Tommy and Peter

218 7 3

Requested by aerogurl18 ! Sorry this took so long!

I let out a sigh, stirring my straw through my drink and staring miserably at the ice cubes as they drifted through the soda. "What's up?" Eric asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged, finally looking up from my Pepsi. "I dunno. Just kind of sucks having to help Peter with his parts for the reunion tour," I said. "Oh yeah, how's that been?" Eric asked, taking a bite of his dinner. I grimaced, taking a sip. "It's been a disaster," I said. "They're both so rusty, it's been ages since they've played Kiss stuff and they've just...forgotten it, to be honest. And it's been a pain to teach them because neither of them like me and Peter especially seems to hate me," I grumbled.

It hurt the most knowing that Peter hated me. Sure it stung a bit that my childhood guitar hero was less than fond of me, but I wasn't head over heels in love with Ace. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same about Peter. Sure he was a bit of a handful, but I couldn't help myself. His soft brown eyes and his warm smile that was never directed at me always captured my heart in an instant. So of course every time I met up to help him rehearse my heart ended up as a melted puddle in my chest and I was left fumbling for my words, a flustered mess in front of him and his cold gaze. Every sharp word from him cut deep and left me almost hating myself for loving him, but I couldn't stop if I tried.

Eric's eyebrow arched higher. "Oh? Why does he hate you the most?" he asked. "I don't know! I don't fucking know!" I snapped. "It's not like he knows--" I caught myself, biting my tongue before I blurted out what I was feeling, but Eric knew me too well and raised a second eyebrow. "Knows what?" "Nothing," I said defensively. "Tommy, you wouldn't happen to have fallen in love with another member of the band you're supposed to be tour manager for, would you?" he asked pointedly.

My face went bright red and I stared at the table. "Um..." "Tommy." "Look, I just...he's nice. He's a nice guy to everyone else, at least. And he's cute too," I mumbled. Eric let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Well, I guess it's better than you loving Gene," he mused. "Hey! Shut up!" I snapped, going even redder. He grinned, rolling his eyes. "Oh come on, you know I'm just teasing you. But I dunno, if Peter hates you probably just keep your distance. If he doesn't though, might as well shoot your shot. Worst case scenario, you get rejected."

"No, worst case scenario he pitches a fit and gets me kicked out of the band. He hates me, it's whatever. I'll just keep my mouth shut and make sure he knows how to drum." "I don't get why you're teaching him his parts. I'm the drummer," Eric grumbled. I rolled my eyes, glancing at the clock on the wall. "I'm teaching him because I play lead and he plays drums while we rehearse. Speaking of, I gotta go. He won't be happy if I'm late," I said, rising to my feet. "Oh, so you're just skipping on the bill?" Eric teased. "Just get a receipt, I'll pay you back. Catch you later," I said, ruffling his hair and walking out of the restaurant.

I wasn't exactly excited as I drove to Peter's place, and spent most of the time prepping myself for another afternoon of sharp remarks and cold shoulders. I looked at my watch, rolling my eyes. Ten minutes late, great. Another thing for him to hate me for. Shaking my head, I walked up the steps, ringing the doorbell. There was a pause before Peter yanked open the door, already scowling. "You're late. Where were you?" he snapped.

"I was out to lunch with Eric. Lost track of time," I said, stepping inside. Something flashed in his eyes and his scowl wavered for a moment before he shook his head, turning and stalking off to the practice room. I trailed after him, picking up my guitar that I had left at his place last time, tuning it a bit before I was satisfied. Finally, I turned to Peter. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded, not bothering to even make eye contact with me. Rolling my eyes and sighing internally, I jumped into a song. He picked up after a second, doing surprisingly well seeing as how the last practices had gone.

"You're playing too fast," he snapped abruptly. I jumped, face burning as I realized he was right. "Sorry," I said, slowing down. We kept playing before he stopped, rising to his feet. "I'm going to get a drink," he said. "I need one to keep dealing with this," he added under his breath, loud enough for me to hear. I sighed, strumming my guitar absentmindedly as he walked out of the room. A few minutes later, he was back, taking a sip of beer and sitting behind his drumkit. "So why were you late?" he asked.

"I was out to lunch with Eric, I told you that," I said sharply. "You're always out with Eric," he snapped back. "You're supposed to be helping me." "Well guess what asshole, I've got my own life! Sorry I can't just drop everything to help you relearn the songs that you forgot since you haven't played shit in years!" I shouted, all my frustration and hurt at the fact he didn't love me the way I loved him. Hell, he didn't even like me.

"Well it's not my fault! I didn't exactly ask for this arrangement! I'm just trying to make sure I can play well enough for this stupid tour!" he shouted back. We were both on our feet at this point, scowling at each other. "Then why don't you actually practice more?! You don't need me here all the time while you practice!" "Well I want you here!"

There was a long pause as we stared at each other, chests heaving, before he let out a sigh, setting down his drumsticks. "Sorry. I just...I like you, Tom." I blinked, staring at him in confusion. "You...what?" "I like you," he repeated. "Well it sure doesn't seem that way," I grumbled. "But I like you too." He winced. "Yeah. Sorry about that." There was a pause before he rose to his feet, walking over to me. "I know we've started things off on the wrong foot, which is my fault. But would you want to grab dinner tonight after we run through a few more songs?" he asked.

"Dinner?" I asked, and he nodded. "A dinner date, if you're willing to give me a second chance," he said, face going red. It didn't quite click what he meant so I just nodded. "Sure, that would be nice." He gave me a relieved smile. "Oh okay perfect! It'll be nice. And sorry I've been rude to you, you just kept going out with Eric and I thought you were a thing so I got jealous and I mean even on top of that I didn't really want to admit I felt like that about you at first," he said in a rush, and all of a sudden the pieces fell into place.

"Oh! Oh mean like a date date!" I cried. He jumped, face going red. "Y-yeah, I thought....I thought you meant that too," he choked, looking at me in panic. I gave him a smile, reaching out and taking his hand. "I didn't mean it like that at first but I would love to go on an actual date with you. I've had a crush on you for awhile," I murmured. A look of relief spread through his eyes and he returned my smile, picking up my other hand. "Sorry I've been such a bitch. Not sure how you ended up with a crush on me, but damn I'm glad you did," he murmured, leaning forward and kissing me.

I happily kissed him back, giving his hands a squeeze. "I'm glad I did too. Now shall we get back to work for another hour or so?" I asked. He kissed me again before letting go of my hands and heading back to his drumkit. "That sounds like a plan," he said, giving me a warm smile. Heart fluttering, I picked up my guitar. "Then let's get to it," I said, already thrilled at the prospect of dinner tonight.

A/N: Requests are closed, I just needed to get the last few done before I go back on a hiatus for writing. I'll be back in February with a sequel to my 12 Days of Kissmas Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer story, so I'll see you then!

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