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Ashton's POV

Should I have been mad Mina made Luke get all cozied up with Sophia at the fucking AMA's? Not really. But I was. I was so goddamned infuriated. Pure anger surged through me as I watched Sophia smile at Luke, weaving her arm around his bicep. It wasn't that I was jealous of Luke, because I wasn't. (Okay maybe a little). But I was angry that Mina had to put my best mate out of anyone else there, up to a dating scandal. People were going to go wild on Instagram and Twitter. Which also means even more hate for Luke, our band, and Sophia. I didn't like Sophia at all, but I wouldn't ever wish the power of the 5SOSfam on anyone. In a way, I felt bad for her. I always had even before her breakthrough in the music industry. But I genuinely felt bad because she would endure this alone. She did not have band mates to take the punches with her, or any traveling buddies. And surely her mother did not approve of her becoming famous. Sophia was alone, and I really did feel for her.

But that didn't ease the anger. I knock over the chair next to the mini flat screen me, Cal, and Mikey were currently watching before we went out, with an angry scream. I marched right towards that curtain and jerked it open, ready to pounce on Luke Robert Hemmings, when Calum grabs me by my shoulders, pulling me backward.

"Don't you even think about it Ash. Marching out there and making a scene isn't going to help us, or Sophia. Let it be. Please." Calum coolly says. Out of all of us boys, I would definitely go to Calum for advice, or just a good venting. He was super relaxed, and very good at listening. Plus he was not at all judgmental. But right now, his advice didn't mean shit to me.

"It might help if I give Luke a good punch directly in the damned face. That's not cool Calum." I growl, two strong fists curling at my sides.

"Why does it even matter to you what Luke and Sophia do? It isn't your business. What's the big deal Ashton?" Michael points out, seeming suspicious. Fuck. I really sounded defensive and protective. Didn't I? Slowly, I exhaled a ragged breath, allowing the fists to unhinge.

"Glad we're in agreement. Now scoot your asses. We're next." I see a smirk twitch at the corners of his lips before I give an annoyed 'pft' and stamp towards the curtain.

Sophia's POV

"You're so dead, Hemmings." I hiss, the moment we get inside the building the actual award show will be held in. It would begin in just a few minutes, and the other musical artists were packing in. I was supposed to meet Ed around here somewhere.

"I was just following orders. Now we have to sit together. With the boys too." Great. This whole thing was just bloody fantastic. Sorry, the Australian in me. I was beyond ready to kill at this point.

When I look down the seemingly endless rows of people I spot Mikey energetically waving his arms around in the air, beckoning us. I hear a girly giggle escape Luke as he puts his freakishly large hand on my back, leading me to those hellions. The seating went Calum, Michael, Ashton, Then Luke sat next to fucking Ashton, and I sat next to Luke like I was told. I hated being this close to Ashton. He made me so mad just looking at his damned face.

"You aren't even going to say hi?" I turn around in my seat to see a pouty faced Louis Tomlinson behind me, along with his band mates. It was just him and Niall at the moment, and I spare him a wave.

"Lou." I say in a cheery voice, wrenching out of my seat to give him a hug. He looked very dashing with his slicked back hair and crystal eyes. "Where is the rest of you Brits?"

"At the loo I'd assume. Oh, hello lads." Louis acknowledges the fucking four idiots beside me. I almost forgot, they went on tour together just this year, and last year actually. Ashton is the first to smile at all of them, just the indents of his dimples making the smile wipe off my face. I missed his smile. What the hell am I saying?

"Looking rather lovely, as always Miss Sophia Noelle." Niall sweetly says, giving me a small hug. I loved that thick irish accent. Niall always has had a little thing for me since I met him at Zayn and Perrie's house a couple years ago.

"Talking about me are we?" Liam pops up next to Niall. I send a smile his way.

"There's thirty seconds till show time Sophia. Sit the fuck down." Ashton hisses at me from his seat. I see Calum give him a look, as I glare at him, grumbling rainbow words as I sit.

"Didn't know you knew these boys." The handsome ginger none other than Ed Sheeran slides into the seat on my left. I can feel Ashton's stupid sparkling green eyes burning a whole directly through my head, but I turn to greet Ed anyways.

"Not by choice. Trust me." I sigh, trying to wrangle free of the hand clutching mine. Jesus christ Hemmings.

"Its part of it Sophia." Luke grumbles, just holding the hand tighter. God this is so annoying.

"I can see that." Ed chuckles lightly, turning to watch the show once the lights had dimmed. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ashton looking at me, and I felt Dave's presence nearby.
Well here goes nothing.


"And announcing our breakthrough artist of the year, recently came out with her new album Heartache On The Big Screen ft. Ed Sheeran, we give you Sophia Noelle!" Screams, lots of screams. I tried to smile as I swiftly glided across the stage, but it hurt. I definitely did not want to give Ashton and his stupid band that Moon man. But it was a little too late for that. I had already killed it singing my hit single Blank Space with Ed during the middle of the show, but this was the ultimate challenge. I was so pissed. As I reached the podium my eyes trailed over all the 5 Seconds Of Summer boys. Luke and Michael were grinning at me, Calum looked pretty happy, but still chill, and Ashton looked downright smug. He was so smirking directly at me. He was really amused.

"The breakthrough artist of the year is the artist that has overcome many challenges in this past year." I manually read my small ordered speech, trying my hardest not to leap off this stage and literally knock that look off his stupid face.

"They have evolved more than ever before, and will continue to grow. So with great respect, and honor, I present the breakthrough artist of the year award to," I give a dramatic pause ton open the little creme colored envelope. I think I'm going to vomit. "5 Seconds Of Summer!" Every one of them was up and out of their seat, hugging one another, and racing towards me. I felt even more sick as I grabbed the trophy in my hand. Calum came up first with Michael, then Ashton and Luke. Luke is the first to hug me, letting his lips brush the shell of my ear as he kissed the side of my face. A tradition all the males do to the female announcers. Calum hugged me next, then Mikey, then, Ashton and I connected gazes for a brief moment. No way in hell. He seemed to think the same thing, before he just nods briskly at me, snatching the Moon man from me, holding it out of in front of him. I moped towards them with the microphone, trying hard not to shout every bad word I know.

Ashton and Michael gave this little speech as Luke stood way too close to me. Ugh, Mina.

After wards, I practically ran off that stage to the back halls of the building, leading back to dressing rooms considering it was the last award. I made it there just before them, and when I see them rush down the concrete hall I about gag. About forty feet away from me, Ashton slightly holds out the Moon man and mouthes the words 'suck on this'. Oh hell fucking no. In the spur of the moment and out of pure anger, I stuck my foot out right infront of Ashton's path and tripped him. No like seriously, he face planted.

"What the hell!? SHE FUCKING TRIPPED ME." He furiously screams, glaring at me. All I could do was shrug my shoulders as I walked away, cracking up.


And well, that was that.

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