Tommy and Ace

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Requested by aerogurl18 !

"Alright, so you guys are sure that this is what you want to do, right?" I asked, looking at Gene and Paul. "Yeah, yeah, it'll be fun. I mean sure Peter and Ace have...issues but it'll be fine," Gene said. "They still know how to play the songs and stuff and besides, people want to see us. Like, the four of us together again. It'll be fun, probably." I heaved a sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Alright well let's do it, I guess. Since I'm manager I'll reach out to them and ask them if they're still set for the reunion," I said.

"Sounds like a plan," Paul said, rising to his feet. "Yeah. Let me know if there's anything else that needs to be done, but in the meantime I have people to do," Gene said. "You mean things to do?" Paul asked, raising an eyebrow, and Gene gave him a smug smile. "I meant what I said." Rolling my eyes, I walked over to my phone, dialing Peter's number. After a brief discussion he agreed that he was still down for the tour and would meet up with us soon. With a sigh, I dialed Ace's number next, dreading this conversation a whole lot more.

Ace had been like my biggest inspiration when I was younger, he was the main reason I wanted to get into playing guitar, and I had a huge crush on him. But I couldn't help but get the feeling he really didn't like me, which just made things a whole lot more difficult. I very slowly dialed his number, taking my sweet time before calling him. "Mm y'ello this is Ace," he said once he picked up. "Hey Ace, it's Tommy Thayer." "Hmm Tommy Thayer...not sure I know the name. We met before?"

"Yeah. We have. Several times. I manage Kiss?" "Ohh! Oh, Tommy Thayer! I vaguely remember you! Why're you calling me?" "Gene and Paul still want to do the reunion tour. They want you to come back on lead guitar. Peter's already signed on and the fans as well as the other three would really love to have you back," I said. There was a pause before he responded. "Sure. Just tell me when I need to meet up with the rest of them," he said. "Alright, will do. Glad to hear that you're in on it. I'll reach out to you when I have some more things planned," I said, hanging up and letting out a long sigh, running my hands through my hair. "Ugh," I muttered.

A few weeks later, the four of them finally assembled again, and oh boy tensions were high. I did everything I could to make sure that they didn't completely fall apart and go for each other's throats, and somehow we managed to get through talks of making a new album for the tour without anyone killing anyone. "Alright well we'll call it for today I think, glad we were all able to work together well," I said. "Sounds like a plan, just let us know when we should meet up again," Paul said, rising to his feet and walking out of the room. Gene and Peter said similar goodbyes and I looked at Ace, expecting him to leave too. But to my surprise, he took a deep breath, looking at me. "Um...can I talk to you?" he asked slowly.

"Yeah sure. What's going on?" I asked, praying he wasn't about to tell me that he was going to drop out. His face grew red and he ran a hand through his hair. "I don't...actually remember how to play my pieces. Like I don't remember any of my solos or just my leads on the songs," he mumbled. "Oh. Well you did fine with the MTV Unplugged--" I started, but he shook his head. "Yeah, because Bruce Kulick saved my ass on that. He ran me through everything before we performed and even then I followed him as we actually played. I haven't done Kiss songs in years, I don't remember it at all!"

I nodded slowly. "Well...I can teach you," I said after a pause. He blinked, giving me a confused look. "Wait what?" "I mean I know your parts, I can teach you them. It won't take much to be honest, just a bit of a refresher for you." He gave me a grateful smile. "I would appreciate that. I'm really not trying to have to deal with Gene and Paul and even Peter probably giving me a bunch of shit for not knowing how to play."

"Right, right yeah I get that. Look, I'll just give you my address and you can come over and I'll run you through it. Shouldn't take you too long to pick it up again, and we'll just practice as many times as we need until you get it." He nodded, holding out his hand. "Thanks Tommy." "Of course," I said, shaking his hand with a smile. It was really tempting not to leave my hand in his but I had absolutely no reason to believe he had a crush on me the way I did on him.

A few nights later my doorbell rang and I pulled open the door to find Ace standing there, face red as he held his guitar case. "Uh. Hey Tommy," he said quietly. "Hey Ace. You ready to play?" I asked. He nodded, giving me a thin smile. "Yeah. Thanks again for this." "Of course, of course. I'm the manager, it's my job to make sure that everything runs smoothly."

He followed me into my living room as I grabbed one of my guitars and we started to play. He was right, he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. I had to basically reteach him all of his parts, and it took hours before he started to even slightly begin to get the hang of things again. I looked at the clock in surprise after we ran through Detroit Rock City again. "Oh! Shit it's almost ten, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you that long," I said apologetically. "No! No it's okay!" he said quickly. "No I like spending time with you! I'm okay to keep playing if you're okay with it."

I nodded, giving him a smile. "Of course. I like hanging out with you," I said, starting to run through more songs again. We played for a long time before he let out a yawn. "Shit it's 3 in the morning. Damn didn't mean to stay so long, that's on me," he said, face going red. "It's alright, it was fun. If you want you can just uh spend the night here if you don't want to drive home," I said slowly. He gave me a smile. "Yeah, if you don't mind that would be nice," he said. "Yeah of course!"

Chatting happily with him, I got him set up in the guest room, saying goodnight before walking into my room, falling onto my bed with a smile. "Aw Ace," I murmured, closing my eyes and dropping off to sleep. I woke up the next morning, walking into the living room and finding him already awake. He gave me a wide smile. "Hiya curly! Thanks again for helping me out so much with all this," he said. "Of course! I love you a lot, I'm happy to help," I said, before realizing what I said and feeling my face going red. "I-I mean I like you a lot," I stammered.

He rose to his feet, walking over to me and giving me a smile. "Mm, do you mean that though?" "Y-yeah?" I said slowly, and his smile got bigger. "Nah, you meant what you said the first time," he murmured, before leaning forward and kissing me. Heart pounding, I kissed him back, running a hand through his hair. At last we broke apart and he picked up my hand, giving it a squeeze. "Love you too, lucky for you," he said with a wink.

I grinned, lifting his face toward mine and kissing him again.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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