Eric S and Tommy

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A/N: This is a continuation of the last one

I sat in the front seat of my car, staring at the dashboard without really seeing it, before letting out a long sigh and snapping out of my daze, glancing at the clock. Just past 10. My phone had been dead for the past few hours so I couldn't call Tommy even if I wanted to. But I didn't really want to. With another sigh, I unbuckled my seatbelt, stepping out into the freezing night air. It was still snowing, just like it had been all day, and I shivered, breath frosting in the air. At the same time though, the snow was a nice slap in the face, knocking some sense back into me.

I let out a groan, running a hand through my hair before sitting down abruptly in the snow, closing my eyes. My legs grew wet and then cold as I sat in the snow, feeling more falling down around me, piling up on my thighs. I breathed slowly, taking deep, measured breaths, feeling tears welling up in my eyes, trickling down my cheeks and freezing. My fingers were starting to go numb, face so cold it hurt, before I rose to my feet, walking back to my car and starting it up. I had two stops to make, one which I wanted to make a lot more than the other. 

I pulled into the driveway, shaking the leftover snow out of my hair before walking down the path to his front door, ringing the doorbell and stepping back. There was a pause before Vinnie pulled open the door, shivering as a gust of cold air wrapped around him. "Eric! There you are! What the hell, where have you been?!" he cried. "Tommy's worried sick! Why didn't you answer any of his calls?! Or mine?!" 

Wincing, I shrugged, hugging myself. "I phone died. I didn't have a charger," I said quietly. "Why aren't you at his house? You're four hours late for you dinner date man, that's not like you at all. What's wrong?" he asked gently, taking a step forward and putting a hand on my shoulder. I dropped my gaze to the ground, staring at the snow as I lifted his hand off of me, giving it a squeeze before letting go. "Vin, I...I just...I'm not in love with him anymore," I murmured. 

He took a step back, giving me a confused look. "W-what? What do you mean?" "I-I'm in love with you. N-not him." "Eric, you..." he started, before trailing off, shaking his head as he stared at me in bewilderment. "I love you! I want to be with you, not him, and I don't know how to tell him! Just...please tell me you feel the same," I said, practically begging him. I couldn't read his expression as he took a step toward me, reaching out and gently resting his hand on my cheek. " you," he murmured. "I love you." 

Heart leaping, I darted forward to kiss him but he held up a hand, putting a finger to my lips and gently pushing me back. "Not until you talk to Tommy. I love you, but I'm not going to hurt him. You need to be honest with him." I flinched, running a hand through my hair. "I just...I'm so mad at myself. I n-never should've...dammit, I can't do that to him on Christmas Eve. I should've broken it off when I started to fall out of love with him," I said, almost angrily. 

Vinnie sighed, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me inside his house. "Yeah. But it's too late for that now. Look, you're freezing, just stay inside and get warmed up a bit. I'll charge your phone and in the meantime you can use mine to call him." "No I'll just go to his--" I started, but Vinnie held up a hand. "Eric. He thinks you're dead. You're going to call him," he said, and I felt my stomach twist into knots. "I...he does?" I choked, and he nodded, handing me his phone. "Yeah. He does. So call him." 

Nodding, I dialed his number, feeling miserable. "Hey Vinnie what's up? Have you heard from--" "Hey Tom," I murmured, and he instantly breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh my gosh Eric. Are you okay? I-I've been really worried, you weren't answering any of my calls!" "Yeah, I'm really sorry, my phone died hours ago. Um...let me come over and we can talk at your house, okay?" I said. "Yeah, yeah, that works. I'll uh...I'll see you then. Love you." "Love you too," I murmured, hanging up and handing Vinnie his phone back. 

"You should tell him. But...but maybe not today. Give him the holidays man, don't...don't break his heart on Christmas," he said gently. I nodded, running a hand through my hair for the umpteenth time. "Yeah. I can make it a few more days. Shit, I feel awful for missing dinner, I know he must've worked really hard." "It's not too late. Go to his house, enjoy dinner and Christmas, give it a week or so and if after that you really feel like you don't love him, then come back. But don't break his heart on Christmas Eve." 

Nodding, I gave him a quick hug, accepting my phone and the charger from him. "Thanks Vin. You're a good friend." He gave me a warm smile. "You are too. Now get out of here." I returned the smile before heading back to my car, speeding off to Tommy's house as fast as I could in the snow. He pulled open the door before I could even knock, pulling me into a tight hug, and my heart broke as I felt him trembling. "Eric I've been so worried! Are you okay?!" he asked, taking a step back, eyes brimming with worry. 

I searched desperately for a lie before giving him a smile. "Please don't get mad but I took a nap and my phone died and so my alarm didn't go off and...and yeah I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry man, I feel terrible that I missed dinner!" I cried, genuinely feeling miserable. Shrugging, he grabbed my hand and led me inside, sitting me at the table and pouring me a glass of wine. "It's not too late! I mean assuming you're hungry still?" My stomach rumbled and I nodded. "Very much so." "Well I've been keeping everything warm so let me plate some things up for us!" he said, walking into the kitchen.

My heart was heavy but my smile was genuine. Even if it might not last, we could at least enjoy the holidays.

A/N: Hey! Looking for a happy holiday story featuring Tommy and Eric? Then look no further than 12 Days of Kissmas, a book that comes out tomorrow in which Eric has exactly 12 days to make Tommy fall in love with him!

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