Eric C and Bruce

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A/N: I wanted to do another thing from the high school book where Eric and Bruce were together lol so here it is!

Shivering, I zipped my jacket up as high as possible, popping the collar for good measure, but without much luck. "Damn it is cold," I muttered, breath frosting in the air as I walked toward Mr. G's classroom. A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and I jumped, whirling to find Bruce standing behind me, smiling. "Good morning. You seem cold, I figured I'd warm you up," he teased, giving me a squeeze. I leaned against him, burying my face in his hoodie. "I am cold, actually, and you are very nice and warm. I like your sweatshirt by the way! Is it new?" Smiling, he gave me a hug before letting me go and walking with me toward the classroom. "Yeah, it is actually! I wanted to get a new one since it's cold and this one is a lot thicker than my old one," he said, looking at his hoodie with a faint smile.

"It looks good on you! I like the blue, it looks really nice," I said, lacing my fingers through his. "Mm wait until we're inside, I wanna keep my hands in my pockets," he said, pulling his hand away. "Aw fine be that way," I said, pouting, and he laughed, pulling my beanie over my eyes. "Oh shut up and stop being so dramatic. It's like a ten foot walk, relax," he said, nudging me toward the classroom door. Shouldering my backpack, I pushed open the door, kicking the snow off my boots before stepping inside. The instant the door swung shut behind Bruce I grabbed his hand again, giving it a squeeze.

Giving me a fond smile, he squeezed my hand back. "There, happy now?" "I am," I said, pulling off my beanie and allowing my hair to spring free. Bruce laughed, ruffling my hair affectionately. "Gosh, you are just so adorable, you know that?" he said, sitting at a desk. I sat on top of it, giving him a kiss. "Aw stop you're making me blush. Besides, you're the adorable one," I said with a smile, leaning back until my head was resting on his shoulder. Gene looked up from the calc homework he was looking over, raising an eyebrow. "Geez you two are annoyingly sweet toward each other, you know that?" "Hey! Shut up!" I snapped, flipping him off as Bruce laughed. "Kinda sounds like you're jealous Gene," he said.

Rolling his eyes, Gene turned back to his homework. "Uh huh. I thought it was bad enough having to listen to Ace and Peter whisper sweet nothings to each other, figures you two would start doing it too." "Yeah you're definitely jealous," I grumbled as Bruce wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a squeeze. "Sure, sure, we can go with that," he said, chewing on the end of his pencil absentmindedly. The bell rang and I let out a sigh, unwilling to pull myself away from Bruce's arms. But of course he let go of me, rising to his feet and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Alright come on pipsqueak, we've got class to get to." "Ugh fineeee," I said with a sigh, jumping off the desk and putting my hat back on. "I guess I'll get out of your arms and walk through the cold and then go sit through calculus."

He raised an eyebrow, kissing me on the forehead. "Oh shut up. I literally have to deal with the exact same thing. Besides, I'm taking you out to lunch today so you can't complain," he said, hooking his arm through mine before sticking his hands back in his pockets. I grinned, leaning against him as we walked. "Aw thanks Bruce," I said, looking up at him and feeling my heart leap. "Oh! Oh you're wearing the scrunchie I got you!" I said eagerly, giving him a huge smile. "Well duh! It was a sweet gift and it reminds me of you and I like having something to tie my hair back with sometimes," he said with a shrug. Heart melting, I stood on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Aw you're such a sweetheart, you know that?" "I do, actually."

The first four classes dragged on for what felt like an eternity before the lunch bell rang. I jumped to my feet, running to the parking lot and throwing my arms around Bruce. "Alright I'm starving let's go!" Smiling, he kissed me gently. "Relax we're going, we're going," he said, stepping into his car. I sat in the passenger seat, heart melting as I looked at him. We drove to the nearby sandwich shop, walking inside. I sat in the booth as he ordered us lunch, waiting impatiently for him to come back. Eventually he walked over, handing me my lunch before shrugging off his sweatshirt and taking his own seat.

"There, happy now?" he teased, taking a bite of his sandwich. "I'm really happy to see you eating again," I murmured, giving him a smile. I mean yeah he was still kinda too thin but still, it was progress. His face grew red and he shrugged, squeezing my hand. "Well I've got you to thank for that. But yeah, I'm eating. You don't need to worry about that." "Well you're my boyfriend so I'm still gonna worry about you!" I said, squeezing his hand back. "Thanks Eric. I appreciate it and I love you a lot," he said. "Bet I love you more," I said smugly, and he rolled his eyes. "Oh don't even start."

It was really nice to be able to eat lunch with him, even though we did have to rush a bit since we only had so long before the first bell rang. Eventually he rose to his feet, heading to the cash register to pay, and I took the opportunity to grab his sweatshirt and throw it on over my own jacket. He was right, it was really warm, even if it was way too big on me. He walked back over to our table, raising an eyebrow. "And what do you think you're doing?" he asked. I jumped to my feet, walking with him to the door. "I'm cold! And this is warm and it smells like you and it's nice," I said, wrapping my arms around myself and snuggling deeper into his hoodie.

"But Eric it's freezing outside!" he protested. Grinning, I stuck my tongue out at him. "You'll be fine!" I said, stepping outside and heading to his car. "This is bullshit and I hate you," he muttered, driving back to school. "Damn this really is a nice sweatshirt," I said, and he just rolled his eyes. Once we got back to school, he turned to me. "Well? Can I get my sweatshirt back?" "Mm no I wanna show our friends my new hoodie," I said. "You're lucky I love you," he said under his breath, stepping out of the car. I walked with him to the classroom, wrapped in the warmth of two jackets as I held his hand.

"I got a new hoodie!" I said as I walked into the classroom. Ace and Peter looked up from making out, giving us a grin. "Love your sweatshirt!" Ace said. "Yeah, it fits you perfectly," Peter said with a nod. "But geez Bruce, aren't you cold?" Bruce gave me a flat look. "Mm no the warmth of our love is plenty," he said sarcastically. "Aw fine be obnoxious," I said with a sigh, pulling off the hoodie and handing it back to him. Smiling, he pulled it back on, sitting at a desk and pulling me onto his lap. "Mm, now it smells like you, which makes it even better," he teased.

"I guess being in your arms is just as good as being in your hoodie," I said, leaning against him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest and kissing me. "Well being with you warms my heart just as much as this sweatshirt warms the rest of me," he teased, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Aw damn I love you," I said, closing my eyes and leaning against him. "Love you more," he murmured.

 "Love you more," he murmured

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