Paul and Ace

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Requested by DemRosesBeRed ! This is a continuation of the story from the two previous chapters (I rearranged them to make it easier lol)

I stumbled out of the apartment, dropping the knife, and ran for the stairs. I could hear Ace screaming after me, hear him threatening me and cursing me and telling me I was going to die, that he was going to kill me, but I ignored him, just running down the stairs as fast as I could, bursting onto the street and crashing into Gene. "It's okay. It's okay, I've got you, it's okay," he said, grabbing my arms. Letting out a sob, I crumpled into his embrace. "It's okay," he murmured, stroking my hair. "W-we need to go," I choked. "He's still in there and he wants to kill me."

Nodding, Gene scooped me up into his arms, carrying me to his car. I curled up into a ball in the passenger seat, breaking down into tears. Gene just spent the entire drive saying vague reassurances to me, but I couldn't even hear the words he was saying. Finally, we pulled into the garage of a house I didn't recognize. "Come on, come inside, let me get you cleaned up," he said gently, helping me to my feet.

I shook my head, unable to stop crying, and just sank back to the ground. He knelt next to me, putting a hand on my cheek, tilting my face up toward his. "Come inside. Let me help you," he murmured, eyes brimming with worry. I just shook my head again. Even if I wanted to, I wasn't able to pull myself together enough to stand up and walk inside. Without a word, Gene picked me up in his arms again and brought me into the house.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I clung to him as if my life depended on it and sobbed. "Okay, I'm gonna set you down, okay?" he said, but I shook my head, clutching him tighter. "Paul, I need to set you down to help you. You're hurt, you're covered in blood. Please, let me set you down. I'm not going to abandon you, I just need to set you down to help you." "Here, take him into the bathroom, I'll go see what bandages and stuff I can scrape together, and a change of clothes too," another voice said softly.

I lifted my head from Gene's shoulder, giving Eric a weak, tear-filled smile. "Oh, h-hey Eric! Sorry you got dragged into all of this," I choked. "It's okay, if I'm part of the band that means I'm part of the group and y'all are my friends. Please let Gene and I help you though." I nodded, letting Gene set me down and lead me to the bathroom. "Alright, where are you hurt?" he asked, eyes roving over me. "I d-don't know. It's all a blur," I mumbled. "Okay, here, let's get this off of you," he said, gently lifting my bloodstained shirt over my head.

"P-please don't throw that away, it was from Peter and I don't wanna lose it!" I cried. "We'll wash it, don't worry. First things first though, alright? We need to take care of you." I nodded, sitting on the edge of the bathtub as Gene got a damp rag and wiped away the blood. "How much of this is from you?" he asked, and I just shrugged helplessly.

"After you texted me, I took a knife and I w-went for him, I don't even know what I planned on doing, but we fought over the knife, he got me a couple times and I got him and then I stabbed it into his thigh and ran. He was screaming that he was going to kill me, Gene he really wants to murder me, he told m-me if he can't have me no one can, oh Gene he's gonna find me, he's gonna kill me!" I shouted, heart racing.

He put a hand on my shoulder. "Paul, Paul, listen to me. Deep breath. Nothing's going to happen to you, okay? We're at Eric's house, he doesn't know where Eric lives or even that you're here, okay? You're just fine." "Y-yeah, I've got a security system and stuff, and all the doors and windows are locked," Eric said, walking into the bathroom and setting down a pile of clean clothes, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded, trying not to melt down, and just focused on Gene as he continued to clean me up.

"Eric, get some bandages, will you?" Gene asked. "Or even just band-aids." "Okay, give me a second to try and find some, I-I know I have some," he said, running out of the room. He was back in a minute, handing some gauze and bandages to Gene, as well as a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "Okay, this is gonna sting," Gene said softly, pouring some of the peroxide onto the cuts on my arms. I winced, letting out a sharp breath, and he murmured an apology. I sat on the edge of the bathtub, trying not to cry as he wrapped up the cuts before bandaging the ones on my sides. "Is that all of them?" he asked, sitting back, and I nodded. "Alright, we'll let you get dressed, then come to the living room," Eric said, walking out of the bathroom with Gene close behind.

