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Sophia's POV

"Bye Soph." Calum sweetly says, as he drove away. I waved at him, before turning around and heading towards the beach. I didn't want to go inside and be around my family, who I wouldn't get to see much longer. Mina flew in today to supervise our rehearsals for the next three days before we went to England. But I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

The Australian night was warm and breezy, making it just perfect. I wished I had more good memories here than bad. Because I miss the night beaches the most. My hair whipped all around my head, and I moved it out of my face, looking out at the ocean. The beach was deserted, only waves and night birds were sounding.

My mind wandered to Ashton. I had no idea how I was going to make it through the next two months with him. Sure there was Luke to keep me sane, Calum was great with advice, and Mikey was so much fun. But I felt completely lost on how to deal with Ashton. I had loved that boy. Did I still love him? I wasn't sure. I still got this weird feeling whenever he smiled, or laughed. It was weird, the way people made their marks on others. Ashton had surely made his mark on me. More like a scar. He had ruined my chances of ever finding love again. I was physically incapable of falling in love after Ashton. Plenty of guys had asked me and dates, and I had dated a little, but nothing special. Nothing like Ash. There was no way I was going to love someone only for them to stab me in the back. That's how it always ended. With scars. Love was a lie. Lies are like scars on your soul, they destroy you. And that's what Ashton did to me. He destroyed me in the most blissful yet worst way possible.

My mom told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings
My little butterfly,

I realized that was my phone ringing to the tune of Wings, by Little Mix. Speaking of Little Mix, I should probably text Perrie soon. I picked it up out of the sand, pressing it to my ear without checking the I.D. It was probably just my mother wondering where I was.


"Sophia. Oh thank goodness." I hear a rushed voice say. It sounds like Ashton's mother. There was a crashing sound in the background, and I flinched at the sound.

I perked up, giving her my full attention.

"Ashley? Is everything okay?" I say, shooting up to my feet whenever I heard loud curse words being shouted in the background. It was clear to me that it was Ashton, and something was definitely wrong.

"Actually no. Ashton is having a small-key word small-freak out upstairs. He keeps yelling your name and there are liquor bottles everywhere." She sounded worried as another word was screamed. It sounded like my name. I started to rush out onto the street, running across it. I had learned Luke only lived a few blocks down, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind driving me to Ashton's.

"I'll be right there." I promised, hanging up. I could probably run to Ashton's house too, but I need to get there before he hurts someone or himself.

I sprint up the steps of Luke's house, banging on the door. It occurred to me its eleven at night and his mother was probably asleep, but it was too late now.

After about minute, nobody comes.

"Shit shit shit!" I screamed, running down the sidewalk in the direction of Ashton's house. I'm not equipped for all this running. I sprinted down the walkway, running out of breath, but not stopping. I had to find out what's going on. I hoped for my sake, and Ashton's especially that Lauren and Harry weren't there to witness Ash's total breakdown.

His house quickly came into view, and I ran up to it, banging on the door.

Within seconds, Harry opened the door, with a frightened expression on his face. Behind him was Lauren, and she was crying.

"Ashton is going crazy." Harry softly spoke, not seeming too freaked out. He was pretty blunt, so I followed him into the kitchen, where his mother was standing and cleaning up glass plate shards.

"Oh thank goodness. As you can see something is wrong with-" A shattering sound, followed by a scream. I saw Harry flinch as he hugged his crying older sister.

"I just don't know what to do." Ashley looked on the verge of tears herself.

"Its okay. I got this." I exhaled, slowly scaling the stairs to Ashton's room, following more crashing sounds. The door was cracked, and I pushed it open fully, revealing Ashton and all his glory. In the midst of shattered wine and liquor bottle stood Ashton, with an angry expression and a heaving chest. He looked up immediately when I walked in.

"Leave." He puffed forcefully, before throwing another bottle at the wall. It shattered with an awful sound before he went for another one. He drank all those bottles of liquor. I grabbed his arm when he went to throw it, stopping him. He looked down at me, his jade eyes wild.

"Let go now Sophia."

"What is the matter with you?!" I shouted at Ashton, making him just grunt. "You're acting crazy. What's gotten into you Ashton?"

"I heard you." His voice was angry again, almost at a screech like he was scolding a teenage girl. "Talking about me to Calum. He buttdialed me. And I heard it all." I didn't see the problem. Ash wobbled slightly, looking pale as if he was going to pass out. I sighed, walking him over to his bed, letting him flop down onto it. I pulled the blanket his grandmother made for him up to his chin, brushing his hair out of his face.

"We'll talk about this when you're sober Ash. Please, you're scaring Harry and Lauren. Just sleep." I sighed softly, continuing to comb my fingers on through his delicate waves of hair. Ashton's eyebrows furrowed, before shutting his eyes.

"Sophia? Remember when you asked me what the best day of my life was?" He whined.


"Remember the first day I met you and you fell into me at school?" He sleeply asks. I can't believe he remembered that.

"Of course. Why?"

"That was the best day of my life." It was like instantly he fell asleep, leaving me drowning in confusing thoughts. He really did know how to draw someone back in despite what he's done.

I sighed frustratedly, dragging my fingers through my brown hair. I also began to pick up large shards of glass scattered by the wall, putting them in his waste bin. I had nothing better to do.

"Oh my god..." I gasped whenever I picked up what I thought was crumbled paper. It wasn't. It was Ashton's favorite picture of him and myself. It was water damaged so bad now that I could barely make out the faces. He must've spilled vodka on it. That's what it smelled like. The pieces of the clear glass frame were scattered around it, along with a cute silver picture frame he mananged to snap directly in half.

I cluched the paper tightly in my hand, sobbing as my tears soiled it even more. I loved that picture, and I'm pretty sure I didn't have a copy of it. I cant believe he did this to it. I wasn't angry, I was so fucking sad. I would've taken the picture if he didn't want it. But in reality, that probably would be worse. I felt absolutely crushed. Like my last shred of hope had been shattered and soiled much like this picture and frame. I had reached my breaking point, and it wasn't even tour time yet.

Ashton Fletcher Irwin had taken the worn, and broken pieces of my heart and smashed them under the soles of his black Doc Marten's.

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