Gene and Paul

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"Are you sure this is gonna work out?" I asked, and Eric nodded, shaking the cake layers out of the pans. "I'm positive! I'll do the main parts of icing the cake and then you can decorate it! It'll be perfect and Paul's gonna love it and it'll mean a lot more than like a store bought cake or anything! But we do have to let the layers cool, so in the meantime can I get you a drink?" he asked cheerfully. 

"You know the answer to that," I said with a grin, and he laughed. "Ah, right, right. Can I get you a boring drink then?" he asked. "Mm a boring drink sounds good. What do you have?" "I've got...let's see. Coke, Pepsi, Sprite...milk? Coffee and I guess hot chocolate too." "I'll make it easy and just take a Sprite," I said. Nodding, he tossed me a can and I cracked it open, taking a sip. "Good stuff. And hey, really thank you so much for the help," I said, and he gave me a smile, cracking open a beer. "Of course. I'm happy to help, I know how important anniversaries are. Or at least I used to," he said, smile evaporating as his eyes grew sad. 

My heart sank and I patted him on the shoulder. "I'm sorry," I said, but he shook his head, scowling. "No, it's fine. He made his choice. It was fizzling out anyway. Just wish he didn't like...end it the way he did." "What do you mean?" I asked, and his scowl deepened. "I mean he really ended it over dinner in a super fancy restaurant that I had to wait months to get a reservation at. He didn't even have to decency to wait until after the meal was over, no, he hit me with the news right after the salad course. So I had to hold myself together and not break down into tears through the entire main course and then through dessert. Fucking asshole," he grumbled.

"Damn. That's cold. That doesn't...really sound like Bruce," I said, but he shrugged. "Nah. He wasn't really trying to hurt me or anything. He just...didn't think it through. Which does kinda sound like him, to be honest. It's fine though, it was a year ago. I'm over it," he said, very clearly not over it. Before I could say anything else, he walked over to the cake layers, touching one lightly. "Okay yeah they're cooled now! Did you want to just do white icing so then the piping and stuff stands out more?" he asked. "Yeah, that works! Again, thanks so much." "Of course! You're my friend, and I like making cakes. If Paul hates it though I'll take the leftovers," he said with a grin.

I laughed, grabbing the bowl of icing off the counter and handing it to him. He quickly iced the cake, humming to himself with his tongue held between his teeth as he worked. Finally, the cake was pretty much done and he handed me a piping bag of purple icing. "Alright! Now it's your turn," he said. Nodding, I took a deep breath, carefully writing 'Happy Anniversary Paul' on the cake. "Aw that's cute. Now do like some hearts or something!" he said, leaning on the table and watching me work. 

"Gosh, relax. I'm not good at this, calm down," I muttered. "Well hey, it's not like it's that big a deal, it's only for your second anniversary as fiancés and sixth anniversary as a couple," he said, nudging me in the ribs. I scowled. "Shut up you're gonna make me mess up." Finally, I finished the cake, stepping back with a smile. "Yeah, that looks good!" "It does! Nice job!" Eric said, giving me a high five before covering it gingerly with plastic wrap. "Alright now get home to your fiancé and have a happy anniversary," he said, giving me a quick hug. With a smile, I picked up the cake, heading for the door. "Thanks a million Eric! I owe you!" I called over my shoulder. "Yep, and I'm holding you to that!" he shouted back. 

I carefully set the cake on the passenger seat, driving slowly to my house. To my surprise, there was another car in the driveway when I got home, one that wasn't Paul's. "That's...strange," I said, grabbing the cake and walking up the steps to the front door. I didn't bother knocking, just unlocked the door, stepping inside and feeling my heart break. I could hear the sound of passionate moaning, which all of a sudden explained the second car. Trying not to cry, I set down the cake on the kitchen counter, walking silently upstairs to my room. The sounds only got louder so I heaved a sigh and pushed open the door. 

Paul and Bruce immediately sprang apart, but it was too late. The fact they were both naked told me everything I needed to know. "G-Gene! But you'd be gone until 5!" he cried. "I came home early," I said in a flat voice. He rose to his feet, walking over to me, taking my hand. "I-it's not-it's just--" he stammered, but I shook my head. "On our anniversary?" I said softly. Paul cringed, face going red. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--" "No. I get it. You've already been doing it, why stop now? How long?" I asked. 

Face burning, he shrugged. "Over...a year," he whispered. I nodded, feeling my stomach ache. "Right. Got it. So you dumped Eric to get with my fiancé?" I asked Bruce, who hadn't said anything so far. He flinched before nodding, pointedly staring at the ground and not looking at me. "Uh...yeah. I didn't cheat on Eric though." "And yet you've been sleeping with Paul, who you knew was engaged to me." "Sorry," he mumbled. Paul grabbed my other hand, giving them a squeeze, trying to force a smile.

"Babe I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, you're the one I still love!" he said desperately. I pulled my hands free. "No I'm not. If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done this. We're done. Keep the ring, I don't care, but please leave." "Gene--" "We're done. Go with Bruce, be happy with him. If you really loved me you wouldn't have fallen for him. Just please leave." He opened his mouth to say something before turning away, hastily getting dressed as Bruce did the same. "I--" he started, but I shook my head. "Just go." 

He and Bruce left in a hurried silence, leaving me standing in my bedroom. I waited until I heard the front door shut and heard their cars drive away before walking back to the kitchen, picking up the cake and setting it on the table. "Happy anniversary," I whispered, grabbing a fork and scraping the icing with his name off the cake, eating it, before just slowly starting to eat the cake, tears rolling down my face and dripping off my chin.

"Happy fucking anniversary." 

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