Bruce and Eric C

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Letting out a sigh, I leaned back in the jacuzzi, taking a sip of beer and closing my eyes. The water wasn't even that hot, it was barely above warm, but there was a lot of bubbles so that was nice. Plus I had added more soap so it was basically a lukewarm bubble bath. There were definitely worse ways I could have been spending my day off. The door to the balcony slid open and I cracked open an eye, feeling a smile spread across my face as I saw Eric standing there.

"Hey you," I said, closing my eyes again. "Hey. You seem like you're having fun," he teased, leaning on the edge of the jacuzzi next to me. "I'd have more fun if I wasn't alone. Care to join?" I asked. He took the beer from my hand, taking a sip before handing it back to me. "Love to, but I don't have a swimsuit on me," he said with an overdramatic sigh. "Bold of you to assume that's a problem," I teased, kissing him on the cheek.

He massaged my shoulders, leaning his head against mine. "Yeah I know but we gotta be careful, right?" "We're like twenty stories up, no one's gonna see. And it's our day off, Gene and Paul have no reason to come into my room." "I mean I guess...I dunno." "Eric come on, it'll be fun!" I said, opening my eyes to give him a smile. "Ugh fine but if we get caught you're taking 100% of the blame," he grumbled, quickly stripping off his clothes and sliding into the water. "Why the hell is the hot tub not even hot?" he asked, giving me a look. I just shrugged, taking another swig of beer. "Because it sucks? I dunno, who cares about that? Now come on, come over here," I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him onto my lap.

With a smile, he ran a hand through my hair, brushing it out of my eyes. "Mm I see you don't have a swimsuit on you either," he teased. "That's because I was hoping you'd come along. I meant to call your room and ask if you wanted to join me, but I forgot. Glad you took initiative," I said, kissing him. "I literally do everything in this relationship," he said with an overdramatic sigh. "Oh shut up, just be grateful we're together," I grumbled. Grinning, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling himself more onto my lap and making out with me.

We were perfectly content to sit in the jacuzzi and make out and no doubt would have spent a lot more of the afternoon doing just that had there not been the distinct sound of my front door opening. "Bruce? You in your room?" Gene called. Eric sprang off of me, staring at me with wide eyes. "Oh shit what do we do?" he choked. "You gotta hide, you gotta go under the water," I said, trying to shove him beneath the surface. "But I can't breathe underwater!" he protested. "Then take a deep breath and hold it!" I snapped.

Nodding, Eric took a deep breath, closing his eyes and vanishing under the surface just as Gene stepped onto the balcony. "Wait is anyone else here? I thought I heard voices," he said, looking around in confusion. "Nope just me, enjoying my day off totally alone by myself with no one else here it's just me," I said in a rush. He gave me a weird look before nodding. "Right. Anyway, we need to talk." "We...we do? Can it wait? I'm trying to relax, this is my day off," I said, shifting a bit to try and hide the fact that Eric was desperately pressed against the bottom of the jacuzzi. And to hide the fact we were both naked.

Gene let out a sigh. "I know, I know, it's our day off and we try not to have to deal with any issues with the band, but I was talking to Paul earlier and we're just a little unsure about the setlist so I was going to get your opinion on it," he said. "Um how about you come back in like an hour? After I'm done relaxing?" I said, hoping he'd take the hint and leave. "No, just take a look at it now," he said, holding out a piece of paper.

Before I could take it from his hand, Eric shot up to the surface, gasping for air. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I tried, I really did, but I was gonna drown," he panted, face turning red as he stared at the water, trying to avoid making eye contact with Gene. "Oh perfect, you're here too. Want to look at the setlist with Bruce?" Gene asked. Shaking the water from his eyes, Eric moved next to me, staring at the piece of paper. "Mhm that's a pretty good looking setlist, I'm down, I sign off on it and so does Bruce okay bye Gene you can go now," he said. "Yep it's perfect anyway I'll go back to relaxing by myself now," I said, returning the paper with my own face burning.

"Uh huh. I mean I really don't know how stupid you think I am. Eric's clothes are literally on the floor right here," Gene said, arching an eyebrow and nudging the pile of clothes with his foot. "Shit!" Eric cried, smacking himself on the forehead. "Well we're just uh you know...chilling in the hot tub as friends," I said sheepishly. "Uh huh. Friends, hm? Is that why you're both naked?" Gene asked. Eric and I both went bright crimson as I flipped him off. "Shut up. Can you go now? Please?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just needed to make sure you guys were both cool with the setlist. And again, I really don't know how stupid you think I am. I've known about you two for months." "What?! But we were so careful!" Eric protested. "True, you were, but at the same time you always do seem to forget that your hotel room is right next to mine. And you two are really loud when you have your fun," he teased, giving us a wink before walking off.

"Oops," Eric said sheepishly. Laughing, I grabbed his hips, pulling him onto my lap again. "Oh shut up. At least he doesn't care." "True, true. I'd really hate to not be able to date you," he said, slipping his arms around my shoulders with a fond smile. "Me too," I murmured, kissing him.

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