Bruce and Eric C

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A/N: This is a continuation from the last one!!!!

I walked back to my hotel room with a yawn, fumbling with the key card for a moment before finally unlocking the door. Dead on my feet, I stumbled over to my bed and flopped on top of it, closing my eyes. "Holy shit being on a tour is draining," I murmured.

All I wanted to do was sleep, but the door connecting my room and Eric's swung open and he walked in, giving me a grin. "Hey! Nice job at the show tonight, you did really well!" he said cheerfully, sitting on the bed next to me. I pushed myself upright with a yawn, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. "Thanks! Obviously you did super well too, but you don't need me to tell you that. You're definitely one of the best drummers I know, if not the best," I said with a forced smile. I mean yeah I meant everything I said, but I was also really tired and I just really wanted to crash.

"Aw thanks Bruce, that means a lot. Anyway you want to do something tonight? It's our last night in this city and I was thinking maybe we could go out and have some fun before we leave tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. I tried to give him a more genuine smile and tried to work up the strength to say yes, but I barely had the strength to keep my eyes open. "Eric I'm really sorry I'm just so tired from the show I don't think I'd be any fun to do anything with tonight. Let me catch up on some sleep and then we can go out tomorrow afternoon before the show, how about that?"

His expression brightened and he grinned. "Sounds like a plan! I'm looking forward to it!" he said cheerfully, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze before retreating back into his room with a parting wave. I smiled faintly before nestling deeper into the pillows and passing out almost instantly.

Way too bright and early the next morning, Eric burst into my room again, giving me a huge smile. "Hey! Bruce! Wake up, man! It's thirty minutes past when your alarm was supposed to go off, let's get going!" I sat up, blankets sliding off of my chest. "W-what?" I mumbled. His face went red and I realized with embarrassment I wasn't wearing a shirt. Hastily, I pulled the blankets up to cover myself. "You're running late! We're leaving soon!" he said, before ducking back into his room.

Smiling softly, I slid out of bed, hastily getting dressed and throwing all my stuff into my suitcase, grabbing my guitar case and joining Eric in the hall. "Alright, we leaving now?" I asked with a yawn. He nodded, grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the hall. "Yeah, come on! If we miss the flight Gene and Paul are gonna be pissed. I almost missed one of the last ones and damn they gave me an earful."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Dude, how the hell do you have so much energy? It's way too early," I mumbled. He shrugged, still holding my wrist as we waited for the elevator. "I'm just excited! I'm excited to hang out with you this afternoon!" he said, giving me a smile, eyes shining. My heart melted and I gave him a warm smile. "Me too."

Despite how excited I was to hang out with him, I was still pretty tired and ended up falling asleep on the plane, resting my head on his shoulder. It was later when we landed, and he shook me awake with a smile. "Alright man we're here, let's dump our stuff at the hotel and go hang out!" he said eagerly.

Laughing, I rose to my feet, doing as he said. And within thirty minutes, we had left Gene and Paul at the hotel and were totally free to do whatever the hell we wanted.

"So what's the plan? What do we want to do?" Eric asked, giving me a nervous smile. "Whatever you want to do! I looked up the city though and there's a fair on the outskirts, do you want to go to that?" I asked slowly. His face absolutely lit up and he gave me a hug. "Ooh yeah! Let's do it! That'll be fun!" he said happily.

It didn't take us too long to reach the carnival, and he was absolutely stoked to go, bouncing on his toes like a little kid. "Oh my gosh Bruce I'm so excited! This was such a great idea!" he cried. Somehow, my heart melted even more and I gave him a fond smile, hesitating for a moment before taking his hand, giving it a squeeze.

To my absolute delight, he left his hand in mine, pulling me along the midway. "Ooh hey you wanna get some food? I love the fried food they sell at these places." I smiled, giving his hand another squeeze. "Sure, you wanna split something?" "Hell yeah, let's get a funnel cake! Oh um I mean...unless you wanted something else?" he asked hesitantly.

I shook my head, smiling. "No man, whatever the hell you want is fine with me," I said. Eyes dancing beneath a tangled mess of curly hair, he pulled his hand free, pulling out his wallet. "Alright sweet, you wait here and I'll get us one!"

I took a seat at one of the countless picnic tables, resting my chin on my hand and waiting for him to get back. A few minutes later, he jumped onto the bench across from me, handing me a fork. "Okay here! I wasn't sure what toppings you liked so I got all of them," he said, quietly taking my free hand and holding it.

The whole time we were eating, I fought back the urge to lean over and kiss him, without really knowing why I was resisting. Between the two of us, we finished off the funnel cake pretty quickly, and Eric immediately jumped to his feet again. "Hey let's go on the Ferris wheel! I've never been on one but I've always wanted to."

Since he had bought the food I bought us some tickets, and we sat in the gondola, chatting with each other about how the tour was going and how we hoped the show tonight would go. The Ferris wheel halted right when we were at the top, and I realized this was my moment. I turned to Eric, who was already facing me. "Hey I love you," we said at the same time, before bursting into laughter. "Perfect! That answers the question before I even had to ask it!" he said, and I responded by leaning over and kissing him.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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