Eric C and Bruce

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A/N: This is like an alternate pairing from my high school book I wrote awhile go but never used since I didn't end up having them get together lol
Also if you have any requests that you've already asked for I'm working on them, just been busy!

"Hey, wanna uh...spend the night on Friday?" I asked, giving Bruce a grin. He smiled back, eyes twinkling. "You know damn well I'd love to. What time?" "Hm, like 6? My parents are going out to dinner so I was just planning on getting like pizza or something, that work?" I asked. He nodded, grinning. "Works perfectly! Looking forward to it. How late are your parents gonna be out?" he asked slowly. "Hm...a few hours? Until ten maybe? So that'll give us like fourish hours to like cuddle and stuff," I said with a wink. "Well I am very much looking forward to that," he teased, ruffling my hair affectionately.

Friday night took forever to roll around and I said goodbye to my parents, waiting for Bruce to show up. Finally, the doorbell rang and I pulled it open with a huge smile, grabbing Bruce's arms and pulling him into a kiss. I had to stand up on my toes and he had to bend over but being able to hold him and kiss him made it all worth it. "Mm took you long enough," I teased. Laughing, he gave my hand a fond squeeze and walked inside. "Oh, shut up."

After the pizza arrived we sat on the couch watching a movie, me snuggled up against his side and his arm around my waist, hand resting comfortably on the inside of my thigh. "Hand me another slice would you?" I asked, resting my head on him and immediately feeling soothed by the steady rise and fall of his chest. "Pepperoni or cheese?" he asked. "Surprise me." Rolling his eyes, he handed me a slice of cheese, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

We sat snuggled up on the couch together until the movie finished, after which I slid onto his lap and we started making out. It was absolutely perfect to be able to just sit in his arms, wrapped in a warm embrace and a passionate kiss before he abruptly shoved me to the floor, jumping to his feet. "M-Mr. and Mrs. Carr!" he choked, starting to tremble as his face went beet red. I sat on the floor for a second, closing my eyes. "Shittttt," I whispered to myself, before slowly rising to my feet and turning to face my parents. "Um...hi Mom and Dad," I said slowly.

There was an agonizingly long silence as they stared at us in shock before Mom took a deep breath. "Eric, could we talk to you in private?" she asked quietly. I nodded, following them out of the room as Bruce mumbled an apology to no one in particular, looking like he wanted to die. To be fair, I felt the exact same.

We walked into my parents room and they closed the door behind us, giving me a look. "So. Eric," Dad said slowly. "Uh...I dunno. I guess I'm gay and yeah Bruce and I have kinda been dating for a bit. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I just...wasn't sure how you'd take it and I was scared you'd be angry at me. Y-you're not angry at me, are you?" I asked nervously, feeling sick to my stomach.

Mom gave me a soft smile, resting her hands on my shoulders and kissing me gently on the forehead. "Oh sweetheart we'd never be mad at you. It just took us by surprise." Dad nodded, ruffling my hair affectionately. "No matter what, you're our son. So long as you and Bruce are happy together and are safe when you--" "Dad! We don't do that!" I cried, face burning. "Just know that we're always going to love you," Mom murmured, putting a hand on my cheek. "We were so, so scared when you...when we almost lost you. Nothing could ever make us push you away."

I nodded, giving her a tight hug. "Th-thanks Mom," I choked, blinking back tears. "And s-sorry we didn't, or at least that I didn't tell you sooner, or that I hadn't really told you at all yet." "Oh, don't be sorry. That's a big thing to talk about, especially when you're completely unsure how we'd react." "Sorry we barged in on you two and didn't exactly allow you to tell us in your own time." "No it's okay! In a way it kind of worked out well," I said with a grin, before my eyes widened. "Oh! Oh can I go tell Bruce that you guys are okay with it? And-and he's still able spend the night, right?"

"Of course you may and of course he can. Bruce is a wonderful young man! He did save your life after all," Mom said with a smile. I gave her and Dad another hug before running out of the room, grabbing Bruce's hands. "They're fine, they're fine with us, they're not mad and they're okay if we keep dating and if you spend the night," I said in a rush. He let out a huge sigh, sitting down abruptly on the couch. "Damn. Damn okay that's really good. Ohh damn that's really good," he said, running a hand through his hair.

I sat next to him, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head against his shoulder. "It's fine! It's all gonna be fine," I said soothingly, kissing him on the cheek. He gave me a pale smile, still on the edge of freaking out. "Good, good, yeah. One set of parents down, one to go," he said slowly. "Whenever you're ready," I murmured. "Oh! L-let me tell my parents that yours don't know about us so they don't tell them or anything," I said, running off. After practically begging them not to tell his parents, I rejoined Bruce on the couch. "Want to go upstairs?" I asked after a pause. He grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. "Very much so." 

I gave his hand a squeeze and walked toward the stairs before pausing. ", should you talk to my parents do you think?" I asked. Bruce just shrugged hopelessly. "Hell if I know man, you think I've done this before?" he teased. "Shut up," I snapped, before walking with him down the hall to my parents' room. "Um, just wait here I guess? And I'll ask if they want to talk to us both?" He shrugged again. "Whatever you want man," he said with a faint smile. 

Nodding, I opened the door to their room, sticking my head around it. "Um did you guys want to talk to Bruce and I or are we good?" I asked. "Oh no no you two are fine, we don't want to interrupt your night any more than we already have. And of course the regular rules still remain, if you need anything just ask," Mom said, giving me a smile which I very happily returned. "Alright thanks Mom, thanks Dad, goodnight!" I said, closing the door and grabbing Bruce's hand again, dragging him upstairs.

Letting out a weak laugh, Bruce sat down on the edge of my bed. "Oh damn that was a lot," he said, running a hand through his hair. Nodding, I laid next to him, resting my head on his lap. "But it worked out! So we're fine!" I said cheerfully. "That we are," he murmured, running a hand through my hair with his eyes dancing. "That we are."

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