Paul and Ace

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Requested by  DemRosesBeRed ! This is a continuation of one of her earlier requests for me and will make more sense if you read that one first! It's the chapter just before this one (I rearranged them lol)

"I mean come on man, why the hell are you still with him? He killed me. You know that he did." "I-I don't know that! No one knows that for sure! You overdosed, you did it to yourself! Please just leave me alone! You're not real, you're just a figment of my imagination! You're just in my head!" I cried. Peter heaved a sigh, sitting on the bed next to me and kissing me on the cheek, his lips ice cold against my skin. "You know what he did," he murmured.

Screwing my eyes shut, I clutched my temples. "Go away, go away, go away! You're not real! You're not real, you're dead, you're gone!" I shouted. "And who's fault is that?" he asked sadly. "It's not his, it's not his fault! It's not his fault!" I screamed, jerking my head up. But Peter had vanished and I was alone again. "It's not his fault. H-he wouldn't do that," I whispered, hugging myself tightly.

The door swung open and I jumped, looking at Ace in surprise. He gave me a fond smile, eyes cold like always as he walked over, grabbing my arms and pulling me into a kiss. "Hello Paulie," he purred, kissing me again. I froze for a moment before melting into the embrace, still unsure of whether I wanted to or not. Even if I didn't want to, I couldn't help myself. "Got some exciting news from Gene!" he said, finally letting me go. "Oh? W-what's the news?" I asked, terrified it would be that something bad had happened to him.

"We've got ourselves a new drummer! Gene wants us to come over to meet him." "A new drummer? What's his name?" I asked. "Mm, I don't remember. Eric something or other. Why? You care about him a lot or something?" he snapped, something dark flashing in his eyes. I shook my head quickly. "N-no! No, just wondering what his name was since we're going to be in the band together. No I don't care about him at all!" I said hastily.

His smile returned and he gave me another, much softer kiss. "Good. I only care about you, Paul. I want you to only care about me." "I-I do, I only care about you. You're the only person I love," I whispered, almost hating myself for saying it, for believing it. "Good! Now come on, let's go meet him," he said, taking my hand and giving it a tight squeeze before dragging me out of his apartment where I'd been living with him ever since Peter had died. I couldn't remember him asking me to move in with him and I couldn't remember agreeing to it. It just felt right, in a way.

There was a man I hadn't seen before sitting in the dressing room, chatting happily with Gene. As we walked in, he gave me a smile, soft brown eyes sparkling. "Hi, I'm Eric!" he said. "I'm Ace, and this is my Paulie," Ace said, gripping my hand tightly and kissing me. I nodded, forcing a smile. "Nice to meet you. Glad that we've got a drummer again and we can...get going again," I said, feeling sick to my stomach as I thought about Peter. Gene's face fell and Eric looked slightly uncomfortable but Ace only shrugged. "Well, that's why I'm here," Eric said quietly after a pause. "Anyway, shall we get practicing?"

Eric meshed perfectly with us, playing better than even Peter had. And he was super sweet and funny and cheerful and all around just kind of adorable. He and I really hit it off, having a good time joking around as we practiced. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ace getting more and more upset every time I laughed with Eric. I tried to push away the little gnawing pit of worry and just focus on relaxing and having fun for once, for what felt like the first time since Peter had died.

Practice ended too soon for my liking and I said a reluctant goodbye to Eric, giving him a quick hug and ruffling his curly hair. "Welcome to the band! It's going to be really really nice to have you as a member," I said, and he nodded, giving me a wide smile. "Thanks! It was really nice to meet you, I'm looking forward to being able to play with you!" he said with a wink. Heart melting, I gave him a parting wave, reluctantly allowing Ace to grab my hand and drag me out of the room.

He didn't say anything to me as we went home, just seethed silently until we made it back to the apartment. "Wow, you and Eric really seem to love each other," he snapped, slamming the front door shut behind him. I flinched, running a hand through my hair. "W-well I mean...he's nice, yeah. We don't really know each other or anything, b-but I like him," I said hesitantly.

"Oh, you like him, do you? Oh, well then maybe I'll have to hang out with him. Pay him a special little visit," he snarled, heading for the door. Without thinking, I ran in front of him, blocking the door with my body. "No, no Ace no! Don't do anything to hurt him, I don't love him like that! I don't love him like that!" I cried. "I just want to pay him a visit. Maybe take him out for a few drinks," he hissed, voice icy. "I don't love him like that! I don't love him, I don't love him, I only love you!" I wailed, tears rolling down my face. "Please, please, don't do anything to him! I don't love him like that, I only love you!" I screamed, desperately blocking the door.

He gave me a gentle smile, resting a hand on my cheek, all traces of anger gone from his face. "Oh Paulie, don't be silly. I know we only love each other," he said, moving his other hand to my shoulder and squeezing it painfully hard as he kissed me. "We only love each other," he whispered in my ear, and a chill ran down my spine.

I stayed away from Eric at the next practice, avoiding every conversation he tried to start with me, not even making eye contact with him as he tried desperately to smile and joke with me. Gene gave me a worried glance but I just shook my head, focusing on the music and nothing else. I couldn't focus on anything else, not even Ace.

As soon as we ended practice for the day, I headed for the door, ignoring Eric's goodbye to me. A hand clamped over my mouth as I was yanked into another room and I tried to scream, elbowing whoever was holding me. "Ow shit dammit Paul!" Gene hissed, massaging his chest where I had hit him. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't know it was you, I'm sorry," I choked, covering my hands with my mouth. He put his hands on my shoulder. "It's okay. Calm down, it's okay. Look man, what the hell is going on with you? I'm worried about you. You've been freaked out and on edge for months now," he said in a low voice. "I have to go, he can't find me in here like this with you," I whispered.

"Who can't? Paul, you're my best friend, tell me what the hell is going on!" he said in a whisper-shout. Lip quivering, I looked at the floor. "I...I think Ace killed Peter and I don't know what to do b-because I think I still love him. I think I s-still love him but I think he killed Peter," I said after an agonizing silence. His eyes widened. "W-what? Why?" I bit back a sob, shaking my head. "The night he died, we were supposed to meet for dinner, at a place no one else in the band knew about. He didn't show up, but Ace did. Th-then the next day, after you told us, Ace said it was terrible how Peter overdosed, but you never said he overdosed. I think it was him, I really do, and now I'm afraid he'll hurt Eric because he thinks I love him and oh Gene I don't know what to do!"

"Paulie? Come on Paulie where'd you go?" Ace called.

I froze, heart dropping, and shoved Gene away. "Go away, go away before he sees you," I hissed, walking out into the hallway and giving Ace a smile. "Ace! There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" I called. He jumped, whirling around to give me a smile of his own. "Come on Ace, disappear for too long and I'm going to start thinking you're cheating on me," I said with a fake laugh, gripping his arms and pulling him into an aggressive kiss. "I would never!" he protested. "Now come on, let's go home."

I shot a glance at Gene over my shoulder as he gave me a worried look, shaking his head. Ace and I made it home and he gave me a kiss. "Let me order us dinner, we'll have a nice date night," he said with a smile, eyes glittering. "Just you and me. That's how it's always gonna be." My phone buzzed and I forced a smile. "Sounds dreamy. Let me go get cleaned up first," I said, walking to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

Gene: Paul I think you're right. He tried to poison Eric, but Eric didn't eat the chocolates Ace got because he was scared of him. You need to get out of there

I felt sick as I stared at my reflection. I needed to get away from him, I couldn't take it anymore. Even if I loved him, I couldn't lose anyone else. I walked back into the kitchen, giving him a smile and picking up a steak knife from the table.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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