"i guess so, grohl."
Tomorrow got much better. We were back in Seattle and Dave was preparing for Olympia which was barely a week away. I couldn't say I was too nervous, I like to face things head on. He stayed at my apartment all week. It's like he practically lives here now and I'm not complaining. I never really realized how lonely I was until he started staying over more often.
"God I'm nervous." Dave whined from the couch watching some old TV show.
"Don't work yourself up. It's in a week." I tried helping calm himself down.
"5 days actually." Dave corrected like the smart-ass he is. I laughed at his remark and shoved him over a bit. This was the first time Dave was ever playing with Nirvana live. At some North Shore Surf Club or something. And you know what's cool? I'll get to sit BACKSTAGE and watch them. I've never done that in my life and I was so damn excited.
"Whatever. Its a long ways away. You'll be fine. Besides, I heard you guys play. You sound amazing." I said putting my arm around him comfortingly. Dave sighed his pretty sigh and nodded.
"I am amazing, huh?" Dave asked sarcastically admiring his nails like a diva queen. I slapped his hand down with a laugh.
"I guess so, Grohl." I sighed back before the phone rang. I gave a weak smile to him before standing up to answer it.
"Hello?" I asked into the phone happily.
"Danielle. It's Kenny again. I've been calling all week and you didn't answer. I thought something was wrong." He said sympathetically. This guy was fucking crazy and he knew it.
"Yeah there is something wrong. You need to leave me alone. I swear to god, Kenny." I said in a strict tone. Dave appeared beside me with his hands on my shoulder wondering who I was yelling at.
"I know! But, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. And I want you to come back....." Kenny started. I cut him off immediately.
"There's someone else, Kenny. And it's not you." I hung up the phone wanting to cry. Have you ever felt like someone was slowly entering you life again after you keep blocking them out. Kenny always knows how to squeeze back in for a minute and I was done. After all the shit he's done to me, I can't even look him in the eyes.
"Dani. Who was that?" Dave asked pushing the hair stuck to my tears out of the way. I quivered my lip and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"No one. Some asshole from a long time ago. I love you, Dave." I snuggled against him tightly. Dave relaxed a bit and proceeded to wrap his arms around me too.
"I love you more. And if there's some guy..." Dave started.
"No! There's no guy. Just some old boyfriend trying to...." I never finished. I couldn't finish. I just wanted Dave now. No one else, ever again. Just him....
"Hey. It's okay, Dani." Dave calmly said hugging my closer and tighter. I took in his familiar scent of cologne and smoke. I loved it honestly. It felt so comfortable.
"Come on. We'll both be gone in a week in Olympia. We can do whatever we want and nobody will bother us." Dave mumbled against my hair. I guess he was right, I'd be away from everyone for awhile. I just hated Kenny more than anyone.
"Yeah. Yeah, Dave. You're right." I sniffled before looking him in the eyes. He had such a big smile on that I honestly forgot my worries. I loved Dave, and he loved me. There's nothing else I could ever want.
Day by day, the hours passed until finally it was time for Dave's first live show with Nirvana. I was a bit nervous for him honestly. I could never get up in front of that many people and preform. It had to be perfect and worth watching, I don't know if I could do that. But, Dave seemed confident. We drove down to Olympia, it was about an hour away.
I got to check into a sweet ass hotel. Not some cheap one, this was the real deal. It was big, and fancy. I was honestly having the time of my life at this hotel. I loved every inch of our room. The beds were perfectly made, and comfier than anything else. The TV was very colorful and big, and had really good quality.
"I think you love this hotel more than me?" Dave questioned wrapped his arms around my neck. I cocked my eyebrow up and pretended to think a bit before shaking my head.
"No way." I said before standing on my tippy toes to kiss him quickly. Tonight was the night. Dave would play at this surf club and the next night we'd be off to this college about a week later for another show. After that, we'd have to fly all the way to Birmingham, London, and Leeds. Yeah, did I mention I get to go to fucking England? I could not be more psyched.
"You nervous." I asked referring to his white knuckles and sweaty palms. He looked down and nodded at his feet. I could tell there was a lot of pressure on him. The drummer of a band always has a lot of responsibility. Keeping the best going, matching the beat. Harmonizing with the bass. It's tough.
"It'll be fine. You're amazing, Kurts amazing, Krists amazing. Everyone will love you guys." I added making sure he understood. Dave nodded with a generous smile before heading off to the beds and laying on his back.
It was 4:30 P.M and the show was supposed to start at 7.... there wasn't much time left and I think reality was just catching up with Dave. He was shot with a bolt of white terror thinking about being the "new kid" in a big band.
I didn't know what to say. Or what to do. I wasn't too good when it came to advice. But, I couldn't wait until the show started. I just wanted to see him up there being happy. That's it. And hopefully, he is happy.

DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. dave grohl (1)
Fanfiction❝ do you think we'll be in love forever ❞ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 danielle and dave just can't make it work ( 1989 - 1994 nirvana era ) USED TO BE CALLED "DIARY"