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January 4th, 1991


"It's my birthday I can cry if I want to... cry if I want to...." Dave cutely sang that one song as we walked through the airport trying to find out way to the front exit.

"Actually your birthday isn't until the 14th...." I wanted to annoy him. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "but we're celebrating it today." He smartly replied opening the door for me. I smiled through my teeth thinking about how excited I was to give him his present tonight. I think I topped it this time. I was so proud of myself for finding the absolute perfect present.

"What are you all smile-y about." Dave asked almost breathlessly taking a seat on the bench near by. We had to wait at least 20 minutes for his mom to pick us up.... I was in for a whole lot of complaining.

"Oh nothing." I shortly answered sitting next to him drawing in my suitcase handle and setting it beside me. I slipped on my jacket that was tied around my waist. It was literally freezing.... and the snow seemed to be blowing around from the cold air and into the mist making it colder.

"Should we go inside?" Dave asked shivering from the cold. I looked through the glass windows seeing the airport nearly filled to its rim. Apparently a lot of people were traveling to Virginia today.

"No. There's too many people inside.... it'll make it even more difficult." I decided to pull out a cigarette in hopes of it warming me up a bit. I didn't really need one anyways.... the cold air turning my breath into white smoke made it look like I was smoking already.

"Jesus, mom. I swear she's the worst driver." Dave laughed looking at his watch seeing it was well passed the time we had set. I smiled thinking of good old Ginny. I had missed her, she really was the sweetest.

"Don't say that. It's snowy out.... she's probably just taking longer because she doesn't want to go fast on the ice." I defended blowing my smoke out to the side. Dave grabbed the cigarette out of my mouth and took it for a couple drags. It really was the coldest.

"Wanna play would you rather or something?" Dave asked basically shivering with his teeth. I shrugged as a way of saying sure and turned to face him more on the cold ass bench.

"Okay, would you rather.... never kiss me again, or, never sleep with me again." I laughed at Dave's weird ass question and thought about it for awhile. I didn't think I had an answer.

"Never sleep with you again..." I answered softly taking my cigarette back. Dave leant back against the wall and sighed.

"Really? I didn't expect that." He acted fairly hurt. I rolled my eyes at his childish ways and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I love your kisses. I wouldn't give those up." I explained holding his hand with mine. He kissed the top of my head lightly before snuggling into me more and more. I felt a bit warmer at least.... that was good.


"Oh, I missed you, honey!" Ginny breathlessly said as soon as we got into the house and she could finally hug me. She gave the best hugs. I missed them so much. I was relieved she didn't bring up anything about the miscarriage... I knew she had to know about it.

"Is Lisa gonna be here?" Dave asked placing his coat on the rack and taking mine off as well.

"I'm not sure.... she said she would try and make it." Ginny answered with a small frown. I wondered what the problem was. What it really was.... I wanted to see Lisa. She was so nice to me last time.

"Alright. I'm gonna go up to my room, okay, mom?" Dave said. She nodded with a smile as Dave took me upstairs again. His room was pretty awesome. I always loved it... his posters and everything. Lot of Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and David Bowie. Cool stuff....

"Alright, Dani. We've got until 6...." Dave said looking at the clock in his room. It was almost 5:30... and his friends would be coming over at 6 for his birthday. He had a look on his face that I knew too well.

"Let's hurry." I sighed.


"Danielle, could I talk to you for a moment?" Ginny asked just before I sat down next to Dave at the table. I nodded feeling a bit nervous as to what she wanted. She wasn't gonna talk about the miscarriage was she? I hoped not, "listen. Lisa is going to be coming over tonight. Her and her boyfriend haven't been the best and I think she was going to break up with him. Could you.... I don't know how to say this. Not be too public about your relationship with Dave. I don't want her feeling envious or down." Ginny asked. I felt terrible for Lisa.

"Of course. I totally understand don't worry about a thing." I smiled down to her. She smiled back and placed a hand on my arm taking me back to the table. I sat next to Dave smiling seeing Lisa had actually shown up. She did look a bit sad though, it made me feel bad.

Dave put his arm around me by instinct, and me remembering what Ginny had told me I kind of loosened under his grip making him drop his arm. He looked pretty hurt when I did that, and I couldn't tell him what I was doing because Lisa would hear and know my plan.

"So, when are the presents?" Dave asked. I tried not to laugh too much, again I didn't want to rub it in Lisa's face like that. Ginny grinned at me from across the table making me feel accomplished.

"Well, let's do them after we sing." Ginny suggested walking to the table and pulling some presents around Dave. I didn't bring mine to the table because I wanted to give him my present when we were alone. So I waited patiently. I hated singing in front of people, especially Dave. But it was his birthday and I guess I had to. I was probably making it too big of a deal. It soon ended though, and I could crawl back to being quiet.

"That ones from me." Lisa pointed to the blue wrapped present. He tore it apart and opened the box to see a new record. It was Coda by Led Zeppelin.

"Thanks, Lis! This is awesome." Dave said with such amazement it made me turn red. I loved his enthusiasm. Dave was so excited to play it I'm sure. The presents came and went until finally he had opened all of them. He didn't even look at me the whole time. I guess he was a bit confused as to why he didn't get a present from me. It killed me that he wouldn't even make eye contact with me. Soon the night ended and everyone had went home, except Ginny of course.

Dave was outside smoking when I finished helping Ginny pick up, so I joined him on the front step wrapping my arms around his waist trying to apologize. He looked down to me with confusion making me retract with my own confusion.

"What's the matter?" I asked him with a sad tone.

"Did I do something wrong? I mean, why didn't you.... you seemed distant from me, Dani. What did I do?" Dave asked looking sadder than sad. I felt so terrible.... so so terrible.

"Dave, baby, no. You didn't do anything.... your mom asked me to lay off of you for the night because Lisa was going through a break up. That's all. I couldn't tell you until we were alone." I explained locking my arms around his waist feeling so bad, "and I didn't give you your present yet because I wanted to give it to you when we were alone, okay?" I said. Dave nodded with a faint smile and continued to hug me. I felt really bad that he thought he did something wrong....

"I'm sorry... I just didn't want to mess up again. I thought I did." Dave mumbled. I held him tighter as we stood there on the porch in the freezing snow.

"You didn't. I'm sorry I didn't explain it to you sooner, but you did nothing. Alright?" I said to him sternly. He nodded once more, "Happy Birthday, Dave." I finished.

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