Peter and Ace

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Humming softly to myself, I grabbed a cloth, running some water over it and then wringing it out. Once it was damp, I started to sponge off my makeup. "Beth I hear you calling, but I can't come home right now. Me and the boys are playing, and we just can't find the sooooOOound," I sang under my breath.

"Just a few more hours, and I'll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling, oh Beth, what can I do? Cue your piano playing," Gene finished, walking into the room and starting to grab his things. "The fact that your albeit very nice piano song is our biggest radio hit pisses me off so much sometimes, I swear."

Grinning, I started to pull off my boots. "Hey, you know you love the money my very nice piano song gets us. Also what, you just leaving your makeup on?" I teased. He smiled, shrugging on a shirt. "Yep. Meeting up with some groupies and we decided to do it with the facepaint on. How about you, got any fun plans tonight?"

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the mirror and scrubbing my face. "Nah. Might just go grab a bite to eat, I dunno. I'll ask Ace. Have fun with your groupies though." Eyes shining, he licked his lips with his freakishly long tongue. "Mmmm, I will. Anyway yeah, I'm heading out. Nice job drumming tonight and I'll catch you later," he said, walking hurriedly out of the room.

I rolled my eyes even harder. Disgusting, but typical Gene. Sometimes I just really loved to hate that man.

The dressing room was pretty quiet as I got cleaned up, climbing out of my costume and carefully hanging it back up on the rack. Gene's was already hanging up of course, Paul's wasn't which meant he was apparently also having fun in full makeup tonight, and Ace's was gone too.

I frowned, running a hand through my hair. I hadn't seen him come in or seen him leave after the show. Maybe he was just still backstage with Paul, running over some stuff with the techs or something. That familiar gnawing ball of worry came back, eating at the pit of my stomach, and I shook my head. No, he was just backstage working on band stuff with Paul. That was it, he was just with Paul. With Paul.

Heart starting to race, I strode out of the dressing room, shivering as I walked across the concrete floors. I hadn't thought to put shoes over my socks but I wasn't about to take the time to go back now. I had to figure out where my boyfriend was.

"He's not cheating, Peter. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't do that," I murmured, arriving backstage. Techs and roadies were still cleaning up, putting away instruments and other equipment. "Hey! Hey, Joey, have you seen Ace?" I asked, running over to my drum tech. He frowned, looking up from his clipboard. "Uh, hm. Yeah, I saw him and Paul go down that hall like fifteen minutes ago. Into one of the side rooms, I'm pretty sure. You need anything else?"

I patted him on the shoulder, trying to keep my face blank. "No, no I'm fine. Just wondering where he was is all. Thanks!" I said, forcing a smile and heading down the hall he had pointed at. There was a whole lot of doors in the hallway, but only one of them was closed. My heart started to hammer against my ribs and I reached out with a shaking hand, taking a deep breath before opening the door and immediately feeling sick.

Paul was pressed up against the wall, chest heaving as he aggressively and passionately made out with Ace. As he made out with my boyfriend. And Ace was just as aggressively making out with Paul. "You fucking bastard!" I shouted.

They sprang apart, staring at me in shock. "Peter! What are you doing?" Ace cried. "What am I doing?! What are you doing?! How long have you been cheating on me with Paul?!" Paul looked between the two of us in confusion. "Wait, you told me you broke up with him! You told me you guys split like last week!" I stared at Ace in horror. "You did what?! lied to him and told him we broke up?!" I shouted.

Ace nudged the floor with a platform boot, running a hand through his hair. "No...Peter, we broke up last week," he said quietly. I took a step back, reeling. "W-what?" I choked. Ace sighed, taking my hand. "Peter, last week. After dinner. We talked, and then we broke up." "N-no! No we didn't!"

"Peter. I said after dinner last week that I thought we had different ideas for our relationship and we should follow those ideas. I said that our visions didn't line up and so I was going to do my own thing," he said gently. I shook my head. "B-but I thought...I thought you just meant..."

I trailed off, face starting to burn as I realized he was right, and we had actually broken up last week. "Oh no," I whispered. "I'm so sorry, I thought you understood!" "But what about...all the times we..." He shook his head, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go. "Peter, I'm sorry! But I mean...I haven't called you any pet names or kissed you or held your hand or gone out with you or anything since last week! I thought you knew!"

I wanted to die and took a step back, stunned. "I'm so sorry. Oh shit, I'm so sorry. You're right, you're right, we did break up. I'm so sorry for interrupting I just...I thought..." I stammered weakly, trailing off.

"No, it's okay! It was just a misunderstanding, don't worry about it," Paul said gently. "I'm so sorry. Oh shit I'm so sorry. Anyway I'll just...I'm just gonna leave. I'm sorry," I said weakly, walking backwards toward the door. "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry curly, I really thought you knew!"

I just shook my head, backing out of the room. "No, no it's my fault, I'm sorry," I mumbled, closing the door behind them. Heart pounding, I stumbled away from the door, practically running to the dressing room. I slammed the door shut behind me, sitting at the counter and bursting into tears.


A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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