Bruce and Eric

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A/N: Requested by One_directioner4eva


I scanned the crowd like always, squinting through the bright stage lights. My fingers danced along the neck of my guitar as I ran through the songs like I had done so many nights before. It was basically second nature at this point, more instinct than anything else. It was fun being in the band. Gene, Paul and Peter were all great and we all meshed well, but there was still something that was always missing.

It was like a hole in my heart, just the same, aching emptiness as always, since I was still searching for my soulmate. I'd know them when I saw them, the issue was just finding them. So like always, I scanned the crowd, hoping desperately I'd find them one night. My eyes roved almost hungrily over the faces of the people before I felt my heart skip a beat and my jaw drop as I locked eyes with a man in the front row.

He was staring at me curiously, lost in the music, and gave me a smile. I drew to a halt, forgetting about pacing around the stage in favor of just staring at him, too stunned to even smile back. I would've forgotten to play guitar if it hadn't become instinct. My skin grew even colder than usual, hair on the back of my neck standing up as we just kept staring at each other. Gene walked over, playing his bass, and nudged me in the ribs. "Bruce! Snap out of it man, we're performing!" he hissed.

I jumped, pulled out of my trance, and reluctantly looked away, walking past Gene. "I found h--" "We know. We'll bring him backstage," Gene murmured. "Just focus on the show for now." Right, the show. The least of my worries, now that I had potentially found the love of my life, the one who I was destined to spend the rest of my eternal days with.


After a really weird staring contest with the lead guitarist Bruce that had only ended when Gene walked between us, a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I whirled around to find a roadie giving me a grin. "You're in luck, Bruce wants to see you after the show! Just stay here and we'll have someone bring you backstage." "Oh! Uh, alright sure! Do you know why?" I asked, struggling to make myself heard over the music. He shook his head before walking off, leaving me alone and incredibly curious as to what was going on.

The curtain dropped after another hour and I waited up front as the rest of the crowd filed out of the arena. Finally, the same roadie walked back over, motioning for me to follow him. Baffled, I nonetheless trailed after him, stepping into the dressing room he pointed at. "Bruce will join you in a second," he said, walking off before I had the chance to ask him any of the countless questions that were running through my mind.

The door swung open after a minute or so passed and Bruce walked in, giving me a very excited smile. "Oh this is perfect, this is fantastic!" he said breathlessly, before shaking his head. "Shit, where are my manners? I'm Bruce Kulick," he said, holding out his hand. Squinting at him, I shook it hesitantly. "Eric Carr. Nice to meet you," I said slowly. ", I like that name," he said, half to himself, as he licked his lips absentmindedly. "So...why did you want to see me?" I asked.

He took a deep breath, going right back to smiling. "You're my soulmate, we're meant to be together." I took a step back, shaking my head. "We just met thirty seconds ago." "I know, I know, Eric I know this is really sudden but we're made for each other! I can tell, I have an instinct, all of my kind do, we all know once we make eye contact with our mate!"

"Kind? What the hell are you talking about?!" I cried. Bruce took a deep breath, gently taking my hands. "Vampires, Eric. I'm a vampire," he murmured, giving me a soft smile, and for the first time I noticed the fangs peeking over his lower lip. My heart stopped and I shook my head. "N-no," I choked. He nodded, eyes sparkling. "I know it's a lot and I'm sorry it's so sudden, I'm just so excited to finally meet you! I've been waiting for you for so long."

I ripped my hands free, turning and bolting out of the dressing room. "Eric, wait!" I didn't wait, I didn't stop, I just ran down the halls backstage, following the exit sign before I burst out a set of double doors and into the cool night air. "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck," I whispered, sprinting down the sidewalk before ducking into an alley a block away from the arena. Heart hammering against my ribs, I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath. A soft hand came to rest on my shoulder and I screamed, shoving Bruce away and trying to run off before tripping over my own feet and smashing my face against the ground.

A cool breeze ruffled my hair and I sat up, looking around in confusion at the soft bed I was laying on. Everything came crashing back and I jumped to my feet, running for the door. I pulled it open and fell back in horror as Bruce gave me a small smile. "Stay away from me!" I shouted, scrambling away from him. "Eric, it's alright. Just calm down, let me talk to you," he said gently, pulling me to my feet. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I just want to talk." "Not going to hurt me?! You kidnapped me and took me to your house!" I cried. "Please, please just calm down. You passed out, I had to bring you somewhere. Please, just trust me," he said, giving me a pleading look.

Heart still racing, I nevertheless nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. He sat next to me, eyes almost sad. "I know it's a lot for you and I know it's confusing, but please, just give me a chance to explain." I nodded again, staring at him with wide eyes. "Look, I don't know why we're like this, but we all just have a single person we're meant to be with, a mate, and we know them when we see them. The instant we locked eyes at the show, I knew that you and I were meant for each other."

My heartbeat slowly started to return to normal as we talked about everything that had happened and everything that would maybe happen next. As he talked, I felt myself starting to relax, starting to be happy in his company. I zoned out, focusing on examining every inch of his face instead of listening to what he was saying.

"So you know, I'd have to uh...well, turn you, I guess is the phrase. Into a vampire, I mean."

That snapped me back to reality and I stared at him in surprise. "Really? Are the rest of them, Paul and Gene and Peter I mean, are they also vampires?" Bruce nodded, and I frowned, mulling it over. "Does it hurt?" I asked after a pause. He winced. "A bit, yeah. Not for long though. But in the end I'm not going to force you to do anything. It wouldn't be love if you were trapped in a relationship with me, and I'd rather be alone than keep you here against your will."

I nodded, giving him a smile before picking up his hand and giving it a squeeze. "I'm down," I murmured. His face absolutely lit up and he gave me a huge smile. "Really?!" he cried, and I nodded again. "Yeah, really. We got off to a rocky start but I like you Bruce, I really do. So do whatever you have to do," I said.

Bruce ran a hand through my hair, brushing it away from my neck and tucking it behind my ear. I closed my eyes, catching my breath and waiting. He kissed me softly before his lips moved to my neck. There was a sharp, burning pain and I let out a gasp in spite of myself, eyes flying open. A hot sensation spread through me and my mouth felt dry. Bruce pulled away, wiping some blood off his chin with the back of his hand, giving me a worried look. "You feel okay?"

I couldn't answer his question. My heart had gone right back up to a million beats a minute and I was staring at him, stunned, as the hair on the back of my neck stood up and my skin grew cold. In a daze, I gently reached out a hand, resting it on his cheek before slowly moving my hand down his face to his chest. He gave me another smile and I leaned forward and kissed him.

He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me. We went at it for awhile before his phone started to ring and he reluctantly pulled away. "Sorry, it's Gene, I should probably take it," he said, answering the call. "Hey what's up?" he asked. "Yeah! Yeah no it all went well. I think we'll be really happy together," he said, giving me a smile, and I nodded, returning his grin. As Gene said something else his smile vanished. "You're serious? Damn. Did you try to convince him to stay? Well, what about Singer? Oh...he's busy with Tommy? Damn. Well, we'll figure it out, don't worry! I gotta go, I'll catch you later," he said, hanging up and letting out a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked, leaning against him. "Peter quit the band. He said he's going off to find his mate now, he's jealous of the fact that Gene and Paul and I have all found our happy endings." I gave him a cheeky grin, leaning against him. "Well, lucky for you I know how to play the drums and can fill in for as long as you need." His eyebrows shot up and he gave me a look. "Seriously?!" "Seriously." He let out a laugh, scooping me into a warm embrace. "Oh man Eric I love you!"

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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