Tommy and Eric S

385 11 1

A/N: Requested by I_Love_My_Evian

I stifled a yawn as I drove down the street. It was late, and I was getting tired. "Mm I am probably too tired to be driving right now," I said under my breath, squinting through the dark. The streetlights were definitely not bright enough for the street, and it was just making me sleepier. "Come on Tommy, just a few more minutes until you're home," I said with a sigh, flipping my headlights up another level.

My heart dropped to my feet and I slammed on the breaks as the guy in the middle of the road stared at me in horror. There was a scream from either me or him or both of us and a thud as I accidentally hit him.

White-faced and shaking, I clutched the steering wheel, staring out the windshield in shock before I realized what I had done. "Oh shit," I choked, throwing my car in park and shoving open the door. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," I said again, running to the front of my car. There was a man sprawled out on the concrete, staring up at the sky, and, to my immense relief, laughing wildly. "Oh my gosh are you okay?!" I cried, kneeling next to him. Still laughing, he waved a hand dismissively.

"You hit me with your car!" he said gleefully. "Well you stepped in front of it!" I protested, feeling my face growing hot. He tried to sit upright but I pushed him back to the ground. "Wait, don't move! You don't know if you broke anything!" Giggling, he ignored my advice and sat up, giving me a huge grin. "Aw no I'm drunk ash hell, I'm not gonna be able to feel anything!" I bit back a sigh before holding out a hand and pulling him upright. "Well, at least let me take you to a hospital or something!" I said, almost begging him to let me get him help.

He shook his head with a laugh, running a hand through his hair and standing up, swaying a bit. "No no I'm fine! What'sh there to take me to a hoshpital for?" he asked, giving me a wink. "Because I just hit you with my car!" I shouted. Still giving me a huge smile, he shrugged. "And? Told you, I'm drunk ash hell! Whooo yeah baby I'm washted!" I blinked, staring at him. "Geez. Okay, can I at least take you home?" I asked. "Oooh, flirty, are we?" he teased, jabbing me in the chest with another wink.

"I meant to your house," I snapped, face burning. He gave me a pout and yet another wink. "Mmkay but I'mma little bit drunk an' I don't remember where I live," he slurred. I bit back a sigh, wishing immensely that I had managed to break in time and not actually hit him. "Okay. Do you have your phone? I'll call one of your friends and ask them where you live. Oh, or wait your address is probably in your phone."

He shook his head, taking a step forward before leaning heavily against the hood of my car. "Forgot my phone at the bar, that'sh where I wash goin' when you hit me." I felt like kicking myself. "Okay, alright, fine. What bar were you at?" He shrugged, holding out his hand. "I'm Eric an' I dunno, I forgot," he said cheerfully. I shook his hand with a grimace. "Of course. Dammit. Well, I'm Tommy, it's nice to meet you. Kind of. I would've liked to have meet you by not hitting you with my car. Then, I guess do you want me to take you back to my house? When you're sober tomorrow I'll help you get your phone back and get you back to your house. Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

Ignoring me, Eric clambered into the passenger seat of my car, giving me a smile. "Take me home, you shexy hunk of a man," he purred, giving me a flirty look. I stared at him in shock before awkwardly sliding into the driver's seat, starting the car and finally driving to my house.

I led Eric into my house, helping him stumble into the guest room. "And you're sure you're not hurt and don't need to go to the hospital? I asked for what felt like the millionth time. Eric just smiled, stretching out on the bed and kicking off his shoes. "I'm hunred pershent fine," he slurred. "But oooooh damn I'd be shooo much better if you were in bed with me," he said, giggling.

Face absolutely on fire, I just shook my head. "I'm going to sleep, I really hope no one worries about you. Please be sober and okay in the morning," I said, closing the door to the guest room and practically running up the stairs to my room. I fell into bed, adrenaline finally fading, and started to tremble, running a hand through my hair and massaging my temples aggressively. "Geez holy shit I hit a guy with my car," I whispered. "Oh my gosh I hit a kinda cute guy with my car," I said, before mentally kicking myself for saying that out loud.

