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April 6th, 1991


"God. I feel so... so... I don't know." I looked down at my stomach. There was a pretty noticeable bump, but people probably just thought I was fat.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked sitting next to me. I sighed out loud not really sure of what answer to give him. There were a million things wrong right now.

"I don't know if I can do this. I'm already sick of it. It's like someone is murdering me from inside of my stomach." I complained feeling totally helpless.

"I have an idea, okay?" Dave said before moving from the couch down onto the floor right by my legs. His scooted closer to my stomach and placed both hands on it gently.

"Listen, little man, you should give your momma a break. She's going through a lot for you. I'll buy you everything you want, if you just take it easy in there!" He said. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. He really did know how to make everything better.

"Hold on!" Dave said before walking into the other room. He brought out his guitar and took a seat on the floor again, "alright, bud... I wrote this song for momma a while ago. So, sit back and relax." He talking to my stomach like the baby would respond or something. Then he started strumming a melody on the guitar. I didn't even know he played that good, he always refused to play for me.

My baby's got blue eyes, deep like the ocean. Her hair is curled, done up all the time. My baby's got red nails, black heels, and gold tales. I can't believe that she's mine. But not my baby, I've got her to save me.

She's a little lady from her head to her shoes. She talks like a maniac singing the blues, and I wouldn't want any other way. Because she's my baby Dani. She always got a plan. But not my baby, she's here to save me.

She's such a memory that I've been watching for a year. Playing in my head like a broken record. I wish she knew I loved her dear. My baby Dani, is my girl.

He then finished the song. I remembered reading some of that song, but I had never read it finished. But I'm so glad I have now.

"Did you like that one?" He asked my stomach again.

"I know I did." I said motioning for him to come back up on the couch. I trapped him in a warm hug. His arms snaked around my waist and we held each other for the rest of the night. And that song he sang was stuck in my head the whole time.

"I didn't know you could sing like that...." I trailed off still amazed by the song.

"Like what? I'm not very good...." Dave held my hand tightly.

"Oh, shut up. Yes you are." I said with a roll of the eyes. He needs to take more pride in what he does. How could he think he wasn't very good.

"Did you know that we're recording a new album? In Van Nuys might I add." Dave brought up a new topic.

"Wow really? Where?" I asked.

"Sound City."

"No way? Really?" They were recording an album at Sound City? Thats like... not even... it's not. What the hell?

"Yes really. Kurt somehow managed to work through it." Dave answered with a shrug.

"Kurt always has something up his sleeve, huh?" I laughed.

"Apparently..." Dave trailed off.

"You know one time he showed up to my door with a bunch of Marigolds just out of the blue." I remembered that one moment. When he flew back from Cincinnati to see me.

"Marigolds..... those are really beautiful..." Dave trailed off like he was thinking deeply about the word.

"I know.... orange, and yellow." I started saying whatever was on my mind. The whole night Dave seemed to sit in silence, throughly thinking about the word Marigold. Like it had some meaningful thing worked into his mind. But I enjoyed the silence, and began thinking of Marigolds myself...

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