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January 2nd, 1991

Dani's POV:

The next day got a little better. I hated the way I always let Dave get by on his stupid little mistakes. It's like everyone was telling me to give up, and stop forgiving him but I couldn't. I just had a different kind of love for him, and that couldn't be broken easily. 1991 would hopefully be a better year for us.... because we all know how shitty last year was. It didn't help that I would be going back to Virginia for Dave's birthday on the 14th. His mother was bound to know what had happened last year.

I was nervous to see them again. After all the shit we went through. It wasn't an easy job, but it was for Dave's birthday and I'd be a bitch if I complained about it. But I guess I had a couple weeks before I really had to go. I'm just being hysterical, I guess. I was back in Seattle now, but it felt different. I didn't live there anymore, and I honestly didn't really live anywhere anymore. Home wasn't one place for me. It kind of sucked. This time around I wasn't at my old apartment in Seattle. I was at, you guessed it, another hotel. I hated hotels... but I really didn't have anywhere else to go.

Don't get me started on how trapped I felt. It wasn't fair how Dave could cheat on me not once but twice and expect me to be fine with it, but the second I talk to a guy it's like I'm the one who cheated. It's fucked up, but I felt like something was holding me back from telling him that. Something stronger than me. I know I wanted to say something about it but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I spent the whole day packing for Virginia. I know it was awhile until Dave's birthday, but we had to celebrate it on the 4th, because on the from January 6th, to mid March Dave would be in Los Angeles for some recording thing.... I don't think I'm going to be going. Which sucks because he's gonna be in LA for 2 months at the most. I couldn't stand being without him that long.

"Hey....." a very tired Dave said walking out into the living room. He hadn't gotten good sleep in forever it seemed. His sleeping schedule was almost as fucked up as my life... I'm guessing you can figure out how bad it is.

"Hi..." I smiled back. Dave took a seat on the couch right above my spot on the floor. I was looking through stacks of photos wondering which ones we should give to Dave's mom for keepsake. She always asks for them. I went down the stack looking at each putting them into different piles.

"Can I help?" Dave asked joining me on the floor. I handed him some pictures to look through.... I loved seeing him smile at each of them looking cute as ever. I glanced over at the ones he was looking at and almost choked on literal air when I saw one of me in Tampa with my swimsuit on. I didn't know he even took a picture.

"Oh, my mom will just love this one. Should we get it framed?" Dave teased holding the picture up in the light.

"Give me that photo, right now." I said with a stern tone. Dave shrugged acting like he didn't know wether to give it to me or not. I swear he's the worst sometimes.

"I don't think I will...." he smiled. I swatted for it and he held it higher up making sure I didn't get the chance. I stood up glaring at him the whole time.

"Give it to me!" I said trying to pull it from his hands. Dave kept laughing and laughing and laughing as I struggled to grab hold of it. I couldn't help but get caught up in his laughs and start laughing myself. Dave made it harder for me by rolling on the ground. I pounced on him like a cat would and continued reaching for the picture.

"You're crazy, woman!" Dave chuckled as I straddled him down and tore the picture from his hands.

"Ha! I won..." I giggled placing the photo on the table and placing my hands on either side of his head looking down into his eyes.

"I love you." Dave whispered pushing some hair behind my ears. I had forgotten all about what we were fighting about the day before and just looked into his eyes for what felt like hours.

"I love you too, Dave. So much." I bent down to connect our lips. I wanted to stay here forever and just fall deeper in love with Dave as every second passed. But everything has to end eventually, and unfortunately. I'd give anything to just live forever with Dave. He was my number one, and I wouldn't change that for the world.

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