Eric C and Bruce

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I sat back on my stool, waiting for Paul to finish his little stage banter. But to my surprise, Bruce walked up to the mic, turning to give me a smile before looking out at the audience. " yeah, me and Eric have been dating for what, how long?" he asked, looking back at me. I froze, before leaning over toward my mic. "Um...four years? About that long."

The audience cheered and I looked at Bruce in confusion. "So yeah four years is pretty long but you know I kinda want to be longer so like...hey Eric, you wanna marry me?" I stared at him in shock as my body grew cold, sweat beading on my forehead. Shit, shit, this was not how I wanted this to happen. He looked at me, still smiling, and I forced a smile of my own.

"I'll give you my answer backstage," I said after an excruciatingly long pause. He shrugged, still grinning, and turned back to the show.

I was absolutely pissed, playing the drums a lot more aggressively than I usually did. I had never been happier to finish a set and see the curtain drop after we all took our bows. I threw down my drumsticks and stormed off backstage, fuming. "Hey! Eric, wait!" Bruce cried, jogging after me. He grabbed my arm, pulling me to a halt. "What's wrong, why are you upset?"

"Why am I upset?! Why did you propose publicly?!" I cried. He took a step back, stunned, before shrugging. "Well I just...I dunno. I didn't know how else to do it," he mumbled, face going red. "You know I don't like that! I told you I didn't want a public proposal, I fucking told you that! And then your solution is to go and propose to me in front of thousands of people?! Seriously?! I was so mad at you when you announced we were dating at that press conference, why the hell would you think this was a good idea?!" I shouted.

His face got even redder and he dropped my arm, staring at the ground. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings or embarrass you. I should've thought about how you would feel, I'm sorry." I shook my head, scowling. "Yeah, you should've." There was a long silence before he looked at me. "B-but said you'd give me an answer backstage s-so..." He trailed off, looking at me hopefully.

"You know how I feel about my relationship being super public, but you still did that shit anyway! You never listen to me! So you know what, my answer is no!" I spat. His face fell and he nodded, blinking back tears. "I'm really sorry," he whispered. "Shut up," I said, turning and walking off toward the dressing room.

Still fuming, I changed out of my stage clothes, pulling on a t-shirt and jeans. I was halfway through lacing up my tennis shoes when the door swung open and Gene walked in, giving me a look. "Really?" he asked.

"What? What do you mean, really?"

He shrugged, taking off his jacket. "I mean you're really going to end a four year relationship with Bruce because you didn't like his proposal?" "Yeah looks like it," I snapped. Gene sighed, shaking his head. "Eric, come on. You and him love each other and care about each other so much it's annoying. I haven't gone a single day since you two started dating without having to hear from one or both of you how amazing the other is. He honestly thought you would like the proposal, he wasn't trying to hurt you."

"Well he honestly thought wrong and he did. He knows how I fucking feel about that shit! Why would I want to marry someone who won't take my opinions and feelings into consideration?!" I cried. Gene just shook his head. "Look man, all I'm saying is maybe you should take his feelings into consideration too and go talk to him. I know you both care about each other a lot."

I rolled my eyes, rising to my feet and running a hand through my hair. "Fine. I'll go see him. I mean it's not like I have a choice, we share a room after all," I muttered. Gene sighed. "Yeah, yeah. Just try not to be too aggressive toward him. He really wasn't trying to hurt you."

Despite what Gene was trying to tell me, I was still mad when I finally made it to our room, shoving the door open. Bruce jumped, quickly turning away from me, trying desperately to hide the fact he had been crying. My heart sank as I realized Gene was right and I was probably overreacting.

I sat next to him on the bed, heaving a sigh. "Look, Bruce--" "No, it's fine. You were right, I'm sorry," he mumbled, wiping away tears with a balled fist. "It's fine. I fucked up and I'm really sorry and I should've thought more about what you wanted and it makes sense you'd say no since I didn't think about your feelings."

I took his hand, leaning against his shoulder. "No! Bruce, no! I'm the one who should apologize. I overreacted. Yeah you could've talked to me or done a private proposal, but I shouldn't have flipped out on you like I did. I'm really sorry for that." He nodded, slipping an arm around my waist and pulling me against him. "Don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Actually, I made a pretty big mistake," I said quietly. He looked at me, face still a mess from crying. "What?" I gave him a smile, reaching up to kiss him. "I told the man of my dreams I didn't want to marry him."

He kissed me back, giving my waist a squeeze. "Hold on, give me one second," he said, rising to his feet and grabbing a box off the nightstand, dropping onto one knee. "Let's try this again, the better way. So Eric Carr, will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box and showing off the ring inside.

"Yes I absolutely fucking will!"

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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