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Sophia's POV

"I miss my mum already." I sighed, ringing rain water out of my hair. I was going to call one of the boys to come and get us, but decided we would just wander around London for awhile. I bet Mina was losing her absolute shit looking for us, considering it was the last day of rehearsals before our first concert tomorrow.

Ashton shook his hair back and forth like a dog, before running his fingers through it.

"Tour will be over before you know it." Ashton assures me, his black Vans making annoying squishing sounds as we wandered the streets. People definitely recognized us, but nobody approached us for pictures yet.

"I have my Heartache Tour coming up in five months." I sighed, dragging my hands down my face. I saw Ashton flash me beautifully dimpled smile.

"What?" I arched my eyebrows, looking at him.

"I'm proud of you." He softly said, bumping his shoulder with mine. I pulled the hair tie off of my wrist, and tossed my hair into a messy bun.

"You deserve it."

"Well what about you? You don't think you deserve it?" I flipped the conversation back to him. He exhaled slowly, and pushed his mop of waves off of his forehead to expose sparkling jade eyes.

"I didn't say that. Its just surreal I guess." He rubbed his palms together, glancing over at me.

"Two years ago we were just a bunch of losers nobody liked." I looked over at him, my eyes narrowing.

"I liked you." I quietly replied. I see the ends of his mouth curve into a little smile.

"I know." Ash said, smiling at me before he swung his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me closer to him. Its so crazy, I wanted to kill him not even a day ago.

"How are we gonna explain this to Mina?" I laughed, wrapping my arm around his long torso. Ashton wasn't as tall as Luke, but he still towered over me.

"Very carefully." Ashton laughed. It felt so nice. Like how we used to be. We used to just talk and laugh all of the time. I've missed it.

"Do you wanna call someone to get us? We have rehearsal in an hour." I sighed, but nodded anyways. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket, surprised it still worked from the drenching I endured. I scrolled through my contacts, and pulled up Calum's number. I didn't want to call Luke, he would throw a massive fit and I would have a lot of explaining to do.

"Sophia? Hello?" Cal's voice rushed into the reciever, sounding relieved.

"Yeah its me. Can you come pick Ash and I up? We're on the corner of Easton Boulevard, and Main. By the Starbucks." My shoe lightly kicked Ashton's whenever I saw him mocking me with his hand on his hip. What a little shit.

"Of course." Calum said. I heard shuffling on the other line, and the jingling of car keys. "Luke is worried about you." I sighed, looking up at Ashton who was looking down at his cell phone.

"Could you do me a favor and not tell him you're picking me up? I don't feel like having this conversation with him." This must've caught Ashton's attention, because his head perked up, a deep scowl set on his handsome face.

"Sure thing. I'll be there soon." I hung up after that, looking up to see Ash looking at me.

"You good?" He asked me. I just nodded, and started to walk towards Starbucks.

"Aren't we supposed to wait on Calum?''

"We have twenty minutes plus an extra ten whenever he gets lost." I laughed, pulling on his arm. I started to drag him inside the small coffee shop.

"You are a little shit." He mused, laughing.

a/n: eep. this was a filler my bad. But omg Sashton. so fucking cute akdjdbslvsk.

Aria's out Cunts xx

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