Peter and Ace

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A/N: This is something from like the main high school book and such!

With a smile, Ace walked over to me, sitting on my lap and tilting his head back, resting it on my shoulder. Smiling right back, I kissed him on the forehead. "Good morning beautiful. You ready for our test in gov today?" He closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. "Ahh shit is that today?" "Mhm, it's Friday. Test's on Friday. We always test on Fridays!" Shaking his head, he leaned more against me, letting out a yawn and kissing me on the neck. "Shut up. I forgot we had a test this week, don't rub it in and make it worse."

"Aw you'll be fine! And hey, I was thinking maybe tonight you could come over to my place and spend the night and stuff?" I asked hopefully. Ace opened his eyes, giving me a huge grin. "Absolutely! Yeah babe I totally wanna spend the night! It's been too long since we've spent the night together." "It's been a week," I said with a grin. "That's too long," he muttered, closing his eyes and going back to leaning his head on my shoulder. Heart melting, I wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a squeeze. "Good point, good point. But we'll make up for it by getting together tonight!"

The bell rang, interrupting our moment, and Ace rose to his feet with a sigh. "Damn well I'll see you in gov when I fail the test. Bye babe!" Ace said, giving me a quick kiss and grabbing his backpack. "Bye doll!" I said, grabbing my own backpack and walking toward calculus, joining Bruce, Eric, and Gene as they headed toward the classroom.

"Okay so it's bullshit, right? Like I mean I did the challenge, I ate the stupid burger in under forty-five minutes, but they wouldn't give me the t-shirt because I'm not 18!" Eric cried. Bruce and Gene burst into laughter. "Serves you right for trying to eat a three-pound burger in under forty-five minutes!" Bruce teased, ruffling his hair. Eric stuck his tongue out at him, giving him a shove. "Shut up. I earned my shirt!" Grinning, I nudged him in the ribs. "Hey man, next time just ask and I'll hook you up with a fake ID and you won't have an issue." "You're joking but one of these days I'll take you up on that," he said.

As it turns out, Ace wasn't the only one who forget they had a test today, and I was wildly unprepared for my calculus test. Heaving a sigh, I slumped into my desk next to Ace after making it to my next class, picking up his hand and giving it a squeeze. "Alright so I also forgot I had a test in calc so I feel you. Definitely looking forward to being able to just relax tonight with you." Grinning, he squeezed my hand back. "You and me both babe, you and me both."

The day dragged on for what felt like an eternity before the last bell finally rang. Ace walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a kiss. "Mm I missed you," he purred, running a hand through my hair and tucking it behind my ear. "Bet I missed you more," I teased, resting my head on his chest and feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "Not even possible," he said, giving me another kiss. "Now come on, let's go! I wanna go to your house and spend time with you." I gave him a look. "Doll, you gotta go back to your house and get yourself a bag and stuff! I'll head home, you take care of that and then come to my place, alright?"

Rolling his eyes, he gave me one last kiss. "Fine, fine. I'll see you in a few then!" he said, walking off with a parting wave. Smiling, I slid into my car, driving off. Hooligan let out an irritated mew as soon as I stepped into my apartment, brushing up against my legs. "Hello you beautiful baby boy!" I cooed, scooping him up in my arms. "You're hungry, aren't you? Let's get you some food before my boyfriend comes over."

I carried Hooligan into the kitchen, pouring some food into his bowl and setting him down. "There you go! And Ace is going to be coming over soon, I know you don't like anyone but me but still. Be nice to him," I said. Hooligan flicked his tail as he started to eat, giving me a flat look. Grinning, I scratched him behind the ear. "You're adorable," I murmured, jumping to my feet as the doorbell rang. I yanked open the door eagerly, pulling Ace into a kiss. "Damn! About time!" "Oh shut up I got here as soon as I could," he snapped, but he was smiling.

Later that night, after having eaten a pizza from Domino's, I gave Ace a soft smile, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. "Hey babe, wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "You don't have a T.V. in here," he countered. "Well no but I do have a laptop! We can just lie on the floor and watch one!" Grinning, he kissed me on the forehead. "Sounds like a plan. You go do that and I'll make us some popcorn," he said, walking off into the kitchen. I watched him go, heart fluttering. Even though he was wearing an oversized t-shirt he looked absolutely adorable.

I grabbed my laptop, a few pillows, and a blanket, setting up a nest on the floor as Ace popped some popcorn before joining me in the living room. "So what movie did you pick out?" he asked, lying next to me on the floor. Shrugging, I draped the blanket over us. "Hm, I was thinking maybe like a horror movie?" "Sounds like a plan. Doesn't matter if I get scared since we're sharing a bed tonight." "Good point!" I said, snuggling closer against him under the blanket. He hugged a pillow, resting his chin on it as I leaned against him, pressing play on my laptop.

It was really nice to be able to lean against him and watch a movie, even if the movie wasn't very good. He twisted his legs through mine, leaning his head against mine as he looked at the screen, but I spent most of the movie watching him, just really happy to be able to be with someone I loved so much. As the credits finally rolled, Ace let out a yawn, closing his eyes and dropping his head to my shoulder. "Damn babe I love you so much," he murmured. "I love you too," I said, giving him a kiss. "Now come on, let's go to sleep."

"Sounds dreamy," he said, rising to his feet with another yawn and pulling me to mine. Giving his hand a squeeze, I walked with him into my room, flopping onto my bed. Ace burrowed under the covers, immediately clinging to me like a sloth. "Alright goodnight babe, I love you to bits and I'll see you tomorrow." "Well I'll see you in my dreams," I teased, wrapping an arm around him. "And of course I love you too."

He dropped off to sleep pretty quickly but I stayed awake a bit longer, playing with his hair absentmindedly as he slept, heart melting. He was absolutely amazing, the only person I wanted to spend my life with, and the man I hoped that I'd marry one day.

 He was absolutely amazing, the only person I wanted to spend my life with, and the man I hoped that I'd marry one day

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A/N: Ok so I might be writing stories around drawings for a bit lol it's really fun

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