Tommy and Eric S

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Humming to myself, I finished setting the table, pouring me and Eric each a glass of wine, straightening the silverware on the table. The oven timer dinged and I walked back into the kitchen, pulling the roast out of the oven, setting it on the stove to cool. Everything was ready. The salads were made and on the table, the vegetables were warming on the stovetop, the freshly baked rolls were in a basket on the table, and the yule log cake was chilling in the fridge. The only thing I needed was my boyfriend.

I glanced at the clock, frowning. It wasn't like him to be late, or at least not without telling me first. Shrugging, I just finished making sure everything was absolutely perfect for our Christmas dinner, going so far as to fold up the napkins in fancy shapes. I looked at the clock again, frown deepening. Thirty minutes late. That wasn't like him at all. I picked up my phone off of the counter, dialing his number and waiting. It rang for awhile before going to voicemail, and I waited until after the beep to leave a voicemail. "Hey Eric, it's Tommy, just wanted to check up on you since we were supposed to have dinner at 6 and it's 6:30 now. It's okay if you're running late, just let me know what time you think you're gonna be here. Love you," I said, hanging up. 

I slipped my phone into my pocket, walking through the house and making sure everything was perfect. I added another small log to the fire, causing the warm orange flames to leap up a little higher. I smiled, straightening the stockings above the fireplace. His was a rich green with his name on it while I had opted for a blue one with snowflakes. After making sure the stockings looked perfect, I turned to the Christmas tree, turning on the lights and straightening the presents beneath it. Once all that was perfect, I looked at the clock. 7 o'clock, and still no sign of him. 

Letting out a sigh, I moved to the window, looking out into the night. Snow was coming down hard and fast, and I felt a small pit of worry gnaw at my stomach. "Come on Eric, where are you?" I murmured, calling him again. Once again, it rang, rang some more, and went to voicemail. "Hey, me again. I'm getting worried, where are you? You're an hour late man, this isn't like you! Please just call me and tell me what's going on. If you can't make it tonight that's fine, I'll just pack up the food. Call me back. Please. Love you," I said, hanging up and letting out a long sigh. "Come on Eric!" I said under my breath, looking out the window again, searching for any sign of his headlights coming up the driveway. 

I grabbed my glass of wine, taking a sip and sitting in a chair by the fire, watching the crackling flames and waiting for Eric. I zoned out, getting lost in watching the fire and sipping on my wine. By the time I sort of snapped out of it and glanced at my phone again, another hour had passed. My heart sank, chill running through me, and I dialed his number again. And once again, it just went to voicemail. "Hey, I'm really worried. Where are you, are you okay?! Please, please, just call me back. It's okay if you can't make it or even don't want to, but please just call me and let me know. I love you," I said, hanging up and letting out a sigh, draining my glass of wine and running a hand through my hair. 

Shaking my head, I just poured myself another glass, resuming my seat by the fire, scrolling aimlessly on my phone, hoping desperately for a call from my boyfriend. Another hour slipped by and my heart sank lower, stomach twisting into anxious knots with every minute that passed without hearing from him. I was feeling sick as I called him a fourth time. "Eric, call me back. I'm freaking out. Please, just call me and let me know you're okay," I said desperately, practically begging him through the voicemail. 

By the time ten o'clock rolled around, I was so worried I felt sick, with dinner long forgotten. All I cared about now was Eric. I called him again, not even knowing how many times I had called him before this, and once again it went unanswered. "We're sorry, but the voicemail you're trying to leave a message on is full. Please clear the mailbox before leaving another message. Thank you." 

I hung up on the cool female voice, feeling like I was going to throw up, before dialing Bruce's number. "Hello this is Bruce." "Hey, it's Tommy. Have you heard from Eric? Singer, I mean, not your boyfriend. He was supposed to come over for dinner at 6, he was gonna spend the night since it's Christmas Eve and all that, but I haven't heard from him in hours, he's not answering my calls and it's not like him to not tell me when he's running late, and it's not like him at all to be four hours late," I said in a rush. 

There was a pause before he answered. "No...I haven't heard from him. You're right, that's not like him at all. Let me ask my Eric," he said, and there was another pause before I could hear snatches of his and Eric's conversation before he turned back to the phone call. "I'm really sorry but he hasn't heard from him either. Maybe call Gene? They're pretty close, maybe he's heard from him." "Okay. Thanks Bruce. Sorry for interrupting your evening. Merry Christmas." "Don't worry about it. I'm sure he's fine. Let me know when you hear from him and merry Christmas to you too," he said, before hanging up. 

Hands shaking, I called Gene, having an almost identical conversation where he said he didn't know but he'd ask Paul, but of course Paul didn't know either. Growing desperate, I called Ace, then Peter, then Mark, then Vinnie, all to no avail. "Come on Eric, where are you?!" I cried, tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Please, it's Christmas Eve, why won't you come home?" 

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