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July 3rd, 1991


It had been 16 hours since I had my baby. And the hospital didn't allow visitors until 15 hours after the baby is born and considered healthy. Courtney and Kurt stayed over night and Chris and Shelli came at 6 in the morning. Annie showed up at about noon as well to see the baby.

I heard a knock on the door as I held my baby in my arms. It was Courtney who had Kurt, Chris, Shelli, and Annie behind her.

"Can we come in?" She whispered. I nodded with a smile. Dave was sitting in a chair next to my hospital bed. Courtney walked over and looked down at the little boy in my hands.

"Hey baby," she whispered softly, "I'm your aunt Courtney." She said placing her finger in its little hand. He held onto it softly for a little bit.

"Do you guys wanna hold him?" Dave asked slowly taking the baby out of my hands. Courtney excitedly nodded as Dave began placing the baby in her arms. She cradled him softly whispered little cute things to him until she handed him to Kurt.

"He's so beautiful..." he trailed off holding him close and snug. He looked so happy when he saw the little baby. It's like he felt a connection to it. And it made me feel so warm. Next, Chris took it in his arms. He was so tall that I couldn't barely see the baby anymore; but he looked so adorable in Chris' arms.

"Don't get any ideas." He jokingly whispered to Shelli who held it next. She looked so cute holding the little baby. I was surprised that she hadn't had one of her own yet. Next, it was Annie's turn. I got a little sentimental seeing my best friend hold my son. I felt like a terrible friend for ditching her for nearly a year. But she forgave me like I knew she would.

He was passed to Dave next who just looked down at the baby smiling softly.

"So," Courtney asked, "do you guys have a name yet?" The question was brought up and everyone leaned in close intrigued by the question. I looked to Dave to let him announce it to everyone.

"Everyone. This is our son... Charlie Lennon Grohl." Dave said sweetly. Courtney put her hands her mouth with shock.

"No way. Lennon? That's so cute." She quietly said looking at the baby with awe. Charlie was a name I've always liked, it's just perfect for a little boy. And when Dave brought up Lennon as a middle name, I couldn't resist. I mean who could resist naming your kid after a Beatle? I couldn't. And of course... his last name would be that last name of the boy I love.

"Charlie Lennon? Gotta say that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Kurt smiled giving me and soft hug from the bed.

"I gotta tell ya Dave. I know we had a rough start, but you're gonna be the best father ever." Annie said as she out of instinct gave Dave a side hug. I smiled at the two with such warmth in my heart.

"Well, let's give them some more time." Courtney suggested as she left the room along with everyone else.

"When's your mom coming?" I asked Dave as he handed me Charlie again.

"Any minute now. She's so excited..." Dave smiled.

"I love you, Dave." I whispered to him.

"I love you too..." he kissed my lips, "and Charlie of course." He kissed his forehead. My life really was perfect in this moment and forever would be.


"Oh, he's so beautiful. I can't believe it..." Ginny was now holding Charlie in her arms. I felt sort of jealous of Dave because my mother didn't bother buy a plane ticket or come out to Seattle anyways. We sorta lost touch after 4th of July and everything...

"I know." I smiled warmly at her.

"Beautiful Charlie Lennon...." She sighed keeping her eyes locked on the baby.

"Dani, honey. When are they letting you out of this place?" Ginny asked me.

"Hopefully tomorrow. I can't wait to take him home..." I truthfully said.

"Me either. We've got a room set up and everything." Dave said with his voice still in that nervously high pitched toned. His eyes were sore from lack of sleep I could tell. But then again no one could be more tired than me I tell you.

"You two are just perfect, together... and perfect for little Charlie." Ginny smiled again. I couldn't stop looking at my little baby in her arms. I just couldn't get enough of him he was so adorable. Ginny stood up and handed the baby back to me.

"Dave could I speak to you outside?" Ginny asked. Dave nodded following his mom out of the hospital just as the nurse walked in.

"Okay," she clapped her hands together softly, "I think it's time for you to try and breastfeed." Those words made my eyes widened. I hated the idea of that and wanted to avoid it at all costs.

"Eheh, really? So soon... I mean can't we just give him some formula for now?" I was scared to death. That topic made me so uncomfortable.

"If you insist. But it will be good for you to try... I promise you." The nurse said. I couldn't believe what I was about to do, but I would do anything for my little Charlie Lennon.


daves point of view:

"David, dear. I want to give you something presuming you'll want it." Mom said to me pulling a black box out of her back pocket. My heart dropped to my stomach, when I looked at the beautiful Diamond ring, "it was my mother's and her mother's. Dave I want you to propose to Danielle."

"Mom! You can't just say that, I'll ask her when I want to!" I said confused and scared beyond words. How could she just expect me to do this.

"A baby should have a family. Especially, when I know you love her. It's the right time, Dave." My mom handed me the box. I couldn't ask her she'd totally say no... and I was in no place to get married. And my mom just seemed to think I was. And I couldn't tell her otherwise.

"Right. Well, I probably should get going. Let's get together for dinner sometime soon?" My mom just left without warning. I'd have to go back in there and NOT propose to her. And it broke my heart that I couldn't find the strength.

"Hey, baby... oh god. I'm sorry!" I walked into her.... Ya know. Eheh-

"Oh, Dave. Stop I don't like it anymore than you do. It's nothing you haven't seen." She waved it off. I guess she was right.. but seeing this move so quickly really threw me off balance. I just felt uneasy the whole time...

"I am just so excited to take him home." Dani looked down at Charlie with such love. I was totally in love with her but I COULDNT ask her to marry me. I'd freak myself out...

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