Ace and Bruce

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Humming to myself, I straightened my tie, giving my reflection one last look. "Alright Frehley, you're looking fine tonight. Go get 'em!" I said, brushing my hair one final time before grabbing my wallet and heading to the cab waiting outside my house.

I was a bit nervous as I rode to the bar where my blind date and I had agreed to meet up, heart pounding and my stomach absolutely brimming with butterflies. As I paid the cab driver, I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves before taking another deep breath and walking inside. There was a lot of people milling about but I hadn't gotten a message from my date saying he was here yet so I walked to the bar, taking a seat and ordering a single drink.

Looking around anxiously, I took a slow sip of beer. "Alright come on Peter, you said you'd be here at 9, don't stand me up on our first date," I muttered. The door swung open and I perked up as a man walked over, taking a seat next to me and ordering his own drink. "Hey are you Peter?" I asked. He jumped, giving me a startled look before shaking his head. "Nah, my name's Bruce. Sorry to disappoint," he said with a laugh.

I sighed, going back to watching the door. "Nah, don't worry about it," I said under my breath, checking my phone again. Still nothing. Frowning, I sent him a text.

Hey are you here yet?!?

There was no response, so I just slid my phone back into my pocket with a dejected sigh, taking a sip of beer and still staring at the door. Bruce was also alternating between checking his phone and checking the door and eventually let out a long sigh, taking a swig of beer. "Dammit," he muttered.

I raised an eyebrow, giving him a look. "What happened?" He rolled his eyes, shutting off his phone. "Got stood up. My blind date told me he'd be here at 8:30 and of course he didn't. And he's not answering my messages, so I guess I'll be drinking alone tonight," he said sadly. I grinned, raising my beer toward him in a halfhearted toast. "Hey, I'm in the same boat. Little dumb shit Peter promised he'd be here at 9 and of course he's not."

"Well, cheers to drinking away the sadness," Bruce said with a grin, clinking his glass against mine. "Amen to that!" I said, taking a deep drink. We both drained our glasses before Bruce called over the bartender. "Hey can I get a round of shots for the two of us?" he asked, giving me a smile and a wink. My face lit up as the bartender poured us each a shot, handing them to us. "Bottoms up," Bruce teased.

Giggling, I knocked back the shot, shuddering slightly. "Mm that hits the spot. So anyway, since neither of our boys showed up, let's just hang out! Tell me about yourself," I said, giving Bruce a smile. He smiled back. "Well, I'm Bruce Kulick. I play guitar in a couple clubs around here, that's fun! stood up for a blind date tonight," he said with a shrug, his beautiful dark brown eyes twinkling. "How about yourself?"

I froze for a moment, getting lost staring at him, with his strong jaw and his little chin dimple and the dark curly hair that spilled over like bangs over his forehead, nearly hiding his eyes. "Oh! Oh uh I'm technically Paul Frehley but literally everyone calls me Ace. I also play guitar, actually! The guy I was supposed to meet, Peter, he's a drummer apparently and we were gonna talk about making a band on top of getting together, but I guess that's out the window."

Bruce sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, I was supposed to meet a drummer named Eric, kind of for similar reasons. But hey, it's cool that I met you!" "It is!" I said, ordering us another round of shots. We fell pretty easily into conversation, getting along really well and really enjoying each other's company.

It had been a few hours and we were both really drunk as I ordered us one last round of vodka shots. "Alright, bottoms up you b'utiful boy," I slurred, clinking my shot glass against Bruce's with a wild laugh. Giggling, he knocked back the shot before shaking his head. "Mkay I'm tappin' out." I grabbed his hands eagerly, giving him a huge smile. "Ooh! Brushe come back to my place an' spend the night there because I'm really good with takin' care of hangovers an' all!"

His face lit up and he nodded eagerly. "Hell yeah!" After paying for all our drinks, I dragged him outside to a waiting taxi, still clutching his hand tightly. We sat right next to each other in the backseat of the cab, slurring a conversation about something before we eventually got to my house and I dragged him inside.

"Alright you verryyy sexy man I'm real shleepy so imma go to bed with you," I giggled, leading him into my bedroom and falling on the bed. Letting out a yawn, he laid next to me, patting me on the shoulder. "G'night Ashe," he mumbled, closing his eyes with a smile.

I woke up with a raging headache the next morning and stumbled out of bed with a groan, shuffling to the kitchen. "Alright Frehley, you know the drill," I said to myself, setting a pan on the stove and starting to scramble some eggs.

"You got enough for two?"

I jumped, clutching my chest. "Oh holy fuck!" I yelped, before giving Bruce a smile. "Oh hey Bruce! Sorry, you startled me," I said. "Nah, you're fine, you're fine. We were pretty wasted when we got home last night. Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way! It was really fun," he said fondly. I nodded, eyes dancing. "It absolutely was! You're really nice to talk to, I really like you. Like uh...really really like you," I said sheepishly, handing him a plate of eggs and avocado.

A faint pink blush ran along his cheeks as he set down the plate, putting a hand on my shoulder before gently moving it down my arm. "Me too," he murmured, before leaning forward and kissing me. Smiling, I slipped my arms around his neck, kissing him back before we eventually broke apart.

"Well, you're a lot better than any blind date," he said, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. "You too! And I'm looking forward to being able to make out a bit more with you when I'm not so hungover," I teased. He laughed before wincing. "Ooh, me too."

A/N: Not currently taking requests!

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