Peter and Bella Swan

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Requested by aerogurl18 ! I've never watched or read Twilight so I hope this is okay!

I could barely focus on drumming as we ran through practice. I couldn't even explain why, but there was something distracting me, there was something on my mind that I just couldn't shake.

Gene let out a sharp whistle to catch my attention and I jumped, turning to look at him as he raised an eyebrow. "You planning on actually drumming today?" he snapped. I looked at my hands, almost surprised to see that they weren't in the middle of drumming. "Oh...yeah. Yeah, sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't focus," I said absentmindedly, talking to myself more to them.

"Peter I swear if you're on drugs right now I'm gonna kill you," Gene said under his breath. "I'm not! I'm not, I promise. I don't know what's wrong, I just...I'm so distracted. Sorry. Sorry, I'm trying. Maybe could we just take a break?" I asked. "Ten minutes. Go," he said. Nodding, I stumbled out of the room, unable to think straight. "Come on Peter, focus! Pull yourself together," I muttered, massaging my temples. "Just focus."

A hand came to rest on my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin, turning to scowl at Paul. "Don't do that! You startled me," I grumbled. "I know you can't focus right now. Gene doesn't understand, but I do. You'll find her tonight," he said in his usual infuriatingly mysterious way. "Find who?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes, smacking me on the back of the head. "Your soulmate, dumbass. Now come on. Let's get back to practice."

I stared at him, eyes wide, feeling my heart start to skip. "You're sure?" I asked, and he nodded, giving me a wink. "I'm always sure. Seriously though, come on. We need to get back to practice before Gene flips out and kills us." Heaving a sigh, I followed him back to the room. "It's stupid how heated he always gets," I muttered under my breath, and Paul nodded. "Yeah. But it's just how he is," he said with a shrug. Rolling my eyes, I took my seat behind my drum kit again, picking up my drum sticks. "Alright. Let's go again." "You going to focus this time?" Gene snapped, and I scowled. "Yeah. Relax," I spat back.

Paul walked over to him, murmuring something to him in a low voice, and Gene nodded, giving me another glance but still not saying anything. Despite Paul's reassurances that I would find my soulmate soon, it was still almost impossible for me to focus. There was this constant tugging on my heartstrings, a small voice in my head urging me to abandon practice in favor of wandering the streets until I found my soulmate. Gene held up a hand and we all stopped playing. "Alright we're done for today. Peter, it's very obvious your mind is somewhere completely different and so there's no point in practicing if you can't focus well enough to actually even really play. Just go ahead and do whatever you're thinking about so much right now, we'll practice again tomorrow."

Giving him a grateful smile, I set down my drumsticks, pulling on my jacket before rushing out of the building. It was cold outside, since the sun had gone down a few hours ago, and I moved silently through the city, wandering up and down the sidewalks without really knowing what I was looking for. I rounded the corner, smacking into a young woman who was hurrying down the sidewalk. She stumbled backwards and I darted forward, catching her before she fell. "Sorry, I didn't see you there! Are you alright?" I asked, before gasping in spite of myself.

The girl I had ran into was beautiful, with brown hair streaked with red and the softest hazel eyes I had ever seen. She gave me a gentle smile and I felt my heart melt. "I'm fine, thank you. Sorry I ran into you, I was just in a bit of a rush." "Oh no no don't worry about it. I-I'm Peter," I said, holding out a hand. Still smiling, she shook my hand. "I'm Bella," she murmured. I nodded, absolutely enthralled by her. "Bella. That means beauty, doesn't it? I can see why you're called that, it's a very fitting name for you." She smiled, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go. "Thank you, that's very sweet of you. But I have to go now," she said, looking over her shoulder.

I frowned, unwilling to let her go. "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked. She frowned herself, looking behind her again. "I just...need to get away from a mistake," she said, half to herself. My frown deepened and I put my hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked, worry creeping into my voice. She let out a sigh, shaking her head. "There's a man after me. He doesn't want me for me, he just...he wants me for my blood," she murmured. I ran a hand through her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Well stay with me and I'll keep you safe. I won't let anyone hurt you, because I love you for you, not for your blood or anything like that."

"I don't need help. I can handle it myself, on my own," she said in a strong voice, and I smiled. "I know you can. But you don't have to. Stay with me and we'll be able to handle anything life throws at us, together." She gave me a smile. "Alright. Let's go then," she said. I nodded, starting to walk off with her, before catching her wrist and pulling her to a halt. "Wait. One thing first," I murmured. She raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" Smiling faintly, I lifted her face toward mine, kissing her.

She kissed me back, wrapping her arms around me, and I finally stood locked in an embrace with my soulmate.

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