I mean I did think he was really cute, with absolutely gorgeous blue eyes. And he seemed nice, as far as I could tell. Of course, whether or not he liked me back was the question. Sure he had said a lot of stuff, but how much of that was the alcohol talking was impossible to tell.

I walked downstairs bright and early the next morning, opening the door to the guest room. "Hello? Eric? You awake?" I asked. He bolted upright, staring at me in shock. "Who are you?!" he shouted. "Uhhh...I'm Tommy. You kinda walked in front of my car and I accidentally hit you last night. You were really drunk, but I'm really sorry," I said sheepishly.

To my surprise, he burst into laughter. "Hah! Oh man that's amazing! I mean I am so, so sorry I did that to you, geez I am so sorry. I didn't mess up your car, did I?" he asked, jumping out of bed. "Oh, no no no it's fine! I didn't hurt you though, did I?" Eric shrugged, stretching with a wince. "Mm, nope! I feel fine, don't worry about it. I was seriously drunk, I don't think you could've hurt me if you tried. I mean you know, when you're plastered you're kind of loose and stuff and you just bounce around. Oh gosh," he said, staring at me as his face went bright pink.

"What? What happened?" I asked in concern. Wincing, he ran a hand through his hair. "I uh...just sort of started to remember a bit more of last night. Like some of the uh...things I said to you," he mumbled. I laughed, shaking my head. "Oh no don't worry about it! I was kind of flattered, to be honest." Face still hot pink, Eric looked at the ground. "Well I mean I do think you're hot," he said under his breath, before slapping a hand to his forehead. "Geez Eric you dumbass just keep your mouth shut!"

My heart fluttered and I gave him a shy smile. "Aw don't worry about it. If it makes you feel better, I think you're hot too." His face lit up and he gave me a huge grin. "Oh! W-well hey, that works out!" he said cheerfully. "Ooh that reminds me, you wouldn't happen to have a phone I could borrow? I need to call one of my friends and tell him I didn't die last night or anything." "Sure yeah of course," I said, handing him my phone.

Eric dialed a number, sitting on the edge of the bed as he waited. "Heyyy! Gene! I know, I know, I know, you don't need to tell me. Okay yeah you're just going to chew me out anyway, aren't you? Of course." He rolled his eyes as whoever was on the other end of the line berated him for being careless. "I'm sorry! No I got picked up by a really nice guy, he let me crash at his house. Okay well technically I walked in front of his car, and--" Gene apparently went ballistic because I could hear his yelling from where I was standing.

Wincing, Eric pulled the phone away from his ear, waiting for Gene to finish. "I know!" he cried. "Look, did you pick up my phone? I left it at the bar. Aw, tell Paul thanks! Yeah yeah I'll have Tommy take me to my house, I'll get my phone after that. Okay bye Gene stop yelling at me thank you!" he said with a grin, hanging up and handing me back my phone. "Aw, he loves me. Well, I get on his nerves a lot because I have a tendency to wander off when I get drunk. But hey, thanks a million for letting me sleep here! Also I am so, so sorry I stepped in front of your car."

"Hey, I'm really sorry for hitting you. Did you want breakfast before I took you home?" I asked. "Oh no no I don't want to trouble you anymore than I have. Here, I'll give you my address and we can head out."

I drove Eric back to his house, chatting cheerfully with him the entire time, and really enjoying the trip. Finally, we arrived at his place, and he handed me a scrap of paper with his number on it. "Call me if you want, we could have a second date! Hopefully one that doesn't involve you hitting me with your car," he teased, kissing me on the cheek before basically running inside.

Stunned, I stared after him, feeling a slow smile spread across my face as I absentmindedly touched the spot he had kissed me, heart going a million happy beats a minute.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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