Ace and Gene

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Giggling like mad, I stumbled down the street, keeping my arm around Peter's shoulder. I kind of needed to keep my arm around his shoulders because I was so drunk I'd probably fall down if I didn't. "Mmkay this'sh your place!" Paul said, pointing at a house as he swayed slightly. "N-no that'sh m' new neighbor," I slurred, squinting at the house. "Moved in lash week." 

Peter's face lit up. "Ooh let'sh egg his house an' welcome him to the neighborhood!" The three of us exchanged glances before huge smiles split our faces and we rushed into my house. "Ashe you don' even have any eggs!" Paul wailed, looking sadly into my fridge. "Nuh-uh! Behind the milk!" I snapped. Peter ran into the kitchen, arms full of rolls of toilet paper. "Lesh go!" he said eagerly, handing some to me. 

Paul grabbed the carton of eggs and we all stumbled into my neighbor's yard. It was hard to actually trash his house due to the fact we were all on the verge of being fall-down drunk. Despite our inebriation, we made pretty quick work, tossing toilet paper everywhere and hurling eggs at the walls. Eventually we ran out and were left to survey our mess. It was glorious. Long strands of toilet paper were draped gracefully over the trees and bushes, fluttering in the wind, while egg yolk and shells dripped down the walls, glistening wetly in the moonlight. 

"Alright lesh go home," Peter slurred, grabbing my arm and dragging me back to my house. Paul finished puking on the walkway up to my neighbor's front door before staggering back to my yard, flopping onto the grass. "Mkay g'night," he mumbled, passing out. Cackling hysterically, Peter and I shared a cigarette and kept an eye on Paul before finally their taxi cab arrived. After helping to stuff Paul in the backseat, I waved goodbye to the two of them and stumbled into my house, collapsing on the couch and immediately falling asleep. 

The incessant ringing of the doorbell woke me up way earlier than I would've liked the next day, and I sat up with a groan. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I shouted, pushing myself to my feet and walking slowly to the front door. I pulled it open, wincing in the sudden brightness of the morning light. "Can I help you?" I mumbled. 

The man standing on my doorstep scowled, folding his arms across his chest. I gave him a smile as I recognized him. "Oh hey! You're my neighbor, right? You just moved in next door!" He didn't return the smile. I held out a hand. "I'm Paul, but my friends call me Ace," I said. He didn't shake my hand. "Nice to meet you, Paul. I'm Gene. You have a fun night last night?" he asked, voice ice cold. 

I squinted at him in confusion, racking my foggy brain to try and remember what Paul and Peter and I did last night. "Uh...I mean yeah? I went to a bar with my friends, it was fun. Why do you ask?" His scowl got darker and he pointed at his house. "Because you and your two friends went and trashed my fucking yard!" 

The memories slowly started to worm their way back into my mind and I opened my mouth to respond before feeling my stomach curdle and immediately ran back into my house, puking in the sink. Gene just stood in the doorway, keeping his arms crossed and glaring at me. "Sorry," I gasped, washing out the sink and my mouth before walking back to the doorway. His mouth pressed into a thin line and he just stared at me disapprovingly. Despite the anger radiating from him, I couldn't help but admire how cute his face was. He was also pretty solidly built, shirt hugging him a little tightly. 

"Look, I don't want to get the cops or anything involved, that's ridiculous for the crime committed. But I do want you to clean it up. So get yourself together, get dressed, and come clean up my yard," he snapped, turning on his heel and storming off to his house. 

Heart fluttering, I stared after him, tracing the subtle curves of his legs. "Mhm I will happily come over," I murmured to myself, heading into my house. Humming to myself, I knocked back a cup of coffee with a few alka-seltzer tablets in it and got dressed, shaving my face clean before pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail and walking over to his house. 

I rang the doorbell, trying not to look at the absolute mess we had made of his yard. I started to feel guilty as I looked at everything we had done, but Gene reappearing in the doorway snapped my mind right back to him. "Hello Paul. Get cleaning," he said, shoving a rake and a trashbag into my hand. 

He kept standing in the doorway, watching as I raked all the toilet paper into a pile, pulling it out of trees and bushes and stuffing it into the bag. It was really hot outside, and sweat was rolling down my face as I worked. "Hey, uh, Gene, do you have a hose I could borrow? To...clean off the eggs and stuff," I said sheepishly. He nodded, pointing at the side of the house. I untangled the hose, spraying off the walls and the sidewalk where Paul had thrown up. Eventually, his yard was cleaned and it looked like nothing had happened.

"Look, I'm really sorry for last night. We were, uh..." "Really drunk?" he finished for me, arching an eyebrow. I nodded, face going red, before glancing at him and feeling my face going even redder. He shrugged, giving me a look. "It's fine. You look hot, do you want to come in and get a drink?" he asked. "You think I'm hot?" I asked in confusion, and his face immediately went scarlet. "N-no I mean that you look hot as in you're sweating and stuff, not that you're hot as in you look good," he stammered, before his face got even redder. "I-I mean not to say that you look bad, you know, you look good and..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair. "So did you want a drink?" he mumbled after a pause. 

Feeling my heart melting, I nodded, following him into his house. His house was very clean, everything super neat and organized and the complete opposite of my home. "You can just sit at the table," he said, all of his previous cold attitude replaced with a flustered nervousness I found absolutely adorable. He poured two glasses of lemonade, handing one to me. "Did you want anything to eat? Like a snack or-or lunch or something?" 

"Oh, no no I'm okay! Thank you though, that's very nice of you," I said, giving him a smile. He smiled back, sitting at the table with me. We drank our lemonade in silence for a bit before I looked at him. "So, where'd you move from?" I asked. "I moved here from a few cities over. Got a new job in town so it made sense to move in. It's been kinda boring though, haven't made a ton of friends yet. Plus I had just broken up with my boyfriend a few months ago so I don't even have that to fall back on," he said with a sigh. 

My heart leapt and I gave him a huge smile. "Well, I'm happy to show you around!" I said eagerly. He gave me a soft smile in return. "Thanks...Ace," he said, before giving me a look. "Why do people call you Ace?" I shrugged. "In high school and stuff I was able to get dates with guys super easily so my friends called me Ace because of that and it just kinda stuck!" 

I stayed at his house for a few more hours, just chatting, before he realized what time it was and jumped to his feet. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to keep you for so long! Here, I'll take you home," he said. I reluctantly rose to my feet, following him to the door. "Hey, would you...maybe want to grab dinner sometime?" I asked slowly. "W-well you mean a date?" he asked. "If you wanted it to be," I said, standing on his doorstep and giving him a hopeful look.

All his confidence seemed to return in a flash and he darted forward, giving me a kiss. "Wednesday at 7, I'll pick you up. See you later Ace," he said, closing the door. I stood there, stunned, a stupid smile splitting my face before I punched the air excitedly. "Yess!" 

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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