. I didn't know what to expect in the next couple days. But, I just hoped it would all get better soon. Very soon.

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