Peter and Y/N

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A/N: This was requested by  Kitkat453

and is set in high school, but not my original high school series! Also I've never written one of these stories, so bear with me lol

I heaved a sigh, walking up to my locker and pulling it open. I looked at the books with a frown, trying to remember what subjects I had to go to next. It was annoying trying to figure out what classes I had on top of where my classes were on top of having to deal with being a new kid at the start of senior year. Not to mention there was a group of girls who had somehow decided they hated me, despite school having only been in session for a week.

The door to my locker was slammed shut and I jumped, taking a step back. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/N. Still lost?"

I turned with a sigh to face the source of the sneering. "Hey, Christine, Tiffany, Bethany," I said in a tired voice. "Can I help you or something?" They all let out cold laughs, smirking. "Yeah, you could help us by dropping out of cheer tryouts," Christine snapped, shoving a piece of paper at me. I looked at the flyer for tryouts in confusion, feeling my heart sinking as I realized they had crossed out my name. "I just want to be a part of the team is all! I'm new here, I'm just trying to meet people and stuff," I said defensively.

They exchanged glances before Bethany patted me on the head condescendingly. "Aw, honey! You know you're too short for that! I mean look at you! Cheerleaders can't be your size, mkay? So just do everyone a favor and quit while you're ahead!" I shoved her hand away, face burning. "Honestly, I don't even know why I'd want to be on the team with you guys," I mumbled. They burst into more cold laughter and I felt my face grow redder. "Oh sweetie! You wouldn't even be able to make it onto the team if you tried! You're too small!"

Before I could respond, a tall guy walked over, slipping an arm around Christine's waist and pulling her into a kiss. "Hey babe. You wanna come with me to my locker? I've got something special there for you," he murmured. Christine's face turned pink and she giggled. "Aw Gene of course!" she purred. The guy who I was assuming was Gene started to lead her away, giving me a wink. Beth and Tiffany just scoffed, walking off on their own.

Heart pounding, I grabbed my books, letting the cheerleading flyer fall to the ground as I walked off to my class.

"Hey wait! Hold on you dropped something!"

I turned around to find a guy chasing after me, carrying the flyer. He gave me a smile, running a hand through his hair and putting the piece of paper on top of the books in my arms. "Hey sorry you dropped this," he said. I gave him a thin smile back, trying not to look at the paper. "Oh, thanks," I mumbled. "I'm Peter, I'm in your first period class. Here, let me take your books for you," he said.

My smile got a bit bigger and I handed him my textbooks. "Thanks! I'm Y/N," I said, walking with him to our first class. "Hey Peter, would you slow down?!" a voice called over the general chatter of the hallway. Peter grinned, rolling his eyes as another boy fell into step with us. "That's Ace. Ace, this is Y/N. You remember her from first period?"

Ace squinted at me before giving me a sheepish smile. "I'm gonna be honest curly, I don't pay any attention in that class at all. Most of my efforts are trying to keep myself awake," he said with a laugh. "That's a mood," I said with a sigh. Peter gave me a warm smile, beautiful brown eyes twinkling. "Hey, so you're new here, right?" I nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately. It's...been kind of rough, I'm not gonna lie."

Peter's face immediately fell. "Damn, I'm sorry to hear that! What's going on?" he asked. "Oh, no it's nothing!" I lied. "Just having to work with being a new student at a new school senior year of high school." "Yeah, that can be rough. But hey, why don't you eat lunch with us? Me and Ace and some of our friends!" he said eagerly. My heart leapt and I gave him a smile. "Oh, y-yeah! Sure! Thank you, yeah that would be nice!"

I was really looking forward to lunch for once, and was in the middle of switching out my books when there was a loud fake cough. I winced, turning around to find Tiffany and Christine staring at me. "So your name is still on the tryouts page, is it?" I nodded, trying to get the blush to disappear from my cheeks. Before anything else could happen, Peter walked over to my side. "Hey, Y/N! There you are! Come on, you're late for lunch," he said cheerfully, grabbing my arm and leading me to the cafeteria. As soon as we were around the corner, he let go of my arm.

"Sorry about them. They suck," he said simply. I shrugged, wishing he hadn't let go of my arm. "Yeah, well, what can you do?" I asked. There were three guys at the lunch table and I felt my heart sink as I recognized Gene, who was most likely Christine's boyfriend. Giving them a small smile, I sat next to Peter. "Hey so this is Y/N, she's new here! Y/N, this is Ace who you met, then that's Paul and that's Gene," Peter said, pointing at the three guys.

"Hey nice to meet you!" Paul said, shaking my hand, while Gene just gave me a smile. Peter frowned, looking at Gene. "Dude, your girlfriend sucks," he muttered. "She and her stupid friends keep bullying Y/N." Gene cringed and I couldn't tell whose face was redder, mine or his. "I know, I know, I'm sorry!" he moaned. "How many times have we said you can do better?" Paul asked, raising an eyebrow.

He let out a sigh, burying his face in his hands. "A lot of times. But damn man, I just really love her!" "Well, you could probably do better. I'm being nice when I say she's a bitch," I said, half to myself. The rest of them burst into laughter as Gene just shook his head.

My life got significantly better after I became friends with Gene, Peter, Ace and Paul. I had made a friend group at school which really felt more like a family, since they were basically like brothers to me. Peter walked up to me a few months into school and I felt my heart skip like always. He gave me a smile, running his hand through his hair. "Hey, so know, winter formal is coming up in a few weeks, so I was wondering...basically okay so like I like you so do you want to be my girlfriend and come to formal with me?" he asked in a rush, face turning red.

I stared at him in shock before giving him a kiss. He smiled, kissing me back, grabbing my hands and giving them a squeeze. Yeah, things were really looking up for me at school now. 

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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