Peter and Bruce

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A/N: This is a continuation of the last one! 

I leaned on the counter with a sigh, looking at the clock. It was almost one, which meant Gene would be arriving soon. Or at least he usually would, but he hadn't stopped by in days. The bell above the door swung open and I perked up, feeling a smile spread across my face as Gene walked in with Paul. "There's my favorite barista," he teased. "Well I thought I was your only barista but seeing as how you haven't stopped by since last week I just figured you found someone else," I retorted. 

"Well, I kinda did find someone else, but not to make me coffee," he said, giving Paul a warm smile and a kiss. My face lit up and I gave him a grin. "Nice! Glad that worked out for you two," I said, setting about making them two lattes. "Yeah, mainly thanks to you playing matchmaker," Paul said, giving Gene's hand a squeeze. I shrugged, pouring the foam into a heart on the lattes for both of them. "Well with the amount of staring you two were doing at each other, I had to give it a shot. Thank goodness Paul's clumsy as shit and spilled all over you," I said with a laugh, handing them their coffees. 

"Yeah, speaking of," Gene said, picking up both of them. "I'll carry these to our table." Paul stuck out his tongue at him before turning to me. "Do you have anything to eat?" "Oh yeah, sure! We've got pastries, I can make some sandwiches, um...really whatever's on the menu I can do," I said, pointing at the chalk board above the counter. Lips pursed into a frown, Paul stared up at the board. "Hey Gene, what do you want to eat?" he called over his shoulder. "Whatever the hell you'd like, my dear," Gene said, still giving Paul a lovesick smile.

I shook my head, handing Paul the plate of scones he asked for. "Thanks Peter. For more than just this," he said with a smile, walking over to their table and sitting across from Gene. I went back to leaning on the counter as they chatted happily, drinking coffee and making out. I heaved a sigh, wishing I had a guy to do that with, and stared out the windows at the front of the cafe. 

Gene gave me a look, raising an eyebrow. "So Peter, you played matchmaker for us, you have any luck in your love life yourself?" he asked. I shrugged, face going red. "Uh, well...ah, no. There's this guy though that I've uh...had my eye on, so to speak." Both of their faces lit up and I suddenly got the feeling I should've just kept my mouth shut. "Oh, go on," Gene said with a grin. 

"I mean, there's not a whole lot else to say. He works at the frozen yogurt shop right across the street, owns it too. We're kinda rivals in a way I guess, competing for customers and all, but he's great. He was in here a few days ago, we were talking about maybe combining forces to sell like a frozen yogurt frappuchino thing. I like him though, he's nice. Bruce Kulick, that's his name. Mm, Bruce Kulick," I said, half to myself, feeling a dreamy smile spread across my face like it always did whenever I thought about him. Him and his soft brown eyes and his curly hair and his cute little dimple right in the middle of his chin. 

"Right. Well, we'll set you up on a date with him, don't worry about it," Gene said. "What?! Wait no don't do that! No it's fine!" I cried, face burning. "No no, we owe you one," Paul said, pulling out a twenty and paying for their drinks. "No, you really don't. It's fine, really! I don't need him to date me or anything, it's fine!" I said desperately. "Mhm. Sure, whatever you say," Gene said with a wink, taking Paul's hand and walking out of the store with a parting wave. "Bastards. Very nice, generous bastards," I muttered, stuffing all their change into the tip jar. "They better not do anything stupid." 

But of course, they did end up doing something stupid, because I could see them walking into the frozen yogurt shop across the street. "Dammit Gene I swear, I'll break you and Paul up if I have to," I said to myself. Thankfully nothing seemed to come of it other than them walking out with some ice cream a few minutes later, so I just relaxed and went back to leaning on the counter, dreaming about Bruce and serving customers. 

Bruce walked into the shop a few hours later, right before I was about to close, and I immediately panicked. "Hey Peter! Uh, apparently you wanted to see me? Some friends of yours stopped by this afternoon and said you needed to talk to me. Sorry it took so long, I just got off my shift now," he said with a faint smile. 

"Those bastards," I said through gritted teeth, before returning his smile. "Hah, no they're just trying to play matchmaker with me because I kinda set them up with each other a few days ago," I said, before immediately realizing what I said. Face burning, I let out a nervous laugh. "I-I mean they were just...I was know, the idea...we had, with the uh...the coffee and the um...the ice cream, and they were...yeah," I mumbled, trailing off. 

He gave me a very nice smile that made his eyes sparkle, leaning on the counter. "Oh yeah, I remember that idea, of sort of combining our businesses. I mean of course in order to do that, we'd have to work together pretty...closely," he said, subtly moving his hand closer toward mine. "Well uh well yeah, I-I mean you know it's great because we both own our businesses and stuff but of course you know, the logistics of everything, like h-how we'd make it all work and yeah that might be a bit harder to figure out," I babbled. 

His smile got a bit bigger and he put his hand on top of mine. "I like how your friends played matchmaker with us," he murmured. "Yeah I thought it was neat they liked the idea, I'm glad they arranged for you to talk to me," I said, still way too flustered to recognize the subtext he was basically hitting me over the head with. 

Bruce laughed, lacing his fingers through mine. "Peter you lovable idiot, I'm not talking about the business idea!" he cried. "Y-you're not? W-well then what are you--" He shut me up pretty quickly by kissing me. My eyes widened before closing and I twisted a hand through his hair, holding him in the kiss as we made out. Eventually we broke apart, him still giving me a warm smile. "I'm talking about us, dumbass." "Yeah I get that now," I said, slightly out of breath, before giving him a grin. "Or maybe I don't, why don't you kiss me again so we can make sure?" 

And of course, he very happily obliged. 

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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