March 7th, 1991
"Holy shit! That's awesome, guys!" Chris said wiping the sweat off of his face, "wow. Imagine having a little baby on the road with us!" He said in a cute high pitched voice. I giggled at him as he looked down to my stomach by instinct.
"How many months?" Chris asked looking rather excited.
"3." Dave answered getting excited himself.
"That's so amazing!" Chris cheered holding his hands to his cheeks with amazement. Kurt didn't say anything. Anything at all. He stood there with a blank expression looking at his shoes. It made me feel... worried. Why didn't I get a reaction from him?
"Isn't that cool! And not to brag but I was told first." Courtney piped in like usual. Chris never did care for Courtney that much, but he gave her a smile. I could understand why to many Courtney didn't seem like a person to like. But they didn't get a glimpse of her just living like I did. I think many didn't understand her.
"You guys should have a gender reveal party! I'm totally throwing one! And a baby shower!" Courtney said. I never did want to make this pregnancy a big thing. But now that it's here, I kind of did want it to be a big deal. But not in a brag-y way.
"Well, I know for a fact it's gonna be a girl." Dave piped in.
"What makes you so sure?" I asked with a laugh.
"Because I just know it. You'll see." Dave put his arm around me again. Kurt still said nothing, and Dave didn't seem to notice that he wasn't happy or excited or anything. He looked rather disappointed.
"I have to get something from the car, I'll be right back." I lied walking outside hoping that Kurt would follow. He always did, when he wanted to talk in private. The second I got outside the door swung open, like I knew it would.
"Hi." I smiled to Kurt trying not to hint at my sadness. I would never expect this from him.
"Hi. Look, I know your mad at me. But I just needed to talk to you in private, okay?" He said lightly placing his hand on my arm to stop me. I waited for him to continue speaking, "I'm sorry, okay? I was just nervous. Once you said those words it just gave me this worried feeling. That's all. I'm so happy for you, Dani. Don't think I'm not." Kurt said.
"I would never think that. I appreciate how much you care about me. But I'll be fine. I promise, Kurt." I said before standing on my tippy toes to hug him. This wasn't a hug we'd had before. It was a real, strong hug.
"I know you will. I'm so happy, Dani. So, so, happy." He said deepening the hug.
"Thank you, Kurt." I said to him softly. We both ended it on good terms and walked back into the building. Kurt walked right up to Dave.
"Hey, man. I'm happy for you." He said to him. I smiled to myself. I felt such happiness in this moment.
"Thanks, man. I'm nervous." Dave smiled awkwardly.
"That's good. You'd be insane if you weren't nervous." Kurt said trying to make Dave feel better, or at least less anxious. There were at least 6 months left until I would even start to go into labor. I wasn't happy about that at all.
March 9th, 1991
"Dave, I don't know if I can do this." I said as we drove in the car to that god for saken ultrasound. I couldn't stop worrying about last time.
"Yes you can. Okay? I'll be right by you." His hand held mine. I was so excited, but nervous. I didn't know if I could look at my stomach knowing there was a baby in there. It felt like the car ride was 2 seconds long. Because we got there in flash. I didn't want to go inside even. But I couldn't be stubborn.
"Hello. Danielle Bailey?" A woman asked me once we walked in. I nodded with my arms crossed rubbing them up and down from nervousness, "you two can follow me." I saw Dave swallow hard as he saw the hospital room. His face went pale as a ghost.
"Go ahead and lie down, I'll be right back in." She smiled. I did what she said feeling sweat basically drop from my finger tips. Dave has been drumming on his knee, and fidgeting like crazy.
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, fine. Totally fine." He gave me a thumbs up like a dork. I shook my head with a smile as the nurse came back in.
"Three months correct?" She asked pulling papers out and writing things down.
"Yep." I said shakily.
"Alright, Danielle. How's dad doing?" She turned to Dave. His face went even whiter once he heard the word "dad" he looked almost transparent.
"Good." His voice cracked. The nurse laughed softly.
"Don't worry, everyone's like this." She said to Dave. He nodded still looking rather anxious. The nurse sat next to the table in a swivel chair and brought out this stick thing. It was connected to a screen. I was so fucking nervous I couldn't even move. Dave looked up at the screen with anticipation.
"Ready?" She asked. I nodded hesitantly as she put the stick on my stomach. I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a shape of a baby. It was so small, but it definitely looked like a baby. I had a baby in there, I actually had a baby.
"Is it... does it look..." I asked the nurse not finishing my sentence. I was at a loss for words, Dave looked at it with a smile on his face. That goofy, cute, smile.
"It's perfectly healthy. Right there is it's heart beat." She said. I listened to it beat right after mine. I felt like I'd never felt before. I felt happy, happier than I've been in such a long time. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to be a mother.
"So..." Dave had another voice crack, "when can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?" He asked still watching the screen. He looked like he was gonna cry.
"About another 3 weeks? Maybe 4. You'll have another scheduled appointment by then. We can send it to someone or you can take the card home." She answered, "I'll give you two a moment, alright?" She exited the room.
"Holy shit, Dani. That's inside of you!" Dave said getting all excited and holding my hand. His eyes never left the screen for more than a second.
"Yeah, I know, Dave. I can feel it." I said shifting in slight discomfort.
"You can? Ew..." Dave trailed off feeling his stomach weirdly.
"Thanks, babe." I rolled my eyes moving the stick around myself. I loved hearing its heart beat. It gave me such high hopes. I was really gonna be a mom, and that's the only thing I ever wanted. I was having a baby. Sure, I was only 21, but I didn't care.
"Can we send a Christmas card?" I asked terribly off topic. I wanted to send one that had some cheesy Christmas baby thing.
"That's the one thing I'm gonna have to say no to." Dave replied placing his hand on my stomach gently. There wasn't even barely a bump yet. It was only just showing enough.

DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. dave grohl (1)
Fanfiction❝ do you think we'll be in love forever ❞ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 danielle and dave just can't make it work ( 1989 - 1994 nirvana era ) USED TO BE CALLED "DIARY"