Eric C and Bruce

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I let out a dreamy sigh, slumping over my drum kit. Gene looked up from tuning his bass, raising an eyebrow. "Eric Carr. Are we doing this again?" he asked. "Doing what?" I asked, playing innocent. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." "Mm no I don't think I do," I said, feeling my face burning as I forced a smile. Still giving me the same flat look, he set down his bass and walked over, leaning on my kit. "You're head over heels in love with Bruce, aren't you?" he asked in a low voice. 

Face getting even redder, I let out another sigh, burying my face in my hands. "Maybe. Yeah. Okay fine yeah you got me, I love him. Oh, d-do you think he loves me back?! Do you know if he's like...if he's...if he's in love with me too?" I asked eagerly, giving him a grin. He laughed, shaking his head. "Look, I know he's gay, but I really have no idea if he's in love with you, I'm sorry." Rolling my eyes, I pushed him off my drum kit. "You're useless, you know that?" I grumbled.

The door swung open and Paul walked in, giving me and Gene a smile. "Hey guys! Gene, still trying to help Eric with his love life?" he teased. "Hey! Shut up!" I snapped. "I didn't ask for anyone to help me with my love life!" Paul pursed his lips into a frown, raising an eyebrow. "Eric. You need help with your love life. Look, I'm hosting a little get together at my place on Saturday for the band, just for us to sort of kick back and chill before we go on tour. Figure out if Bruce likes you, and if he does, make a move!" 

"But I mean come on man, you know how Bruce is!" I cried. "What about me?" Bruce asked, walking into the room and popping open his guitar case. I jumped, face burning. "Uhh j-just that you're really good at guitar!" I said hastily, while Gene and Paul exchanged pointed glances, giving me a look. 

Bruce laughed, slinging his guitar strap over his shoulder. "Well, I do my best. I wish I was as good at guitar as you are at drums though," he said, giving me a smile. I smiled back, heart skipping up to a hundred beats a minute. "Aw, th-thanks! You're too sweet," I mumbled, face burning. Gene rolled his eyes as he and Paul picked up their instruments and we started to practice. 

Saturday rolled around and I found myself walking up the stairs to Paul's apartment. My heart was racing as I knocked on his door. There was a brief pause before Bruce pulled the door open, giving me a huge smile. His cheeks were flushed pink and he was clutching a beer, eyes shining. "Eric! Aw man I was worried you wouldn't show up!" he cried, giving me a hug and pulling me inside. 

My face was burning and I gave him a smile. "No no I was never not gonna make it! Just running late," I said with a nervous laugh. Paul and Gene were smiling smugly at me as Bruce steered me to the living room, keeping his arm around my shoulders. "You want anything to drink?" Paul asked, gesturing at the beers with the one in his hand. "Uh yeah sure, that's fine," I mumbled, running a hand through my hair and accepting the beer Bruce pressed into my hand. 

Bruce was sitting next to me on the couch, still keeping his arm around my shoulders. I drank the beer with a shaking hand, trying not to show how nervous I was, as well as how excited I was to be able to sit next to him with his arm around me. We spent an hour or so just drinking and talking happily before Paul rose to his feet, walking out of the room. He came back a second later, holding a box. 

"Alright boys, you ever hear of a game called Twister?" he asked, huge smile spreading across his face. "Oh hell yeah!" Bruce said, leaping to his feet. I felt my stomach twist into anxious knots as I watched Paul and Bruce set up the game, spreading out the mat. "Gene, you wanna play?" "No no, I'll just watch. I'll spin the spinner," he said, taking a sip of his usual non-alcoholic beverage. "Eric, you're playing, right?" Bruce asked. I thought there was a note of hope in his voice but didn't want to trick myself into thinking he really wanted me or anything. "Oh, y-yeah! Yeah I'll play!" I said with a grin. 

"Okay, we'll do two-player games, I'll play winner. Eric, you and Bruce go first," Paul said, giving me a knowing smile. I felt like punching him, but stood on the opposite end of the mat from Bruce, giving him a grin, which he happily returned. We both kicked off our shoes, standing in socks. Gene spun the spinner. "Mm, right foot red." I moved my foot forward, giving Bruce a playful grin. "Hope you're ready to lose, Kulick," I teased. "Bold words there, my friend. You can kiss my ass," he said with a wink. "Left hand blue," Gene said, and we moved accordingly. 

The game went on and we started to get more and more tangled while getting closer and closer toward each other. "Right hand yellow!" Gene said, and both our hands went toward the dot. I got there first, his hand coming on top of mine. "Bastard!" he said with a smile, lifting his hand and frowning. "Hm, guess I've got to go here," he said playfully, putting his hand on the dot between my legs. I felt my heart race and tried not to freak out. 

"Left," Gene said, looking at the board instead of the spinner. "You bastard," I whispered to myself, putting my arm through Bruce's legs. "Hey Eric, when I said kiss my ass I didn't mean it literally," he teased, giving me a wink, and I nearly melted. "Left foot blue," Gene said, giving me a look, and Bruce swung his leg over me, basically riding me. "Right hand red." 

"Whoops," Bruce said, reaching his arm over my shoulder, body pressing against mine. "Wait stop pushing on me, I'm gonna fall!" I protested, feeling my arms shake. "Oh, so you mean if I were to push on you you'd fall and I'd win?" he asked with a triumphant smile. An idea hit me and my face lit up as I twisted around, kissing him on the lips. 

Stunned, he fell backwards, landing flat on his ass. "I win," I said with a grin as Paul and Gene burst into laughter. He stared at me in shock before grabbing my shoulder, pulling me on top of him as he smashed his lips against mine. I melted into his arms, returning the kiss passionately. His arms went around my waist, his hands grabbing me, holding me tightly against him as we made out. 

"Alright damn you two, get a room!" Paul cried after a pause, throwing one of my shoes at us. Reluctantly, we broke apart. I gave him a huge smile, chest heaving and my face red. "So, you wanna like...go get a room back at my place?" "Mm, do I," he purred, pulling me to my feet. "Thanks for the party Paul, it was fun!" 

He just smiled, giving me a look. "Yeah, any time!" he said cheerfully. As Bruce practically dragged me out the door, I heard him tell Gene that he owed him five dollars. I was too happy to know Bruce loved me back to care that they were gambling with my love life. 

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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