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March 7th, 1990


Dave's POV:

It was almost 2 in the morning. Dani was passed out in the passenger seat of my car. Her eyes were so dark, it looked like she hadn't slept in so long. I felt so guilty. I drove up to the hotel I was staying at seeing everyone's lights either dimmed or off. Dani didn't move a muscle it seemed.

I opened her door from the outside and held her legs in one arm before lifting her up with the other. I really couldn't believe myself, I really thought I loved someone else? Danielle was the only one I ever wanted, and I fucked it up so badly with her. In a 3 day period too. Who the fuck does that?

I carried her up to my room and somehow managed to turn the lights on with her frail arms wrapped around my neck. I set her on the bed and pulled the covers over her slightly. She didn't move. I had no idea where Dana was, or what she was doing. But, she'd find somewhere. I hope.

"Dave." Danielle surprisingly mumbled from the bed. I knelt beside her and brushed her hair back from her face. Her eyes opened barely enough, "I'm sorry." She whispered with her lip quivering.

"Why are you sorry, babe?" Fuck, I can't call her that anymore.

"I shouldn't have done that. You t-told me not to." She stuttered to say before some tears ran down her face. I wanted to cry myself, she's so perfect.

"Dani, don't even think about apologizing. I'm the asshole who should be apologizing." I said back holding her face softly with one hand. She looked so sad, she looked miserable.

"I love you, Dave. I know you love that other girl too. B-but, I do love you. And I don't understand what she did that I didn't." I could barely keep my own tears in. I couldn't believe the jerk I was being.

"I don't love her. I do not love, Dana. I love you, Danielle. I'm so sorry I ever even gave her a chance. She's nothing compared to you." I said before slowly pressing a kiss to her forehead. I really did love her and I can't believe I pulled this shit with her. I lost her....

"Please stay with me forever, Dave. I love you so much." She cried softly. Her hands fumbled to hold mine, and she held them tight.

"Always and forever." I whispered back before climbing in bed with her. I held her so close, like if I let go anymore she'd disappear forever, into nothing.

Danielle's POV:

The next morning, I woke up to Dave sitting up with his back against the head board of the bed. He had a book in his hands and was reading each page carefully. I looked at the cover of the book to find out he was reading That was Then This is Now.

"Hi." I said before sitting up next to him. He tore his eyes of the page and looked over to me with a faint smile on his face. He was tired I could tell, but he'd never admit it.

"Hi." He tiredly said back to me before setting the book down. I looked to the clock to see it was already 10:30. I hated sleeping late, but I had such a band headache that going to sleep a bit later might not be that bad.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him before stretching my arms out. He shook his head with a smile and crossed his arms.

"Come on, I know you are." I said back. But he denied again, "I'm really not, Dani." He smiled vibrantly. I decided to just leave it, and take his word for it. There's nothing I could do about it anyways.

"Okay." I smiled, "What are you up to today?" I asked him quietly.

"Oh, nothing much. But, I did wanna ask you something. I'm supposed to fly to Canada tomorrow morning, and stay there for a bit. Do you wanna come?"

"Well, of course I do. But, what about Dana? What's she gonna do?" I asked concerned. He shrugged mopey like and looked down to his arms.

"Nothing. She can figure something out." He said before laying back down and snuggling against my side, "I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too." My hands were held in his and he pulled me down to lay beside him. His finger tracing the strap on my tank-top, his eyes focused on it as he licked his bottom lip. His eyes then tore away from my shoulder and to my eyes. His hand still tampering with my strap, slowly pulling it down my arm.

"Can I?" He asked before going any further. I shivered at his cold voice and nodded, "you can." I stuttered to get hold of my words before he pulled both straps down and tugged at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head.

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