Paul and Gene

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A/N: This is a what-if thing from the Kiss high school book thing!! I basically took chapter 110 and gave it a happy ending lol

After barely fighting back the urge to punch Peter in the face myself, I walked toward the office, leaning against the wall and praying desperately that Gene wouldn't get suspended. Because if he got suspended, that was it. That was game over for high school and probably for college too.

I stood waiting by the front office for forever until Gene finally stepped outside, face burning a deep crimson. "So what happened? Everything okay?" I asked, falling into step beside him as he walked away. Scowling, he shook his head. "I got a detention for 'verbally assaulting him' and Peter got jack because of course Blackwell didn't see that part. I mean sure I could've told him Peter was high and that if he tested him he'd see that, but I didn't to do that to him," he growled.

I patted him on the shoulder with a sigh. "Hey, it's fine, it's better than a suspension. You don't have to report detentions to Stanford. Now come on, you've got dirt and stuff on your face, I'll go help you get it cleaned up." He cracked a faint smile, walking with me to the bathroom. I stood leaning against the cold tile wall as he turned on the sink and started to scrub his face. He paused for a moment, gripping the edges of the sink until his knuckles went white, face burning. "Aw, fuck!" he spat.

"You alright?" I asked gently, taking a step toward him.

Gene took a deep, shaking breath, scowling. "I just threw away a perfect record for a drug-addled slacker who...who called my mom a whore! She's--she's not! She doesn't do that, that's not why I'm here!" he shouted, fighting back tears.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. Peter's know. He's struggling a bit. And it's one detention, it's not going to keep you from getting into college. And, and besides, the people who heard what he said know it isn't true," I said, reaching around him to shut off the sink. "We know you earned your place here." He gave me a grateful smile. "Thanks, Paul," he mumbled.

"You'll be fine man, don't even worry about it. We should probably go to class though, I'm pretty sure I heard the bell ring," I said, returning his crooked grin. He picked up his backpack and clapped me on the shoulder, eyes shining. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I stared into those warm brown eyes, heart in my throat, and realized that I couldn't do it anymore and I had to try, no matter what happened. So without really thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him.

All I wanted was to be able to melt into his arms, to have the kiss returned, to have him tell me he loved me, just anything to show he felt the same way about me as I did about him. But instead, he shoved me away, stepping back and staring at me in confusion. "W-what? Paul, what are you..." he whispered, taking another step back.

I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair and shrugging. "Gene I...I love you, alright? I've loved you for a long time. Since freshman year. And I can't take not knowing anymore so I just wanted to--"

He cut me off by pushing me against the bathroom wall, pressing up against me and kissing me. My eyes widened in shock before I closed them, letting everything else fade away except for him and the kiss we were locked in.

At last we broke apart, both of us staring at each other, faces equally red. "Oh...oh," I murmured after a pause. Gene nodded, kissing me again. "Mhm. Mhm." I ran a hand through his hair, tucking a strand behind his ear and getting lost in his eyes. "So then you love me too?"

"No Paul, I just made out with you platonically," he said in a flat voice, raising an eyebrow. "Okay you know what shut up! I just wanted to make sure I guess, damn!" He laughed, a really fucking adorable sound, and leaned on the wall next to me, eyes shining. "But yes, I do love you. You've got me beat though, I only fell for you this year. Freshman year, damn. Too bad you didn't tell me earlier this year, we could've been dating since January."

I smiled, pulling him into another kiss. We stood making out for awhile, with me pressed against the wall and him pressed against me. The bell rang and he tried to pull away from the kiss, but I wove a hand through his hair and held him in it. "Paul the bell-" he murmured, but I shook my head, still kissing him. "Fuck the bell, man."

With a laugh, he pushed me away. "I love you to pieces but I'm not going to be tardy. I just got a detention, alright? I'm in enough trouble with school and eventually my mom." I sighed, giving him one last kiss before scooping up my bag. "Okay, okay, fine. But...after school, do you come back to my place?" I asked slowly.

"Your parents home?" he asked after a pause, and I shook my head. His face lit up and he gave me a huge smile. "Mm, perfect. Then yeah, I'll be there. But seriously, I need to get to class. And you do too. Love you man, I'll catch you after school," he said with a grin. My heart melted and I nodded, following him out of the bathroom and heading to class.

The house was empty like always and for once I was glad. I ran up the stairs, waiting for Gene to tell me he had gotten to my place. Heart pounding, I walked around my room, running a hand through my hair, so excited I was shaking. He actually loved me, he actually loved me back, we had kissed and everything. I had kissed him and he had kissed me back, he hadn't told he wasn't gay and didn't love me like that or anything.

The doorbell rang and I jumped, huge smile splitting my face and running back downstairs, pulling open the front door. Gene walked in before I could even say anything, closing the door behind him and immediately kissing me. We stumbled over to the couch, making out passionately.

Chest heaving, I sat back, giving him a smile. "January, huh? What happened in January that made you fall in love with me?" I asked. He gave me a sheepish smile, slipping an arm around my waist. "When you picked me up off the bridge when I had gotten drunk and took care of me despite how much of a bitch I had been," he murmured, before leaning forward and gently kissing me again.

A/N: If you have any suggestions for one-shots you want to see let me know!!

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