Paul and Ace

337 15 7

A/N: Still working on requests I promise! Also I wrote this because I really wish it was wintertime lol

Shivering, I walked down the sidewalk, pulling my jacket tighter around myself and kicking the snow as I walked. It had just snowed another foot last night and some of the sidewalks had yet to be completely cleared, meaning it was a bit of a struggle to walk. But I needed Gene's help and the last thing I wanted to do right now was drive. Stuffing my hands deeper into my pockets, I walked a little quicker, desperate to get to his house before my fingers went completely numb. Finally I stumbled up the front steps to his house, ringing the doorbell.

There was a pause before Shannon pulled open the door, giving me a warn smile. "Oh, hey Paul! What can I do for you today?" "Hey Shannon, is Gene home?" I asked, still shivering. "Oh yeah, he's out in the backyard with Nick, you're welcome to just go ahead out there!" she said cheerfully, pulling open the door wider and ushering me inside. "Thanks!" I said, kicking the snow off my boots and walking through the house, pushing open the back door and regrettably going from the warm inside to the frigid outside.

Gene was kneeling in the snow, building a snowman while Nick did his best to help. "Daddy look!" he said, holding up a tiny little snowman he had thrown together. "Mhm good job buddy!" Gene said, giving Nick a smile as his small snowman toppled over in his hands. "Aw it broke," he said sadly. Laughing, Gene picked up the pieces of Nick's snowman, sticking them back together and handing them to his son. "There you go! All better." "Thanks Daddy!" Nick said eagerly, before looking over and spotting me. "Uncle Paul!" he squealed, dropping his snowman in favor of running over to me.

With a smile, I scooped him up into a hug. "Hey Nick! Enjoying the snow?" "Yeah! It's really fun an' Momma always makes me hot chocolate after I come inside!" he said, kicking his legs excitedly. Smiling, I patted him on the head, setting him back down. "Well that does sound like fun! You mind if I borrow your dad for a second? I need to talk to him real quick." "Alright Nick, how about you keep working on our snowman while I talk with your uncle, alright?" Gene said. "We still need to make the head!" "Okay!" Nick said, giving Gene's legs a quick hug before running off to try and roll together a head for the snowman.

Smiling fondly at his son, Gene shook his head before turning to me, raising an eyebrow. "So what's up?" "Um...I need your help with something," I said sheepishly. His eyebrow arched higher. "Oh yeah? What's that?" I let out a sigh, breath frosting in the hair. "Uhm Idunnohowtoaskaceonadate," I mumbled in a rush. "Oh I'm sorry what was that?" he teased, smirking. I rolled my eyes, kicking some snow at him. "Shut up you know what I said." "You better say it again though so I know I didn't mishear it." "I said I don't know how to ask Ace on a date!" I hissed.

"Oh well that's easy! Just take him out to a bar for drinks, you know damn well he'll say yes to that." "Well yeah I know but I just...I want him to know that I want it to be a date, you know?!" I cried. Gene nodded slowly, lips pursed into a frown. "Right, right. Hm. Well, I'm a good 99% sure that he likes you just based on what he's said to me while he's drunk. So honestly man just call him up and ask him out, it should be--" "Daaaaad I messed it up!" Nick wailed, cutting him off. Gene smiled, looking at the now toppled snowman. "Give me one sec buddy and I'll help you fix it, alright?" he called, before turning back to me. "Seriously, he loves you. Just go for it, it'll be fine!"

Grinning, I clapped him on the shoulder. "Thanks man, you're a lifesaver. Now I'll get out of your hair so you can spend time with your son. Bye Nick!" "Bye Uncle Paul!" he said, giving me a wave which I happily returned before heading back to my place.

Despite Gene's reassurances, I was still freaking out as I stood in front of the phone, staring down at it. "Alright Paul. You can do this," I said, taking a deep breath and dialing Ace's number. It rang for a few seconds before he picked up. "Hello?" "Hey Ace! Hey um...look I'm gonna cut to the chase, you wanna go on a date with me tonight? I was thinking maybe like we could uh...go to the bar, grab a couple drinks?" I asked, hands shaking. "Aw no Paulie it's way too cold to go anywhere! Why don't you just come over to my house and I'll make us some cocktails!" he said eagerly.

Heart racing, I felt a huge smile spreading across my face. "Oh, y-yeah! Yeah, perfect! What uh...what time do you want me to come over?" I asked. "Give me like an hour to get the place cleaned up, I'll see you at like 8, does that work?" "Works perfectly. See you then!" I said, hanging up and punching the air triumphantly. "Aw, yes! Hell yeah!" I cried. The hour passed in almost no time at all and after I had gotten dressed in something a little nicer I very carefully drove to Ace's house, hoping desperately the roads weren't too icy.

I rang the doorbell, shivering just from walking ten feet up to his front door. The door opened right away and Ace gave me a huge smile, dressed in a warm sweater that looked absolutely adorable on him. "Paulie!" he cried, wrapping me in a hug. "Hi Ace!" I said, returning the hug. "Come inside, get out of the cold!" he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me inside. "Here, come and sit in front of the fire! Let me get you a drink. What kind of cocktails do you like? Ooh wait no don't tell me! Lemme surprise you," he said, sitting me on the couch in front of the fireplace.

Heart melting, I sat on the couch, warming myself next to the fire. A few minutes later, Ace walked back into the living room, handing me a glass. "Here! It's a hot toddy and it's a stupid name but I promise it's delicious! And it's warm which is perfect because it's cold outside," he said, sitting next to me. Smiling, I took a sip, feeling warm spiced alcohol spreading through my chest. "Ooh, it is good! Damn, this is delicious," I said. Face a happy pink, he took a sip of his own drink. "Hey, I like alcohol, makes sense I'd learn how to make some good drinks with it. Anyway! Uh...when you said that like you wanted to go on a date, what exactly...did you mean by that?" he asked slowly, giving me a shy smile.

Grinning, I slipped an arm around his waist, pulling him against my side. "You're a smart man, I'm sure you can figure it out," I said with a wink. "You know, I think I have an idea," he murmured, leaning over and giving me a kiss.

A/N: The drawing came first I'm ngl

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A/N: The drawing came first I'm ngl

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