Eric C and Paul

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Requested by One_directioner4eva ! So sorry this took so long, was slammed with finals but I'm finally on break now lol

There was a knock on my door and I looked up from the book I was reading, assuming it was a nurse. But to my surprise, a man I had never seen before walked into the room. "Um, hi. Can I help you?" I asked. There was a pause before he locked eyes with me, giving me a smile. I felt my heart start to race as I looked at him. There was something about him, something that made me feel a way I never had before. His gaze was brimming with love and his presence just felt safe. But at last the moment ended as the gaze broke.

He walked over, sitting in the chair beside my bed. "My name's Paul Stanley. I was visiting a relative in here, and...well I'm not sure, something just compelled me to come in here and talk to you," he said. I nodded slowly, heart still fluttering. "Well I'm glad you did. It's nice to meet you," I said shyly. He gave me another smile, eyes sparkling, and I nearly melted. "It's nice to meet you too," he said, shaking my hand. His hand felt comfortable in mine, fitting perfectly as if it was made to hold it.

I ended up being very happy that Paul decided to wander into my room on a whim. We hit it off right away, as there was an undeniable spark between us. I was able to talk with him about anything, it felt as if I had known him for years rather than just a few weeks. We very quickly ended up falling in love with each other, and I never it to end. He came by every day, staying for hours as we talked about everything and nothing at all. But I could feel myself getting weaker by the day, and I knew that Paul could see the same. That was the one thing we never talked about, both of us too scared of the possibility to address it.

Paul was over once again as he was every day, talking as we always did before at last he let out a sigh, kissing me softly. "It's late, I'm going to head home." "See you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully, and Paul nodded. "Of course. I love you, I'll see you tomorrow, don't you worry about it. Get some sleep though, you need rest," he said gently, brushing some hair out of my eyes. I nodded, closing my eyes, chill running through me. "I know." There was a pause before I took a shaky breath. "I'm scared. I think I'm dying," I whispered. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you," Paul said, kissing me on the forehead. "You're going to be just fine." Nodding, I pulled the blankets higher, feeling myself growing tired. "I trust you," I mumbled, dropping off to sleep as he told me he loved me.

"I'm so sorry for what I have to do. I'm sorry I have to hurt you like this."

I stirred at the sound of the soft voice, eyes flickering open to find Paul sitting beside my bed. "Paul? What're you talking about?" I mumbled, but he didn't answer. "I love you," he murmured, kissing me on the forehead. "It's because I love you I have to do this, and I'm sorry that it'll hurt." I opened my mouth to tell him I loved him too and ask him what the hell he was talking about, but he silenced me with a kiss on the lips before his mouth dipped to my neck and he bit me. I felt a white-hot pain race through me and would have cried out in agony had Paul not clamped his hand over my mouth.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as Paul continued to murmur apologizes and professions of his love to me, gently wiping the tears away with his thumb, his touch soft against my skin. To my surprise, I felt his arms going around me, lifting me into the air as he held me against his chest, kissing me on the forehead. "Just sleep. Close your eyes and rest. It'll all be okay," he said in a soft voice. My eyelids were so heavy I couldn't really have protested even if I tried, so I just did as he said, dropping off to sleep in his arms.

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the gap in the curtains and frowned, sitting up. I didn't recognize the room or the bed I was lying on, and it certainly wasn't my hospital bed. I ran a hand through my hair, stifling a yawn. My body still felt heavy, a blanket of sleep still draped over me. Before I could even slide out of bed and explore, the door opened as Paul walked in, giving me a soft smile. "Good morning. How do you feel?" he asked. "I feel..."

I frowned, trailing off. I felt better than I had in a long time. I felt good. "I feel good. I don't feel sick," I said, staring at him with wide eyes. "I don't understand, why...what did you do?" I asked. He walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me, arm going around my waist and kissing me on the forehead. "I'm...this might sound insane, but I promise you it's the truth. I'm a vampire, you're my soulmate. You were dying, I couldn't bear to lose you, so I...I bit you, turning you into a vampire as well, to save your life. We're meant to be, I can't live without you," he murmured.

I looked at him for a moment, heart fluttering, before giving him a soft smile. "Thank you," I murmured, leaning over and kissing him. He kissed me back, arms wrapping around my waist as mine encircled his neck. We stayed locked in a warm embrace for awhile before at last breaking apart. "I love you," I said, and he smiled. "I love you too." Heart happy, I nestled against his side, soothed by the rise and fall of his chest, and content with the knowledge that we were going to live happily ever after.

Not currently taking requests, sorry!

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