I slowly pulled on the borrowed set of sweats and the sweatshirt, stumbling into the living room and sitting on the couch, burying my head in my hands. Gene slipped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." "What do I do? What the hell do I do? How do I get away from him?" I whispered. "Look, we have the poisoned chocolates he sent me, we have the very obvious fact that you've been attacked by him, we'll just get him arrested or something," Eric said. "And until he's in prison, you can stay here. both should stay here."

"Eric I can't just infringe on your hospitality like that," Gene said, but both Eric and I shook our heads. "No. No no don't go home, I can't risk losing you. I can't risk losing you," I said, clinging to him. "Okay. Okay, I'll stay here," he said soothingly, patting me on the head. "Ohhhh fuck Gene h-he wants to kill me. He j-just completely flipped out on me. I thought he loved me, I r-really did, he really seemed like he did, but he fucking killed Peter! Oh fuck Gene Peter's dead because we were flirting! He's dead because we were thinking of dating and Ace was jealous! And-and Eric almost died because we were joking around at one practice!" I cried, breaking down again.

"Don't blame yourself Paul, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. It's not your fault," Gene murmured soothingly, rubbing me on the back and holding me tightly as I sobbed. "It's not your fault." I clung to him, weeping. The couch creaked as Eric sat next to me, also slipping an arm around my shoulders. "It's alright man. It's alright. It's gonna be okay," he murmured. "Peter's d-dead. Gene, he's dead. I don't understand how he could've done that. The four of us have been friends for years, and he killed him. Killed him over me."

Gene winced, eyes filling with tears. "I...I know. I don't understand it either. But I guess he's just not the person that we thought he was." "I dated him. I thought he killed Peter for months. From the day we found out he was dead. And I still fucking dated him. Gene I still loved him," I said numbly. "Listen to me, listen to me Paul. Don't hate yourself for this. You didn't want to believe that he was capable of doing that, so you just pushed aside the feeling. It's okay. No one's mad at you for what you did."

"Peter is. I kept seeing him, I-I mean I know it was just in my head but still. He'd show up and give me shit for dating Ace. J-just like he would've in real life. Oh fuck Gene I miss Peter so much," I whispered. "I know. Just...just try not to dwell on him. That's only going to keep hurting you." "Fucking bastard. I hate him." "Paul--" Gene started, but he was cut off by the doorbell ringing. We all froze, staring at the front door in horror. Hands shaking, Eric pulled out his phone, checking his security cameras. The blood drained from his face. "Oh...oh f-fuck," he choked. "N-no, it's not him, it can't be him," I whispered. "Go upstairs. Go upstairs, Paul go upstairs. Eric, call the cops," Gene said, shoving me toward the stairs.

Eric looked at the cameras on his phone, eyes going wide. "Oh shit he's got a gun," he whispered. "Paul, just go upstairs!" Gene cried, continuing to shove me toward the stairs. "M-maybe we should all go upstairs," Eric said, grabbing Gene and dragging him upstairs too. Ace pounded on the door. "Paulie come on I know you're in there! I know you still love me! Or have you been fucking around with Eric behind my back, huh?! We said we'd only love each other! Only each other! You can only love me!" he screamed. "I only want you! If I can't have you there's no point! There's no point in living if I can't have you!"

I turned toward the door but Gene caught my arm, shaking his head. "Paul, Paul he's just trying to get you out there. Don't listen to him." "I c-can't just stand by and let him die!" I protested. "Eric, call the fucking cops!" Gene hissed, before glaring at me. "I'm not letting you go out there." "The police are coming, just come on, just come upstairs and it'll be okay," Eric said, hands shaking. Shaking my head, I shoved Gene away and sprinted outside, throwing open the front door.

Ace was standing on the doorstep, holding the gun to his temple, chest heaving. "If I can't have you Paulie there's no point in being alive!" he cried. "Ace, Ace, p-put the gun down, just put it down and we'll talk, okay? Just put it down and we'll talk," I said, voice shaking. He lowered the gun, still holding it between us. "You said you only loved me. You lied to me. If I can't have you, no one else can," he hissed. "I did love you, but I didn't know who you really were! I don't love you like this! I don't love you!" I shouted.

He took a step back, staring at me in open-mouthed shock before a look of pure rage spasmed across his face and he raised the gun again. "Ace, no!" I cried, diving forward to try and wrench it from his hand before there was the loud crack of a gunshot and we fell apart.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots let me know!

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