January 14th, 1991
It was maybe 6 in the morning. It was Dave's birthday. His actual birthday, and I wish I could spend it with him, but I knew that wasn't an option. So, I called him the moment I woke up.
"Hello?" He answered the phone with a yawn. I smiled to myself feeling happy to hear his voice again.
"Hi, Dave." I sang with a high pitched tone excited to wish him a Happy Birthday already.
"Hi, baby. How's it going?" He asked in a very tired voice. I pulled my ear away from the phone literally wanting to cry over the fact he called me baby again. I melted when he said that word.
"Alright. I do recall it being someone's birthday, though." I said giving into the urge to just sing all my words.
"Is that right?" Dave asked.
"Yep. It's my baby's birthday!" I happily said. I could just see the smile Dave had on his face. I knew he was smiling I just knew it, "I miss you." I sighed thinking about him.
"Me too. But, I'll be home in a couple weeks.... and I'll be able to see you again." Dave said with a softer tone. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I've just never missed Dave quite like this before.
"It just feels so far away, is all. But, I'll be happy to see you. And I hope your birthday is awesome." I said trying to brush off the sadness.
"Thanks, Dani. I love you." He sighed tiredly. I could hear his sweet yawn from all the way on the other line. It brought a lightening smile upon my face.
"And I love you. I'll leave you alone now, Dave," I giggled, "bye now." I drew it out. It was on my mind to tell him about the whole baby thing, right now. But, in case in somehow backfired like I knew it would eventually. I saved it for when it wasn't his birthday, and we were in person. I was nervous even thinking about it.
"Alright," he sighed, "call me later?" He sweetly asked. I bit my lip wishing I could just see him. Wishing he was right in front of me, hugging me and looking at me with his beautiful eyes and mesmerizing smile.
"For sure." I answered before hanging up the phone. I felt like I'd just run the five yard run, I was sweating more than I ever have. It's something about keeping stuff from him that just makes me feel scared and ashamed. I could never lie to Dave, never. And I distracted myself away from the fact that he could easily lie to me, and has done it many times.
"Ann, do you think me and Dave will end up together.... like forever?" I genuinely asked her looking to her from the counter. Annie looked up from her cook book with raised eyebrows. She swallowed hard and took her reading glasses off.
"W-well.... I couldn't say. I don't know about the connection you two have, that's something only you know. Do you think you'll end up together?" She flipped it around on me.
"I don't know... maybe? I just don't want to do anything big until we know for sure if we'll spend the rest of our lives together. Because, I don't want him to find someone else again." I spoke nothing but the truth. I knew Dave was over all that but I couldn't help but stay put on the fact that he did find someone else once. What's stopping him from doing it again?
"Yeah, I get that. But, despite the absolute..... detest I have for him. I really think he loves you, Dani." She smiled. I guess she was right. And Annie didn't speak fondly of Dave much at all. I really enjoyed hearing her say nice things about Dave.
Maybe I was just over thinking this whole thing.

DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. dave grohl (1)
Fanfiction❝ do you think we'll be in love forever ❞ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 danielle and dave just can't make it work ( 1989 - 1994 nirvana era ) USED TO BE CALLED "DIARY"