May 11th, 1990
That night I didn't ever tell Dave what happened. I never said anything, and he didn't ask. I just went right to sleep once we got home. I felt terrible for dragging Dave out of his fun time. But I needed to get away from Kurt. It's like everyone I ever meet switches up on me. The next morning, I just couldn't shake the feeling inside of me. Dave didn't even ask me anything. Until, out of nowhere he did.
"So.... are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" Dave asked me from behind the couch I was sitting on. His cold voice sending a shiver down my spine. His hands were placed on my shoulders comfortingly.
"Nothing... happened. I just felt a bit sick, and short of breath. I- I don't really know." I lied with confusion myself on what to say. Dave sighed before placing a kiss to the back of my neck seductively. I inhaled sharply at the contact.
"You're okay now, right?" He whispered pulling my hair into a ponytail and running his hands through it.
"Yeah, I guess I am." I laughed before he lightly slid his hand around my jawline and tipped my head up making eye contact.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't more..... comforting last night." He apologized deeply.
"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry..... I was ridiculous last night." I said back before he smiled and kissed my lips. I hummed with happiness as he took a seat next to me on the couch.
"Well tomorrow night we're flying back to Seattle. You wanna stick with us, or go back home?" Dave asked me. I honestly couldn't answer that for awhile. I loved hanging around backstage. I loved it. But I just didn't know how to make it up with Kurt.
"I'll stick with you." I answered happily. How cares if I make it up with him or not, all I want him to know is that I was sorry and that's all.
"I knew you couldn't get rid of me." Dave joked like he always did. I smiled faintly and stifled a laugh before resting my head on his shoulder, "what's wrong?" He asked me again. I shook my head gently.
"Nothing. I just..... I love you, Dave." I sighed not knowing how to explain the connection I felt between us. It's like a magnet was pulling me to him everyday. Getting stronger each second.
"I love you too. Quite a lot, actually." He giggled pulling my waist closer to his. I took in his familiar scent of cologne and smoke which just happened to be my favorite. If I could hug my happiness.... I'd hug Dave. He kissed my neck nonchalantly.
"Promise you'll never leave me?" He mumbled his words carefully. I breathed out sharply, wishing he knew that I physically couldn't leave him ever.
"Even if I die?" He childishly asked.
"Even if you die." I giggled mockingly. Dave smiled his signature, goddamned smile and rubbed my arm sweetly. I never really realized how much I loved when Dave asked me his crazy questions. Or when he'd ask every question possible to make sure the answer was always yes.
He's so determined to make us work again, and I was all in. The past is the past, I'm down with that.
September 7th, 1990
"God, woman! You're gonna kill me!" Dave shouted from the passenger seat of his new car he'd just bought. I don't know how I ever got him to let me drive. I wasn't the best driver in the world....
"Come on, I'm doing okay!" I laughed back swerving left once the stop light turned green. I didn't really have a sense of speed when it came to driving.
"Listen. The speed limit is 65...... you're going 75. Do you wanna get us pulled over?" Dave held onto the car for dear life. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to drive. A bit slower this time, but still not "acceptable" enough to not get pulled over. Luckily, I didn't.
"Ain't nobody gonna call the fuzz in this neighborhood!" I shouted quoting my favorite movie ever, The Outsiders, with laugh filled giggles and smiles. Dave stopped complaining about my driving and just watched me having the time of my life.
"Why don't you let me drive. We can do some donuts." Dave suggested.
"What?" I asked at the unfamiliar name. He gasped like I was crazy or something.
"You've never done a donut before? Where you spin the car in a circle a bunch of times?" Dave asked with his lips curling into a smile. I shook my head at the idea, but so badly wanted to.
"Let me show you." Dave said. I quickly unbuckled and climbed over into the backseat before he switched to the drivers seat. I held onto the door handle that was thankfully locked with all the strength I had.
"Ready? 3......" Dave put the car into reverse, "2........" he had his hands on the steering wheel, "1!" In a flash the car was whipped around in the parking lot. I let a joy filled scream out as my heart practically dropped out of my stomach. I rolled the window down feeling the cold September breeze fill the car as everything started to move into slow motion. This was fun..... and I loved having fun. Especially, with Dave.
"You're crazy!" I said through a fit of giggles as the car came to a stop finally. I'm sure my hair was a mess, and outside the window was black tire marks going in a circle.
"For you." He added lifting my chin, and kissing my cheek. I couldn't control my giggles, he was so adorable.

DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. dave grohl (1)
Fanfiction❝ do you think we'll be in love forever ❞ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 danielle and dave just can't make it work ( 1989 - 1994 nirvana era ) USED TO BE CALLED "DIARY"