Y/N and Eric C

290 13 7

Requested by Montannaj

Shivering, I walked quickly down the sidewalk, wrapping my jacket tighter around myself. It was cold outside and the wind really didn't help. But there was a small cafe up ahead which looked like it would be warm and inviting, unlike the outside. The wind was stinging against my cheeks as I pulled my collar up higher and pushed open the door, ushered inside by a gust of wind. The little bell above the door rang as I stepped inside and the lady behind the counter gave me a smile.

"Hello and welcome in! What can I get for you today?" she asked cheerfully. Frowning, I put my hands on my hips, looking at the menu. "Hm, how about a hot chocolate?" "Of course! We're pretty busy today, so if you can find an open table go ahead and have a seat. If not, you can always join someone else at a table!" she said with a smile. Nodding, I found the last open table which was in the furthest corner of the cafe, taking a seat. After a few minutes, the lady brought over my hot chocolate, setting it down on the table with a smile. "Thank you!" I said, taking a sip and immediately feeling a smile spread across my face.

The hot chocolate was perfectly warm, spreading through my chest like a rich hug. I wrapped my frigid fingers around the mug, letting the heat spread through me as I slowly started to warm up again. The bell above the door rung as a man was blown into the cafe, ordering a coffee. I watched as he looked around the cafe at all the full tables before locking eyes with me, giving me a smile. I smiled back and he took that as a sign to walk over and join me.

"Hey, sorry to intrude but you mind if I share your table?" he asked. "Not at all, have a seat!" I said, scooting my hot chocolate a bit closer toward me. A slight pink blush spread across his already red cheeks as he sat across from me, holding out a hand. "I'm Eric!" "I'm Y/N!" I said, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you! Man it is so much nicer in here than outside," he said. "Oh I know! It's freezing outside and the wind is only making it worse." He nodded, accepting his coffee from the lady. "I know, my face is freezing. At least I've got all the hair to hide my ears," he said, running a hand through his curly hair.

I smiled, feeling my heart melt a bit. We had just met but I was already really grateful he had chosen to sit at my table. In addition to being a whole lot of fun to talk to, he was really cute, with soft brown eyes and a sweet smile that wrinkled his button nose, red from the cold, adorably. "So are you from around here?" I asked. He laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, no no. I'm actually just in town for the Kiss concert tonight. Have you heard of them?" My heart leapt and I gave him a huge smile. "Oh, that's why I've come downtown too! I mean I live in the suburbs close by but I came into the city for the concert tonight!"

His face lit up. "Oh perfect! Hey, we should meet up after the show! Where're you sitting?" he asked. I frowned, trying to remember my seat number. "Hm, I think...oh gosh, let me see. My seat isn't great. I'm section 204, row D, seat 1," I said, looking at my phone. Nodding, he made a quick note of that. "Alright cool! I couldn't tell you what my seat number is but I'll find you after the show," he said, eyes twinkling. "That'll be nice! You're a big fan of them then?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Eh yeah you could say that! I got into them recently, I'm not like a lifelong fan. Only started following them after Unmasked. How about you?"

"Oh, I've liked them for awhile! Unmasked is a good album, even if it is a bit different!" I said, and he nodded. "Yeah, the songs on it are fun! Who's your favorite member?" I frowned, running a hand through my hair. "Hmm, that's a tough one. But I'd probably have to go with Eric Carr! He seems like such a nice and genuine guy and he's so good at the drums! Plus I love his makeup design, it's really cute. I wish I knew what he looked like underneath it," I mused, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh yeah I've met him once before, backstage! He's great, he's super nice and friendly. Didn't get to see him without his makeup though so I can't do anything to help you with that," he said with a wink. I grinned. "Aw, darn. That's so cool that you got to meet him! I hope I can meet him someday too," I said with a wistful sigh. "Oh, I'm sure you will someday! He usually likes meeting fans, I'm sure you'll meet him someday!" "I hope so!"

We hung out and chatted for a few more hours before he rose to his feet. "Well it was really nice meeting you Y/N, I'll be sure to catch you after the show!" he said. "I've gotta head out and get ready, I'll see you later tonight." "Bye Eric!" I said, giving him a wave as he walked out of the cafe.

Later that night, I made my way through the crowds of people in the arena, taking my seat up in the nosebleeds and squinting to try and see the stage. To my surprise, a lady who was very clearly working at the arena walked up to me, giving me a smile. "Are you Y/N?" she asked. Confused, I nodded. "May I see your ticket?" she asked. I nodded again, showing her my ticket. "Well, you've been asked to move to a seat down in the front row." I blinked, staring at her in shock. "W-what? By who?" I stammered. "I'm not quite sure, I wasn't told. I was just told to come move you down to the front row."

Stunned, I rose to my feet, following her down to the front row and sitting in my much better seat. The show was fantastic. I could see the band so clearly and caught a couple picks that Gene and Paul and Ace threw to me. Eventually the four of them took their final bows and the curtain dropped. Unable to stop smiling, I turned to leave, but a roadie walked over to me. "Are you Y/N?" he asked. I nodded, starting to get confused again, but he gave me a reassuring smile. "You're wanted backstage." "Me? But I don't know anyone in the band!" I cried. He shrugged. "Well, one of them wants you back there."

Baffled, I followed him backstage, standing there in confusion as people milled about. My heart sank as I realized I wasn't going to be able to find Eric from the cafe since I had no way of telling him where I was now.

"Hey! Y/N!"

My heart leapt as I recognized the voice calling my name and turned, eyes widening as I saw Eric Carr walking toward me, giving me a wide smile. "Oh! Oh my gosh! You're Eric Carr!" He nodded, eyes sparkling. "Told you I'd met him before," he teased. Laughing, I gave him a friendly shove. "Oh, you goof! Damn, I had no idea but oh it all makes sense now!" "Can't blame you, no one knows what I look like without all this!" he said, gesturing at his makeup. "Good point, good point," I said, heart fluttering.

"Well I hope you enjoyed the show from your new seat. Want me to give you a backstage tour?" he asked, holding out his hand. Heart melting, I nodded eagerly, taking his hand, and he gave it a squeeze, still holding it as he started to lead me around. "Oh wait, one thing first!" he said, leaning over and giving me a quick kiss. "Now we're ready."

Smiling widely, I leaned against him as he gave my hand another squeeze with a soft smile.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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