Eric S and Tommy

318 11 1

A/N: Requested by One_directioner4eva

Heaving a sigh, I walked down the street, stuffing my hands in my coat pockets and wishing I was home already. The sun was setting already and it was getting late, and I really wanted to get home before the sun disappeared completely. Humming to myself, I finally jogged up the steps to my apartment, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

To my absolute shock, there was a bouquet of flowers sitting on my kitchen table. I froze, walking slowly toward it and picking up the card. "What the hell?" I murmured, flipping it open. There was no name, no signature, just 'These are for you' with a heart. "What the absolute hell?" I said again, staring at the flowers.

Shaking my head, I picked up my phone and called my landlord. "Hey uhhh...did you let anyone into my place? Because there's a bunch of flowers on my table that I definitely didn't pay for." "Uh, no. Did someone use a spare key? Or even just break in?" "I mean, I'll check for a break in I guess but nothing looks damaged and I don't think they're going to come in through the windows since I'm on the 9th floor," I said, moving through my apartment anyway.

Sure enough, there was no sign of a break in. But the spare key wasn't where I had been keeping it.

"Hey, uh...Rick. Spare key's gone," I said. "Oh shit. Alright, we'll send someone up to change the locks," he said. "That sounds perfect. Thanks man. Hopefully I don't get murdered in the meantime," I said, hanging up.

I mean at least the flowers were nice.

Going right back to humming to myself, I pushed aside the thought I might get murdered and set about putting the flowers in a vase, adding some water. They were really nice flowers, a dozen roses, and they smelled amazing. "Mm, very nice," I said absentmindedly, taking a deep breath. "Very nice!" I picked off a few of the dying petals, making sure the rest of the flowers were perfect before setting them on my kitchen table.

After getting a text from my landlord asking me to step out of my apartment, I walked down to the nearest coffee shop where I liked to spend the cold afternoons. The bell above the door rang and the barista gave me a smile. "Hey Eric! What can I get for you today?" he asked. Frowning slightly, I looked at the menu. "Hm...I'm not sure! What do you recommend?"

Shrugging, Peter gestured at the chalkboard menu. "Take a guess! Make it quick though, I wanna hurry up and finish my shift. I've got a date tonight and my boyfriend's waiting in the back room," he said with a happy smile. I grinned, shaking my head. "Of course. Tell Bruce I say hi and hook me up with a latte."

Peter set to work, handing me a latte with a wide heart drawn in the foam after a pause. I moved to pull out my wallet so I could pay him but he shook his head. "No no, there's no need! A friend of yours stopped by earlier and said he'd be happy to pay for anything you bought." My eyebrows shot up and I gave him a stunned look. "He did? Wait, who did?"

Peter shrugged, looking at his phone before shooting a glare at the back room. "I dunno, I didn't ask his name. He just said 'hey Eric Singer goes here right?' and I said yeah sometimes and he said 'Okay I'm a friend I'll cover his tab for today' and then he gave me his credit card information and left," he said, looking over his shoulder at the back room.

"Huh. Interesting," I said absentmindedly, taking my coffee and moving to a table. Peter's replacement came in, taking over the counter, and Peter gave me a quick goodbye before running to the back room where Bruce was waiting. Still trying to figure out who was leaving me flowers and buying me coffee, I sipped my latte. Eventually I got the text from my landlord saying I was free to come home and walked back up to my apartment.

To my absolute surprise, there was a small package on the doorstep with a bow and a card. Heart racing, I picked it up, carrying it inside and closing the door behind me. I set it on the table, sitting across from it before letting out a sigh. "Alright, let's get to the bottom of this," I muttered, opening the card. There was no name, just a simple message.


Call me <3

I shuddered, setting it aside and opening the package. There was a set of brand new drumsticks, the exact same set I had talked to the cashier about buying at the music store last week. "Whattt the fuck," I murmured. "Alright, what the hell," I said, grabbing the card with the phone number and a handful of spare change before running down the stairs, heading to a pay phone a few blocks away.

Hands shaking, I inserted the change into the phone, dialing the number. It rang for a bit before a male voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, who the fuck are you?" I snapped. "I'm sorry, do I know you? I don't recognize the number." "Well you better recognize the drumsticks you left on my doorstep! And the coffee you bought for me! And the flowers you fucking broke into my house to leave on my table?!" I cried. There was a long pause as the guy on the other end let out a quiet sigh.

"Uh...sorry. Yeah, I-I mean looking back on it that was really stupid of me and definitely crossed a line. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you or anything, I'm just...well, you're my neighbor and I really like you but I'm...I've been too shy to say anything to you directly so I just...followed you for a bit to find out what you liked so I could do something nice for you," he mumbled. "Shit man I'm so sorry looking back on it it was really kinda creepy of me."

"You're my neighbor? Which neighbor?" "Tommy Thayer. D-down the hall." Despite everything, my heart absolutely melted. Tommy Thayer, my neighbor who lived in the apartment four doors down, who I thought was really hot. "Oh. Well look man I do think you're cute and I'd love to meet up with you, but could we maybe meet up in a place where you're not breaking into my apartment and stuff?"

"Yeah! Y-yeah Eric I'm so sorry really gosh I'm such a fucking idiot I don't know--" Laughing, I cut him off. "Don't worry about it! Really, don't worry about it. Look, how about we meet up in the courtyard at 6 then we can grab dinner? That work?" "Yeah! Yeah absolutely I'll see you then," he said excitedly.

Feeling myself smiling in spite of everything, I exchanged some quick goodbyes with him before hanging up. "Aw, Tommy you adorable mess of a man," I said, shaking my head and heading back up to my apartment.

A/N: Not currently taking requests, sorry! (for the two of you who already requested something, don't worry I'll get it done!!)

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